
The Great Duke of Reinhart

When I opened my eyes, I didn't realize what was happening.

Blackbr · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The Great Duke of Reinhart Episode 1

-When I opened my eyes, I woke up somewhere else, I just slept last night, and when I woke up in the morning, I was here.Oh my head these memories

it's not mine, now I understand that this body is the memories of Grand Duke Cassian Reinhart, who himself lost his family at an early age, so

he got depressed and ate constantly, and he's become like this, he looks like a pig in this way, I'm disgusted when I look in the mirror.

-Young master, your breakfast is ready.

-I have no appetite, I won't eat, take it away!!

-Yes, sir.

-I need to get this body together first, it's going to be a little difficult, but it's time for a diet.

-The Duchy of Reinhart has been protecting the north from monster attacks for a thousand years, but recently the new Demon King was born, so the monster

attacks had increased, the north was not as strong as before, impoverished city, cold living conditions in the administration

the void had prepared the ground for the people to leave the city.

The northern territory was completely defenseless....

To be continued

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