
Chapter 1 Backstory of Nia

well how should I began this let's start by giving the background of our main character. Nia was born in the slums her family were poor but they always tried to give Nia whatever she asked when she was growing older she seen debt collectors one day. When she saw them she hid behind the door listening in on there conversation with her parents her parents were asking for more time.

The debt collectors said they have one more week or else they will get evicted her parents said thank you then the debt collectors left. Nia was stunned and sad because she had no clue her parents were struggling this much. A lot of guilt hit her her parents walked into the room Nia was in they saw her crying they immediately ran over to her asking Nia what's wrong Nia said " I feel bad because I'm taking more than we have" her parents said "it's ok we'll find a way to pay off the debt and get you what you want we promise".

she said "she'll help with the debt she'll find a way to earn money and help" her dad said "we can't leave that to you it's ok Nia we'll find a way to earn the money now it's getting late you should run to bed now I love you darling" Nia didn't want to go to sleep but she said "I love you to dad and ran to her room". Nia went to grab her book she was reading the story about a crime fighter named Luke Waters he was a detective in New York City he inspired Nia to become a detective when she's older. Nia fell asleep reading her book when she woke up she heard sirens outside when she fully woke up she saw the police was in her house a officer turned his head and saw Nia standing there. He pointed at her and asked her if she's the daughter of xxx and xxx from that day on she worked hard to find the killer of her parents.