
The Great Boxer System

His dad was a fighter, and did what he could to provide for their family by fighting in underground street fights, until he pissed enough people off that he got the higher ups attention and found himself shot in an alleyway coming home, now his son, Kai Andrews, 5 years after the incident has taken up boxing for himself, but by rigging fights, and this way he could provide for himself, because he was never good enough to be a serious contender, but after a turn of events leads to him acquiring new strength to possibly live up to a higher name then his father ever did, he attempts to climb his way through the underground, and even the major leagues to make a name for himself, as well as avenge his father by exacting revenge on those who led to his untimely death.

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As his body fell to the floor from the force behind the last punch he had taken to his jaw, he didn't want to fight anymore, he knew he should call it right there, his face was bloodied up, his nose may have been broken, he could only open one of his eyes, but still he slammed his gloves into the ground and made his way back to his feet, because that's what he did, that's what Lawson Andrews did no matter what, he had a son at home that he wasn't going to let down, no matter how much of a beating he had taken in this fight, he had to get back up for him, even if he didn't win this fight, he couldn't give up knowing he had more in the tank and didn't give it everything he had.

"6....7...8" said the ref, as he figured this fight was over, but looking over he saw Lawson was back up yet again, "bastard knows how to take a beating" he thought to himself, "you alright to keep fighting" he asked, and with a nod of his head he let the fight continue even though anyone who was watching could've figured it was over by now, but what most people who don't fight don't realize is a fight isn't over until it's over, and seemingly Lawson had a habit of proving that.

While he had a record of 17-9, at least half of those fights he was projected to lose, and he made it seem like he was going to lose time and time again, but every time it seemed like he was out for the count, he got right back up, and each time coming in stronger then the last, knowing he could not lose his fights, he needed the money, and he was willing to break every bit of his body and mind to get it, even against his opponent today, who the odds stood at 100-1 against him, it was Sam Underhill, who had a 29-2 record, and at the moment, as well as being undoubtably the best fighter in the underground leagues at the moment, looked as though he was on the road to being 30-2, as he had hardly taken many hits throughout the fight, while Lawson looked as though he had been bare knuckle boxing Muhammad Ali for 5 rounds, his face was unrecognizable at the moment from all the blood and cuts he had incurred during the fight.

But no matter to Lawson, because he had heart, and he wouldn't give up, so as the ref cleared them to fight again, he close the gap between the two not giving his opponent time to react, as he came in and landed a solid strike to Sam's jaw and followed up with an uppercut that clearly had rocked his opponent, and knowing it was a now or never situation as he may not get another opportunity to catch him dazed he sent out a right hook with all the energy he had left and with a solid strike right to the temple Sam had gone to the ground, his eyes were closed, and the ref had started the count, "1...2....3...." and seemingly everything in the room has just tuned out for Lawson, he didn't know how to feel, he was in shock, maybe disbelief, he couldn't describe the emotion, but next thing he knew he had snapped out of it to hear the ref one last time "10", and as he looked at Sam still knocked out, he realized he had done it, he won against all odds, and went to the center to get his hand raised.

Sam, having woken up now, had realized what happened, and in utter disbelief, he made his way to the center, unable to comprehend how he had lost, as he looked over to see Lawson getting his hand raised, it almost felt like a bad dream, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't wake up from it.

After the fight though Lawson made his way out of the ring and headed to the locker room, and he began to change out of his current attire, as well as taking off his gloves and hand wraps, he hadn't even bothered to get his face checked out yet, as his appearance wasn't his biggest priority right now, so he threw on his normal attire and was getting ready to make his way out when two men had come into the locker room and blocked the door making it so Lawson didn't have an exit.

"Can I help you?" Lawson asked, as he really wasn't in the mood for whatever these guys wanted, as he needed to get home to his son, when suddenly the two men started creeping towards him, and one of the men replied "well you see Lawson, you pissed a lot of people off with that fight tonight, wagers had it as an easy profit by betting on Sam tonight, and let's just say you cost some people a lot of money, and now you're going to come with us."

And with that one of the men tried to grab Lawson, but underestimating the man in front of him and how fast he was he soon found himself counting stars as he had received a quick hook to his jaw which had knocked him out quickly, and before his friend even had time to react to the situation he had felt the weight behind another punch from Lawson making contact with his nose, as he fell to the floor he yelled out "YOU BROKE MY NOSE YOU SON OF A...." and before he could finish his sentence he had received another punch which had knocked him out as well as his partner, and Lawson realizing the seriousness of the situation, grabbed his bag and ran out to his car which was parked in the parking lot before the two men could wake up, and starting driving back to his apartment.