
The Great Black King • Volume 1

She has fallen in love with a character from a book she has read a thousand times and after an incident, has awakened in her arms, but who knew that one's opinion could change so much upon seeing the actions of such a being up close. Even though she no longer sees him romantically, she wants to save him and his little son, she wants to give everyone a happy ending, but... what if they are right in the middle of THEIR happy ending? It should be okay, right? After all... This was never a story about King Callisto.

ElliotAvaritia · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter • 37

♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱

That plan wasn't bad, but it still depended on too much.

It depended on how much Callisto was willing to hide from Azrael, how things would go when they were with the saint and whether he had any strength in that world that would force the story back on track if Asra changed it too much.

"I know" Asmodeus said jumping on the bed "you're thinking too much! That's why your pretty little face is in this deplorable state."

I sighed.

"Really? Is that your focus?"

He nodded.

"Your beauty is always my focus, dear."

It was unbelievable, but the worst part was that I knew he wasn't lying. That was really Asmodeus' focus.

"I'm really thinking too much" I muttered "but that's because I intend to keep us alive in the midst of all this" I muttered "unlike a certain someone."

Asmodeus laughed.

"Look... dying wouldn't be such a bad idea, have you seen how much work I've been getting? It's almost an injury. It's too much work..." he whined "whenever that little turd of Calisto sees me, he gives me tons and tons of work, what's up? He put guards outside your room to watch you and every time he sees me coming in here he loses inches of dick? Is that why he hates me so much?

I had to contain the laughter, laugh at the nonsense that Asmodeus spoke was like giving him an endorsement to continue. He could curse and curse Callisto for hours. Long and long hours, but if my plan was really in action - and by heaven I expected it to be -, then we didn't have that much time."

We had minutes.

At most a few hours.

"We need something beyond Calisto's distrust," I said.

"I know! How dare he distrust me? I know I'm a slut and I've caught most of hell... if you kindly exclude humans, of course, but... you're my friend!" He seemed angry, as if that was enough for everyone to understand "friends are sacred! They're animal types! Would you happen to be able to fuck a bunny? I DON'T!"

Whenever Asmodeus opened his mouth, he offended 15 different ideologies and was able to make what my world called cancellation - totally coherent.

"I..." I opened my mouth, but honestly I didn't know whether to continue or not. It was Asmodeus, he would understand? " I should feel offended by being considered an animal or... forget it" I said and shook my head negatively "I wasn't talking about it, I was talking about Calisto's distrust around everyone but Loren."

Asmodeus snapped his tongue at the roof of his mouth.

"Do you think I care?" He was still angry with that situation "Calisto is paranoid, he would come to it alone, I think we should do something different if we really want to catch Azrael."

I stared.

He knew that Callisto would not come to distrust everyone, alone, he would distrust one person or another, but never Azrael, never the one he saw as a friend.

"Then how?" I grumbled, and hoped with all my heart that Asmodeus would say nothing like: seduce him.

But lucky for me, Asmodeus smiled, his conventional smile full of malice.

"Let him go on with his mediocre plans," he said

"How? But..." I couldn't talk.

How would you talk?

Asmodeus would not understand if I told him that Azrael's plan was to make Callisto fall in love with Elaine.

I bit my lip hard.

"Relax" Asmodeus said with one hand on my shoulder "we just need him to put it into practice, not that it works."

I sighed.

That was like saying, "we just need them to know each other, not fall in love".

But what guarantees that if they met, they wouldn't fall in love? Azrael had actually manipulated things so that they would fall in love, but that would not change the fact that Elaine and Callisto completed each other and that Elaine was actually someone similar to Loren's deceased mother, with the king's first love.

It was understandable that he fell in love, actually... was expected.

"What if something goes wrong?" I asked feeling my chest tighten. I wanted to save Calisto, I wanted everything to be different, even if he didn't like Asra, even if he didn't like me.

I wanted Loren and Calisto to have the ending they really deserved, a happy ending.

"Won't" Asmodeus said holding my hand between his "trust me, I would never lie to you, not to you."

I settled.

Asmodeus would never lie to Asra.

"Good... then how? When?" I asked and the blond demon just smiled, a smile from corner to corner on her rosy lips.

"Well... the sooner the better, right? When do you go to the village with the king?" he asked and I sighed.

"Tomorrow, he will go with me to understand well what is happening and also to understand that his men are not reliable, but will finding that they respond to Azrael be enough for him to distrust the commander?" I muttered and Asmodeus denied it with his head.

"It won't, Azrael will probably outsource the work and blame some random idiot, he is many things, but he is not stupid" Asmodeus admitted "To catch that little shit, we'll have to be a lot smarter than him, well... if you want to do the conventional way, if not... we can..." he smiled, a smile full of malice and debauchery.

"NO!" I hurried to say "no one will try to seduce or sleep with Azrael!"

"What?" Asmodeus looked at me perplexed "you thought I... I... I..." he turned his face looking hurt "thought I would try to seduce that thing??? I was talking about murder and torture, woman! what's your problem???"

That statement caught me by surprise and while Asmodeus had his fit of wounded pride, I felt my belly and stomach ache with laughter, because seeing the prince of lust angry at the idea of having to have sex with someone - it was comical.

Really comical.

Who could expect that? Who would think that Asmodeus would be so offended by something so silly? Well, in a way that made me feel guilty, maybe... the prince's fame wasn't so faithful.

Asmodeus still had something called: criteria and Azrael was not within them.

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