
The Great Black King • Volume 1

She has fallen in love with a character from a book she has read a thousand times and after an incident, has awakened in her arms, but who knew that one's opinion could change so much upon seeing the actions of such a being up close. Even though she no longer sees him romantically, she wants to save him and his little son, she wants to give everyone a happy ending, but... what if they are right in the middle of THEIR happy ending? It should be okay, right? After all... This was never a story about King Callisto.

ElliotAvaritia · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter • 32

♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱

"What's up?" The crimson eyes asked me as he lay in my bed "have you thought what we'll do?"

I raised one of my eyebrows.

"Shall we go?"

Asmodeus shot me with his eyes.

"Yes, we will or are you trying to shut me out just when it's about to get fun? I refuse! You even used my name on that... Thing to help people" he said and the disdain in his voice was too obvious. Too sharp.

It was good that we were dealing with treason, because if that were a problem to solve the unpopularity of Asmodeus - we would be completely fucked. And certainly not in the good way.

"So?" He raised one of his eyebrows, hoping I would answer him - because he wanted an answer and one that would please him.

I sighed.

I was scared to death of Asmodeus a few days ago, but now? I couldn't see that demon as anything but a little child who desperately needed attention.

The only problem was that I didn't have time to play house with Asmodeus and give him the attention he wanted. Not while I wasn't sure about Elaine and Azrael.

I needed something to confirm, but what?

I looked at Asmodeus from the corner.

"I don't know" I said, "We need to be sure and when we do, we need proof, but... how?"

Asmodeus opened a huge smile, his fangs were completely showing - like Alice's cat in one of those bizarre movies that gave me as much sleep as if it was possible - mostly for a movie with Johnny Depp in the cast.

"What?" I questioned with a mixture of curiosity and fear.

Asmodeus was scary when he had "ideas" and I remembered it perfectly - after all I read several of his ideas in practice, tormenting, torturing and causing Elaine the worst situations on her journey.

The childish and harmless demon in front of me was cruel to the protagonist as if she knew she would look good in the end, or as if she wished her death badly.

"She's here," he said, and as much as I could imagine, it still surprised me. Calisto had taken her willingly? But if that was the case... how had I not yet come across it?


He sighed.

"Hunf' should I really tell you? You wanted to keep me out of your plans until minutes ago" he said as he leaned his head against his forearms "why should I tell you?"

I took a deep breath. That was not a time to play who was right with the blonde demon and not to be as childish as him - but a part of me, a very large part -I wanted to kick Asmodeus' pretty face in the face while telling him all the thousands of reasons why he should tell me at once and stop being so spoiled.

There were lives at stake and even though it was just a novel, a book, I was there now and they had gone from characters - to real people.

I didn't want them to get hurt, I didn't want Callisto to suffer even more or Loren to pay for sins that didn't even understand the meaning.

Loren's curse had been injustice enough - he needed no more pain and agony. I didn't need more complicated situations and more arrests.

He was a baby, a little child who deserved to live a beautiful and joyful life. Being a hybrid should not be a crime and should not have been treated that way.

It was a mistake of an adult child and asshole, a cruel and full of himself God or if you prefer to call it that - a narcissistic father who does not accept the path that his daughter decides to take.

But I couldn't tell all these things to Asmodeus, I couldn't bring him to reality when he could barely keep the secret of Azrael being a possible traitor.

Asmodeus was unstable, fickle and dangerous. It was like electricity, so I would treat it as such and take care of every step I took, with every touch.


"Because you are the most beautiful and gentle demon in all hell, the most caring prince and also... my only and best friend?" I approached and sat on the bed next to you "you're the only one I can trust, pretty..."

He opened his mouth as if he was about to speak, but as fast as he did, he closed it.

"You're unfair, almost cruel" he grumbled "it's wrong to manipulate people like that, you might end up destroying their poor hearts."

"And would you call?" I smiled and he snitched.

"As long as it's not mine? Never."

"So tell me," I said caressing her face "where is Elaine?"

"Asmodeus shrugged" in the dungeon.

I blinked without understanding.


Elaine, the protagonist of this story, was trapped in the dungeon? It didn't make sense.


Asmodeus stared at me.

"She's the prisoner, it's obvious she's in the dungeon," he said as if I was being ridiculous in questioning, but the truth that Asmodeus didn't know was that it made no sense.

Elaine hadn't even spent two days in the palace dungeon. Azrael had gotten her a room in the novel and soon the king found her, so why did they throw her in the dungeon this time?

"I... thought I heard Callisto say that Azrael had taken her to one of the palace's spare rooms" I lied and Asmodeus practically laughed.

"Palace? The only time she came out of the dungeon was when the fallen tried to take her to the king, but Loren then fled and he threw her back and almost punished the fallen for the slip of taking the prisoner without warning him."

Those words hit me like a punch in the stomach.

It was the day that Loren had met me in the garden, it was that day that Elaine would go to Callisto and all that time I thought she was in the palace - but she was in the dungeon.

How painful was it for her?

I sighed.

It didn't matter, it wasn't time to play the good samaritan, it was time for everyone to deal with their own pain and choices and Elaine's would always be their God, so with her - I shouldn't have mercy. Since your God didn't even have a sweet child.

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