
The Great Black King • Volume 1

She has fallen in love with a character from a book she has read a thousand times and after an incident, has awakened in her arms, but who knew that one's opinion could change so much upon seeing the actions of such a being up close. Even though she no longer sees him romantically, she wants to save him and his little son, she wants to give everyone a happy ending, but... what if they are right in the middle of THEIR happy ending? It should be okay, right? After all... This was never a story about King Callisto.

ElliotAvaritia · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter • 30

♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱ •⋅ Asmodeus ⋅• ♱

"How long will you continue in this theater?" the voice questioned and all I could do was sigh.

I hated trying harder and hated it even more when they tried to push me.

"This is none of your business" I replied by supporting my ankle at the knee and swinging my foot like a careless child "I have time, time is something I never lack, have you forgotten?"

I heard him mumble.

"By the holy elders! What's so fun about it? Am? You already know how it ends" the voice insisted and her insistence was beginning to irritate me "this is already what? The 8th time?"

I settled.

"To be exact? Yes, the 8th time Callisto is killed at the hands of the one he loves," I mocked.

"So why don't you help him?" he asked angrily and it made me laugh.

It was obvious that my actions made him more and more possessed and that was why I had so much fun.

"You can only be trying to piss me off" the voice murmured as if it was trying to talk seriously to a child, but well, this wasn't the first time someone treated me like a child and in the end I confess that I even liked it.

"You never interfere! And you can!" The voice practically screamed and I could not help laughing.

"And what fun would it be? I would simply solve all the problems and give them a perfect life without even paying a price?" I questioned him and the little demon trapped in an earring growled.

"What's your fucking problem with prices to pay?"

Smile. A broad smile full of teeth.

"Well... there is a price for everything, my dear and if I could not avoid paying it, why should others?"

The little demon did not need to tell me that he feared me at that time - because even if part of my fame was simply to avoid work and be considered or branded as someone "kind", I was still as they said: a heartless son of a bitch and particularly, liked that title.

"Sometimes I'm afraid of who managed to leave you like this," the little demon muttered and it made me giggle low and snorted.

"Well, you better be afraid, my dear... fear is the best way to stay alive" I purred like a cat and just like the cats I loved so much, I played with the earring between my fingers.

That was enough for him to finally shut up and for a few minutes I had my moment of peace. A pity that it was too little time, just enough for Azrael to finally go to Callisto and the path was clear.

"What are you going to do?" the little demon questioned me as he watched me sneak underground in Lucifer's palace.

"Didn't you notice?" I questioned him as a way to provoke him "I'm doing exactly what you suggested."

He snitched.

"Intervening? Let's be honest, you will never intervene unless it benefits you."

I nodded, he knew me well, too well.

And I was also right, I would not intervene - after all if I was the one to change history this would make it predictable and sad, but lucky for me - I was not the only one to intervene this time and as fast as those sweet words said, my little demon realized.

"You are slow" I said as I pulled one of the torches that were nailed to the wall and used it to illuminate the dungeon where Azrael - that fallen disgusting and filthy -, had thrown that project of saint.

"How?" the demon questioned while his little neurons seemed to go a thousand "that story has never changed! We've seen her a thousand times and every time..."


"Every time he dies" I affirmed and when I threw the torch and the light towards the eyes of the "saint" she grunted like a wounded animal "and every time she is burned as a witch after casting out the demons from the earth."

The smile on my lips just expanded.

"But from that part I have to confess... that I have learned to love."

"Then how is it?"

He kept pestering and as a charitable master - I shrugged and let him fend for himself. It wasn't my fault that the intellect of my little decorating demon was so inferior to mine.

"Hello... saint" I purred and the blue eyes rose towards me.

Too blue - I thought as my stomach wrapped. Even if that thing was just some little human who received God's grace - she was overly brilliant. Overly... angelic.

It was disgusting, disgusting. Almost disgusting and all I could think was, how the hell did Calisto get to fuck THAT?

I - as prince of Lust -, could understand and accept many things, but fetishes like those were surreal.

The Saint was too childish, too angelic; she looked more like a 13-year-old to a 24-year-old woman and her body was so fragile and small that she didn't even seem to have gone through puberty.

It was disgusting the idea of fucking someone who looked like a child - even for me, even for the worst of demons. There were limits: limits that only humans and apparently angels dared to cross.

And those limits made me want to throw up.

"Who are you?" she questioned, the same hoarse voice, the same expression of disgust.

She was always the same, always monotonous, always annoying and salt-free. No matter how many times and how many different ways I found her, that was always her first fucking sentence. Even in the lives I tortured her, even in the lives I simply ignored her. Whether it was when I found her in front of the king's room or when I dragged her into my room and tore her throat out. It was always the same stupid sentence.

There was nothing surprising about that girl and the truth - to my sadness and agony -, was that she would never exist, because she was created to be monotonous, boring, ordinary and mediocre.

Then, among all the possibilities I had already explored - for long 8 times -, I just smiled and with the fangs showing and the eyes shining in crimson, I hissed.

"I'm your worst nightmare... sweetie."

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