
The Great Black King • Volume 1

She has fallen in love with a character from a book she has read a thousand times and after an incident, has awakened in her arms, but who knew that one's opinion could change so much upon seeing the actions of such a being up close. Even though she no longer sees him romantically, she wants to save him and his little son, she wants to give everyone a happy ending, but... what if they are right in the middle of THEIR happy ending? It should be okay, right? After all... This was never a story about King Callisto.

ElliotAvaritia · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter • 22

♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱

That night, a strange dream came to me and for the first time in my entire existence I felt free. I could feel the icy air between my feathers and the world seemed small, insignificant near the heavens, close to the feeling of flying.

Even when my eyes opened, I could still feel that feeling, that freedom.

'It seems... well...' I found myself thinking as I threw myself out of bed.

Maybe it was Callisto's words at the time or maybe it was Loren's fault for asking me, but something seemed hurt inside me. It was only then that I realized - Asra was still there.

He was still with me and his feelings were too obvious. Like a child's.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" I asked as I threw myself in front of the mirror, but all I got was a small flicker in the crimson glow of my eyes.

Out of her eyes.

"Asra?" Asmodeus' voice made me turn quickly towards the door.

"Hi" I spoke with a huge smile.

"Are you ready?" he asked me extending one of his hands.

"I need to finish changing" I said pointing to my body, which was covered only by a nightgown. A pretty transparent sweater and all Asmodeus did was laugh.

"I see no problem if you want to go like this" joked with a sly smile "I'm sure our investigation would become much more... quick."

He hissed and I couldn't contain his laughter.

"Idiot" I grumbled while looking for something decent in my wardrobe. Something that didn't remind me of balls and elegant parties. Something normal, something delicate, until I felt Asmodeus' hands on my hip.

"Want help?" he asked with his cheek glued to mine and I felt my face blush.

He was close. He was close and I could remember too much about the feeling of having his lips on mine.

"N-no!" I said pushing him back and straightening my posture "sit on the bed, I haven't decided what to wear yet" she said trying to look normal.

Idiot, I was really stupid to get red with Asmodeus. What the hell was I thinking? For Asmodeus, the prince of lust, a kiss was practically a greeting.

It was no big deal and I had to stop, I had to focus.

Focus on the idiots who were trying to screw Lucifer. On the angels who were trying to fuck the mortals in the king's name.

There were people suffering out there. It was people I had to worry about.

Asmodeus, who had been sent to be quiet and sitting on the bed, laughed with his arms crossed over his chest and legs crossed, one left over another - like a lady of high society -, but with an absurdly superior posture.

"Look..." he said with his head down to the side "I'll never complain about having to watch someone change."

I raised one of my eyebrows as my face seemed to burn. I couldn't play the blushing young lady forever.

"Asmodeus!" I called his attention "don't be so brazen!"

He arched his lips, a half smile of pure debauchery.

"Why?" In her voice was clear mockery "they already think we are lovers, so why not? In the end, you are just a concubine, right? A lady who serves the king. Not someone who's married to him. You may have one case or another" he said shrugging, a shrugging, full of disdain.

I sighed.

"We're talking about the king, Asmodeus. We both know that Calisto would never get married... never after..." I took a deep breath "it doesn't matter and I honestly don't want to have an affair, especially with you! I have good sense!"

He laughed, a loud, clear laugh.

"I almost felt offended!"


"Don't feel it, it's nothing personal," I said winking and the blonde demon threw himself back.

"Cruel..." muttered "you are truly cruel, Asra."

I stared over his shoulder as he pulled a crimson shirt, the most "common" inside Asra's wardrobe, which was in Lucifer's palace.

"Why?" I asked as I threw the sweater aside and started wearing it.

"That was the first time someone dumped me," he said as a child and on his rosy and extremely desirable lips - a little pout formed.

"How can you?" he whined "I've never been rejected before."

I raised one of my eyebrows trying to contain the laughter.

"Asmodeus" I called him "you weren't even serious, why is your pride so hurt?"

He turned on the bed, standing on his side and staring at me.

"Well... it's obvious, isn't it? Even if it was just a joke, no one ever dismissed me and now... I can't even say that, because it would be a lie and I lie about many things, but not about that" he said looking like a principle demon "and what the fuck is your problem with me? I'm handsome, talented, powerful and absurdly interesting. You've seen me in every position, you've seen me crying... you know I'm wonderful in every way, so... how? Do you have any less screws? Even Lucifer didn't reject me and that angel project practically hates demons, just doesn't hate them as much as it hates angels."

I snitched, he really took it personally.

"Asmodeus, my sweet and beautiful prince," I said as I pulled on a pair of black pants and started wearing them "as tempting as you are, you have to remember that I never looked at you with those eyes," I said and for more than - me -, had felt something during the kiss with the prince of lust, that was not yet a lie, after all... Asra did not see him as anything but a brother, a dear friend to whom she would forever keep in her heart "you are one... you are like a sweet little thing that I want to hug and care for" I said finishing dressing and throwing my hair back "like Loren."

The demon rose on the bed in a jolt.

"Are you really comparing me to a practically dead child? Asra! Do you hate me?" His face was now crying, as if he was about to shed thousands of tears at once.

I sighed.

How the hell am I supposed to handle this kid-in-hell project?

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