


A crazy date


I got ready for my date. I still couldn’t believe I’m going on a date with Grayson. I still can’t believe he kissed me.

I looked at my reflection, satisfied with the results. I strolled into the living room to find Grayson waiting for me. Damn, he’s foxy. A guy in a leather jacket is badass. I kissed my parents’ cheeks before leaving, and we walked out of my house.

As we walked to the car, I looked at him.

/"You seem different, not dressed in slacks and a button-up shirt./"

/"I dress professionally for work since I’m the boss,/" he said.

/"I dig it./"

I smiled as he smiled back. We got into the car, and he pulled out of the driveway. He drove to Big Boy’s restaurant and got out of the vehicle. We walked inside, and they sat us in a booth. We ordered food and talked.

/"How long did you like me?/" I asked.

I flipped through the menu on the table.

/"Who says I like you?/" He asked.

/"Grayson, I’m crazy, not stupid. I see how you stare at me./"

/"I’ll admit, I became attracted to you at your job interview./"


The server brought our food and winked at Grayson. I leaned over and looked at her.

/"You got something in your eye?/" I asked.

/"I don’t understand what you mean,/" the server said.

I got in her face.

/"How about I close your eye for you? Then you won’t wink, sweetie./"

/"You’re crazy./"

/"Nope, I’m bat shit crazy, and I don’t like when a hussy flirts with my date./"

She gulped. I moved at her, and she flinched before hurrying away.

/"Floozy,/" I said.

Grayson chuckled.

/"Damn, you are bat shit crazy,/" Grayson said.

/"You don’t understand, babe./"

I winked as I bit my fry. Yeah, I’m flirting with Grayson, but I didn’t care. Tonight, we’re not an employer and employee. We’re a chick and a dude on a date.

We talked as we continued to eat.

/"How many guys have you dated?/" He asked.

/"Nothing like getting to the point./"

/"I want to realize what I’m getting myself into with you./"


I sipped my pop.

/"Wait. What? Did I hear you right?/" He asked me.

/"What? You act like I’m a floozy. No one says you date a bunch of dudes to get practice./"

/"It’s how you act./"

/"Oh, babe. I’m bat shit crazy, not loose. Big difference./"

He looked at me as I grinned while eating. We talked, then after we finished our meal, another server took our bill. That other server was a smart girl.

Afterward, we got back into the car. Grayson took us to another place. We walked inside the bar to find people dancing.

We found a table and ordered drinks. The server carded me, and I showed them my fake ID. Yeah, it’s not the best thing, but you live once. Grayson, being Grayson, stopped them from serving me alcohol.

Grayson is such a drag.

/"You’re not my boss right now. Lighten up,/" I said.

/"No, but I’m not advocating underage drinking./"

/"Grayson, you live once./"

/"Yeah, well, when you’re legal, you can get tank all the livelong day. Luci, I won’t argue over drinking. I came to dance./"

He held out his hand. I rolled my eyes and placed my hand in his.

We got up and walked onto the dance floor. Sweet Caroline came on, and we started dancing. We moved slowly, then picked up our pace.

Grayson is one hell of a dancer. He held me in his arms as I felt his muscles. Damn. As we danced, we had fun.

Once you get past the dull facade, Grayson is fun. As the song ended, another one played. We danced for an hour before I used the lady’s room.

I came out of the bathroom as a dude stopped me.

/"Hey, sweet thang,/" he said.

The guy oozed sleaze. I rolled my eyes.

/"Not interested./"

I walked past him, only to have him grab me. Oh, hell, no. I kneed his junk. He got rough with me, only for someone to tap him on the shoulder.

He turned around as Grayson decked him.

/"Damn, that was bitch’n,/" I said.

The guy got up and charged Grayson. They fought, and I jumped on the dude’s back, smacking the hell out of him.

/"You crazy bitch!/"

I grabbed the guy’s hair and smacked the shit out of him as Grayson grabbed me. Sirens blared as we ran to the exit. I dashed back to grab my purse and coat. Grayson picked me up, tossing me over his shoulder.

He carried me out of the bar and to the car as he opened the door, tossing me inside.

I yelled, /"Woo-hoo!/"

/"Are you kidding me?/"

/"Chill! That was fun!/"

He rolled his eyes and climbed into the car. He peeled out of the parking lot before the police caught us. I can see it now. Hey, Mom and Dad. The fuzz got us. Can you bail us out?

As Grayson drove, I unrolled the window and climbed out.


/"Get your ass in the car, Luci!/"

/"Why must you kill my buzz?/"

/"You’re not drunk, so that comment doesn’t apply. The weather’s freaking cold, you lunatic!/"


I groaned as I climbed back inside and rolled up my window.

/"I got to hand it to you. You’re something else./"

He shook his head.

/"I told you. If you stick with me, life will never bore you./"

I grinned.

/"It won’t,/" he said.

He chuckled as he drove me home. He pulled into the driveway. We got out of the car as he walked me to my door.

I turned to him.

/"I had fun tonight./"

/"Good. I want to take you out again./"

/"You do?/"

He got close to me, towering over me.

/"Yes. I want to learn more about you./"

He leaned over and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me close to him. He engulfed my lips with his. As we stood on my front porch kissing, my parents watched from the living window.

They let the curtain drop, performing a merry dance. Yeah, my parents are strange.

It’s the beginning for Grayson and me. Grayson Gray would change my life would.

I didn’t realize how much he would change it.