


Getting closer


We returned from spring break. I had a blast with Payton. Payton and I hung out. Well, we made out a lot. Things got heated as I felt his hand moved down my pants and undid them as he slipped them inside. I gripped his shirt as we kept kissing and felt his hand rub me, then I felt something enter me.

I gasped as he continued gripping his shirt tighter. Payton kept moving his finger in and out of me as I felt my body shudder with a moan escaping my lips. I laid on the bed with my eyes closed as Payton removed his hand and opened my eyes. He was smiling at me as I winced.

/"That was something,/" I mentioned as I blushed. Payton leaned down and kissed me. It was hard not wanting to do things with Payton, but we didn’t go all the way. I wasn’t ready for that.
