


Are you freaking kidding me?


With our little shenanigans behind us, okay, I wouldn’t say little. We lied to Major and Luna, kidnapped them, and drug them, so they could finally get their freak on with each other. Yeah, we’re little stinkers. Have you ever been in a house where all someone does is whine about the other person?

That was Luna and us. Sex doesn’t fix things. It helps, but it doesn’t fix things. Even after everything, Major acted like a tool. I thought Lakin would beat him to a pulp when she got her hands on him.

Why do you ask? I’ll tell you and save a lot of time. Major, the tool he is, decided to explore his options, I.e., other girls. That didn’t sit well with Luna, and we all had to deal with it. Because of it, the situation put us at odds with the Harpers. Thanks, Major, you twit.