


Are you freaking kidding me?


After what happened with Sherry, things had gotten better between Piper and me. Well, sort of. Let me explain.

We started hanging out more and getting closer. Every time it seemed like we would kiss, someone would ruin it. I finally got tired of it and went for it once and for all. What’s the worst that can happen? Don’t answer that.

I came walking down the hallway and saw her with some guy. Are you freaking kidding me?

That was it. I would not lose my chance again because I had some weird hang-up. Thank you, Dad.

Something inside of me exploded, and it caused me to think the wrong things. I walked over to Piper and the guy. /"Excuse us,/" I said as I grabbed her arm and pulled her away.

/"Lex!/" Piper said.

I dragged her to an empty classroom and shut the door. Extreme, I know, but I didn’t care.

/"Lex, what the hell is your problem?/"
