


Good news, bad news


Today, I was going to the doctor to get answers. I hope it was good news. I needed it for once.

I sat in the examining room while Nash waited in the waiting room. The doctor drew blood. Then he examined me. It’s not like I didn’t feel like a pincushion already.

Next was the waiting part. They had a lab, so they said it would take a couple of minutes. They looked for a specific thing, making the results quicker. Please let the outcome be good.

They let Nash stay with me while I waited.

/"Mags, relax. Everything will be fine./"

/"What if it’s not?/"

/"It’ll be fine./"

Twenty minutes later, the doctor returned. Damn, that was quick.

He flipped through my chart. /"Well, everything is normal./"

/"Are you saying what I think you’re saying?/"

/"Maggie, you can stop the medication. Your results are clear./" The doctor smiled.