
The Gray In Between

Some things in life are black. Some things in life are white. Some things in life are the gray in between. Find out just how this applies to Female CEO Summer White and dark, broody assistant, Alexander Smith in this novel about love, wealth and the past.

SydneyJay25 · Urban
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Chapter 1


My normal Saturday night in New York, it wasn't much or even exciting. Music blasted out from the speakers at every corner of the club. Sweaty bodies dancing, smoking and drinking, all in the small sultry space but without a care in the world. It was always the same. This day, I was dressed in a black knee-length dress and black Mary Jane, my dark brown hair cascading down my back. I danced with a drunk but not bad looking guy. He was sweaty and his mouth stunk of alcohol and cigarette but I didn't mind. I did this every Saturday. I came to this club called Moonlight in downtown New York. I danced, drank, not enough to get drunk and danced some more. Never did one night stands. I had gotten used to the predictability of my Saturday nights, the monotony was even almost fun. The club never changed neither did its setting but the people did. I liked it.

I excused myself from the guy, I didn't think he even heard or noticed I was gone. I made my way to the bar area and sat on one of the chestnut stools.

"A bottle of cherry vodka, please?" I said to the bartender. He turned his back to get the vodka and I used that time to look around. My eyes moved to the far end of the club, the part closest to the exit and landed on a tall guy and a girl in a dress too short and tight with a really deep V-neckline. She could have as well been naked. The guy was facing my direction and under the dim lighting, I could immediately tell that he was different. His striking face was in no way friendly, he even looked like he would rather be anywhere but here. I would look that way too if I had some girl grinding against me in a club with no understanding of personal space. I stood up before I could think about what I was going to do. Sometimes, I felt like some part of my best friends' craziness was always going to be stuck with me. I wrapped my hands around the guy's waist from behind and he stilled. The girl he was dancing with shot me a glare but I didn't care. It would take much more than that to make me cower.

"Hey, sorry I'm late love." I said into the guy's ear loud enough for the girl to hear. The guy turned and just stared at me. Not glaring but not looking happy either. Miranda, which was what I decided to call her, didn't even waste anytime as she turned and bee lined for another guy at the other end of the club.

"I didn't call you." The guy said in a very deep voice and glared down at me. Up close I could almost make out the dark blue almost black eyes, I had a feeling there weren't always that dark and haunted color. Feelings be damned, I stared him down too even though he was a few feet taller than me.

"Seriously? That's what you are going to say after I just saved you?" I raised a perfectly arced eyebrow at him. I didn't even need practice to deal with guys like him, just guys in general. It was what happened when I practically grew up among the most egotistic rolling in it guys of all time.

"I didn't ask for your help gorgeous, so it will do both of us good if you just take a walk because this hot stuff you are looking at, is not interested."

My first thought was no way. What kind of guy jumped from looking all dark and grumpy to looking like a guy that called himself hot stuff? My serene façade didn't waver as I replied. It never did.

"What kind of guy calls himself hot stuff?" I didn't wait for him to react, "An asshole, that's the kind. And trust me, I don't want to be standing here with you, I don't do scrawny and skinny guys. Not my type at all." I said and walked off before he could start to reply. He wasn't scrawny or skinny. He was well built, I could see his muscles bulging from under his black shirt but it was good to see him glance down at himself for a second or two which was enough for me to spin on my heels and sashay back to the bar for my vodka. Now that I was back in my seat, I had no idea why I had stood up in the first place. Maybe it was the detached look on his face that acted like an alluring void, pulling me in without permission or maybe I was just starting to get a little tipsy. That had to be it because I didn't even know the guy neither did I care to. I couldn't care less about any of the guys I met at the club actually. We were all there for one thing and that was to have fun. So that was exactly what I was going to do.