


When life hands you lemons, don’t use tequila


Sam and Britt helped me back to my dorm room. I sat on my bed, wondering what I did wrong in my life?

/"Nora, it will be okay,/" Britt assured me.

I looked at Britt. /"Will it? Do you know why Dad dislocated my shoulder? He wanted me to tell him where you are, and I refused. While you and Sam left to escape Dad, I got stuck with him,/" I told Britt and Sam.

My brother and sister looked at me with concern. Honesty sucks because the minute you tell the truth, people resent you. When you protect people, you suffer the consequences. I reached into my pocket and looked at my phone. I had a message waiting for me.

I opened it up, and it was from Skylar.

Are you okay? Dad told me what happened. Please let me know. Btw: Grandpa knocked out your dad, lol.

That made me smile. I sent a text back.