


Jonas Gray


I left Liz’s place and drove to the store. Mom asked me to pick up an item and got interrupted to take books to Lucille.

I walked into the store and ended up in the feminine hygiene product aisle. Why did mom send me to buy pads? She will be grocery shopping this upcoming weekend.

I looked at the different pads and found her brand. I picked up a pack and walked to the register. I bumped into none other than Brian Holloway, dropping the package of pads on the floor. He was with a girl, and I wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

/"Patty, there you are,/" someone said.

My eyes widened as Jonas Gray walked up. He picked the package off the floor. /"Thanks for helping me to pick these out for my ma. It’s crazy to think she needed to send me to the store for them./"

I didn’t know what to say.

Jonas turned and looked at Brian. /"I’m Jonas Gray, Patty’s neighbor, and honorary big brother./" Jonas held out his hand.

/"Brian Holloway and this is my girlfriend, Tricia Holcomb./"

Those words ripped through my heart, shredding it into a million pieces. Now I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

Jonas glanced at me, then at Brian, and smiled. /"Super, but we should get going. Nate is waiting for Patty./"

Brian gave him a look. /"Isn’t he thirty or something?/"

/"He’s twenty-four but could pass for eighteen. He gets impatient, if you know what I mean?/" Jonas asked while winking and clicking his teeth.

Will someone shoot me and put me out of my misery?

He took my arm and led me away. He leaned over and whispered, /"Play along because he’s still watching./"

/"But I’m not with your brother,/" I whispered to him.

/"Yeah, but he doesn’t know that./"

The cashier scanned the pads and looked at Jonas.

/"What? Sometimes, you need those super-absorbent pads on those big days,/" Jonas said.

I placed my hand on my face. Did Jonas recite a pad’s commercial?

She totaled the sum, and he handed her cash and paid for the pads. She gave him the change, which he took, along with the pads. He started to walk away, and I chased after him.

He was halfway out into the parking lot as I ran after him. His lean six-foot-one frame towered over me. His dark blonde locks were short and spiky, with his green eyes offsetting them.

Jonas had a quirky sense of humor and was always in a pleasant mood out of the brothers. I don’t think I ever saw him in a foul mood.

I caught up with him as he turned and tossed the bag to me. I caught it. /"Thanks./"

/"Don’t worry about it, Peppermint Patty./" He smiled, climbing into his car.

As much as I hate to admit it, one of the Gray boys rescued me from humiliation.

I made my way to my car as Brian stopped me.

/"Are you hanging out with the Gray boys?/" Brian asked me.

/"No, they’re my neighbors./"

He rolled his eyes at me. /"I’d be careful if I was you because they’re always in trouble and might drag you into it./"

Tricia smirked.

/"You’re wrong,/" I said.

/"I’m warning you. The Gray boys’ reputation is less than stellar./"

/"Well, I’ve known them my entire life. You heard a rumor./" I couldn’t stand there anymore and listen to Brian berate them. I opened the car door, tossed the bag inside, and left.

I drove home with this sudden urge to protect the Gray boys.