


Getting Acquainted


Our first night in the house was enjoyable. Jasper was sensible. Paul enjoys walking around half-naked. And Marco, well, he’s hilarious.

Jace had gotten used to them, but we weren’t yet, especially Nixon. He doesn’t know how to take Marco. No one understands how to take Nixon. So, it works out.

After changing into my pajamas, I walked out of the bathroom to find Nash stripping down to his boxers.

/"Um, what are you doing?/"

/"I’m getting ready for bed. What do you think I’m doing?/"

/"In boxers? Yeah, I don’t think so./" I put my hand up to stop him.

/"What’s wrong with boxers? It’s as if I’m wearing swim trunks. They have a little peephole so that I can take a piss./" He opened his boxer’s slit.

/"Whoa!/" I covered my face and turned my head. /"Close it./" I wagged a finger at him.

/"Mags, we’ve seen each other naked. You even asked to see my member. Why do you have a problem with me wearing boxers to bed?/"

/"Nash, that was different. The lights were off, and I didn’t see anything./"

/"Oh, my God!/" He started laughing.


Why the hell was he laughing?

/"You’re a prude!/"

I stomped my feet. /"I am not!/"

/"You are, too! You have an issue with me in boxers!/"


/"Well, that makes you a prude./"

I glared at him. /"Fine./" I stormed over to the bed, grabbed a pillow and blanket, and left the room.

/"Where are you going?/"

/"Somewhere, where you’re not!/"

I walked downstairs and threw the blanket, along with the pillow, onto the couch, then sat in a huff. I wasn’t a prude. At Pat and Nate’s house, I had my own room, and Nash slept in something other than boxers. So why did he change things now?

I threw my head back and delivered a frustrated sigh.

/"Didn’t you go to bed?/" A voice asked me.

I turned to see Marco standing there, holding a mug in his hand.

/"Well, I’m a prude since I have an issue with my boyfriend sleeping in his boxers./" I flailed my arms around.

/"You two argue about the dumbest things./"

/"I do not!/"

/"Yeah, you do. If I had a hunk, wearing nothing but boxers, I’d be on him./"

/"It isn’t about Nash being half-naked./"

He arched an eyebrow.

/"Okay, yes. But it’s all new to me./"

/"Well, get used to it. You’re stuck with that hottie for the next four years./" Marco took a sip from his mug.

The door opened as Paul strutted in.

/"That was quick,/" Marco said.

/"Shelly is such a freaking tease./" Paul plopped in a chair.

/"How so?/"

/"We’re going at it, right?/"


/"She stops and says, ‘Oh, I’m not ready.’ I stare at her like she has two heads. She gets mad. I end up back here. The girl is on her period./"

/"Why is a girl on her period when she stops a guy?/" I asked.

Paul pulled his brows close together as he squinted at me.

/"Oh, boy./" Marco backed away.

/"Listen, sweetheart. I don’t know who you think you are, but you understand nothing about me. Stay out of it!/"

/"Um, excuse me. You started talking about it when you came in./"

/"Well, keep your nose out of it. I was talking to Marco, not you!/"

/"Then wear a freaking shirt!/"

/"Are you some kind of a prude?/"

That was it. I didn’t even know this guy. It’s the second time that someone called me a prude. I walked over to the door, pulled on my sneakers, and grabbed my jacket.

/"Where are you going?/" Marco asked me.

/"To find a place to stay until I can figure out my living situation!/" I walked out of the house, slamming the door behind me.



I came downstairs after hearing a door slam. /"What the hell is going on?/"

/"Maggie left,/" Marco said.

/"Left? Why?/"

/"Paul called her a prude, and she left. She opened the door and walked out./"

/"Shit./" I turned around and went upstairs to get Nash and Nixon.

/"We have weird roommates,/" Paul said.

A few minutes later, Nash, Nixon, and I came downstairs, dressed. We left to search for Maggie.



I walked around town, trying to figure out where the heck I would sleep. Classes didn’t start until next week. I couldn’t call home because Pat and Nate didn’t know about our living arrangements yet.

I found a twenty-four-hour diner. I had no money on me since I had left my purse and wallet back at the house in my haste. I walked up to the counter. /"Um, excuse me./"

A guy glanced at me.

/"I’m wondering if I could wash dishes for a cup of coffee. I left my wallet at home./"

He arched an eyebrow at me. /"I’ll give you a cup on the house if you tell me why you’re standing here in your pajamas./"

I looked at my sheep pajamas. /"Yeah, about that. I got into a fight with my boyfriend and roommates./"

/"Oh, this, I have to hear./" He chuckled as he poured me a cup of coffee. I sat at the counter as he leaned on it with his chin in his palm. /"My name is Lou./"


/"So, Maggie, what brings you out this late?/"

/"Well, I got mad at my boyfriend for calling me a prude, then got mad at my roommate for calling me a prude./" I sipped my coffee. /"I left, and here I am./"

/"Well, were you being a prude?/"

I thought about it for a minute. /"Does wanting a guy to wear clothes make me a prude?/"

He raised his brows and chuckled. /"No. But if that’s your only argument, then you’re good./"

I twisted the cup around in my hands.

/"Maggie, it’s okay to be uncomfortable with certain issues. It’s not okay to walk away without explaining your reason to people./"

/"Yeah, I have a bad temper./"

Great. I let my temper get the best of me, acting like a brat. Perfect.

I finished my coffee and walked back to the house. I opened the door and stepped inside, then closed it.

/"Are you done acting like a baby?/" Someone asked.

Nixon glared at me.

I walked over to him. /"I screwed up! Okay? Yes, I acted like a brat! Everyone called me a prude when I asked them to wear more clothing./"

/"Maggie, you have to understand that you live in a house with others. Not everyone will follow what you want. It’s about compromise,/" Jasper said.

I stood there, feeling like absolute shit. /"I’m sorry,/" I told Nash.

/"Save it. Do you know how worried we were? We searched for you. Maggie, you can’t take off and not expect us to get upset. I can’t even look at you./" Nash walked away.

The others followed suit except for Marco.

/"Do you hate me too?/"

/"Nah, shit happens./"

/"Tell me about it. I should go to my dorm room since I still have it./"


/"We kept it if Pat and Nate visited us. We didn’t tell them that we were living together./"

/"Oh, that is good. The others are mad at you, but they do something bad. This should be fun./" Marco rubbed his hands together.

Yeah, sure. Nixon was pissed at me. Nash wasn’t speaking to me. Well, my roommates weren’t the friendly type. Heaven knows how tomorrow will go.