
Chapter 37

Mrs. Star finished with the gauze and opened a drawer to put it back. But she stopped, her eyes widening. She stared up at the ceiling. All the overhead lights flickered. Then they shattered. Glass sprayed everywhere, landing in sharp blasts. Shards bit into my scalp before I had a chance to duck.

The floor quaked.

I pitched forward, slamming my face into the edge of the desk. Red bolts of pain spotted the darkness. I growled through it, "Mrs. Star?"

Something exploded on both sides of the room. The ground buckled.

I threw myself to the floor and crawled across broken glass behind the desk. "Mrs. Star, are you okay?" I blindly reached out for her and found a bony, trembling shoulder.

"I see them coming," she said.

Crash. Crash. One right after the other. Like heavy dominoes smacking into each other. Like bookshelves. Getting closer.

I yanked Mrs. Star to the floor and pushed her under the desk. Crash. Crash. No room under there for me.