
Chapter 130: Leigh

Red hair, so much like mine, hung in thin strands to her ankles. Her pale skin had such a translucence to it, dark veins webbed everywhere just underneath. Protruding from them in two-inch needles were thorns. Hawthorns. As if she'd stabbed herself with them like the Counselor. Or as if they had sprouted from inside her.

The picture of her that used to hang in Whaty-Whats always made me think someone as beautiful as her could never have darkness inside her that made her kill so violently. Not while carrying her triplet babies, Trinity gifts as she called them, who had been ripped away from her, both in reality and in the picture. Not with that secret, content smile on her mouth. But now, wickedness rolled off her in waves, and I steeled my spine so I wouldn't back away even though I really, really wanted to.

She pointed her bright-blue spider-webbed eyes at the Counselor, and they were filled with such hatred that a shiver crawled up my back.