
The Grand Weaver's Garden in the Sky

Follow the story of the Grand Weaver, a high being, as he takes part in the lives of his weaved creations who came to life.

ChongHoon_Yoo · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Sky Garden Falls

Then in a flash of a moment, every voice stopped. Quietness followed after a great bang. The sky garden hit the ground beneath, shattered, and destroyed. No life was spared, not even one, except for the ones inside the ark on the sky. Hohah's family and the kayots with them are safe, slowly floating down to the world beneath.

Hohah's family went outside the deck to view what is beneath them. All they see is blur ground far away with scattered debris and greenery. They watched with awe as the sky opened on top of them and the sun shone straight ahead to the world below. Malaks from the sky flew down and went ahead of them to fix the place and remove everything that does not belong in the new world. They went down like eagles diving for prey and flew over the land in search of dead bodies and ruined debris to clean. All the while, the son watched the last remnants of the old world descend slowly to their new world, preparing their hearts for the land to come.

On the third day, the finally reached land. The ship gate was opened and all the kayots were set free in the skies, on the land, and into the waters. The garden world was now larger and vaster in size. Malaks went back up the sky in blinding speed as they finished their clean up, then after the last malak entered the clouds, it closed up out of their view and all the clouds separated and showed the blue sky. The sun rose and all of Hohah's family got a view of the whole land.

They are surrounded by mountains, forests, and vast deserts. The land they are in is rich with fruits, vegetation, and water. Waterfalls hang beside mountains and vast oceans among lands filled with beautiful forests and mountains.

Then the voice of the Weaver echoed through the sky.

"Hohah, in your descendants I give this new land. Make it your home, multiply, and take any kayot and plant for food. Know that I will always be with you."

Generations passed and the descendants of Hohah multiplied greatly. They had one language and with their nation, they felt that they could do anything. So, the people made an agreement to build the tallest tower they could that will reach beyond the sky. The tower went so high it almost reached the boundary set by the Grand Weaver from the world below.

This angered the Weaver and he decided to confuse them by giving them different languages. The building of the tower stopped and the people were scattered from then on.

Another generation passed, and a man called Heham, living in a city by the dessert made of hard sand and rocks, was chosen by the Grand Weaver as the spark for generations he can call a people of his own. Heham was curious about what lies beyond their world, thinking if there is more to life than living. He went up a mountain for days because wanted to go see the world from above. On the third day, the son revealed himself to Heham by a bright light from the sky and a gentle voice.

"Heham," said the son. Heham trembled in fear and curled up to the ground.

"Who are you?"

"I am your creator, the one who made everything in your world."

"What do you want?" Heham said, still shaking in fear.

"Go out of your homeland, bring your wife Har, and I will lead you to a land I will give you."

After the light disappeared and the sky closed, Heham composed himself, got up, and ran to his wife.

"Har!" exclaimed Heham as he barged in their house.

"What's wrong, Heham?" asked his wife.

"I was right!" said Heham. "There is a world beyond ours. And I saw the one who created us. The one our ancestors told us about."

"You saw the Grand Weaver?"


"What did he say?" asked Har.

"He told me to go out from our homeland, and he will lead me to a land he will give us!"

"But we already have everything here. Why leave all these?"

"Because all of this is nothing compared to what the Grand Weaver has in store for us!"

Har trusted her husband and began packing their things. They took their clothes, a couple of kayot livestock and fruits for their food, and also a few servants to help them in their journey. By noon, they left home and headed out into the unknown with the confidence and hope that the

Weaver will lead them to the land promised.

Heham and his family went up and camped near the great city of Hedon. One day, as he was digging for a well, the son of the Weaver went down and spoke to him.

"Heham," said the son, appearing before him.

He knelt down as he sees the son coming down from the sky.

"The city you are near at is full of wickedness and strife. I will destroy it and show you what will happen to wicked lands," said the son, as he went back up to the sky beyond.

Heham heard thunder as the sky opened above the city. From it hurled down great rocks of fire and destroyed the city completely and all of its people inside it. Everything was reduced to ashes. Not a structure or house was left. Even the palace in the center was obliterated. He saw how mighty the Grand Weaver and his son were. From then on, he revered his maker more, careful to do what he commands.

On a starry night, the Grand Weaver's voice was heard by him.

"Heham, if you want you and your descendants to be my people, go to the mountain and sacrifice your pearl heart to me in the fire."

This disturbed him and he could not sleep that night.

The next day, he rose up early without waking up his family. He went up to the mountain carrying the sticks for fire and amber. There he set up stones to collect the sticks for burning and started a fire. He closed his eyes as he opened the stitches in his chest and grabbed his pearl heart out. The heart glowed from the inside as he prepares to sacrifice it in the fire. He takes one final breath and stretches his hand above the burning ground.