
Loyal dog

"So, you've finally arrived. How nice of you." Inès's voice drips with sarcasm, her eyes scrutinizing his form with disdain.

"What is it you so urgently need to tell me?" the Duke inquires, his tone impatient, his brow furrowing.

"I wish to speak with you privately." Inès motions toward the servants, With a curt nod, the Duke dismisses the servants, sending them scurrying away.

"I want Mary out of this manor," Inès states firmly once the servants have left. "Her incompetence and negligence nearly caused me to consume a cockroach this morning. I refuse to tolerate such insolence."

The Duke's expression remains impassive, though a hint of irritation flashes in his eyes. "Mary has served this household for years and has proven herself capable time and again. I will not dismiss her based on one isolated incident."

"An isolated incident?" Inès scoffs. "This isn't the first time she's demonstrated her ineptitude. I am your wife, and I demand that my concerns be taken seriously."

A tense silence hangs in the air as the Duke contemplates her words. After a moment, he speaks, his voice level but laced with an edge of authority.

"I'll consider your request, but I warn you not to interfere with the servants again. Remember your place, Inès. You are here to serve a purpose, and I expect you to fulfill your duties without causing further disruptions."


In the dimly lit, smoke-filled bar, a burly man with a rough demeanor tosses back a shot of whiskey, slamming the glass down on the counter. His dark, beady eyes scan the room as if seeking an invisible enemy. This is Baron McBride, a man notorious for his gambling and violent behavior.

A weasel-faced man cautiously approaches the baron, his voice barely a whisper. "My lord, there's news from the Beaumanoir Manor."

McBride's lip curls into a sneer, his interest piqued. "If it's about the Duke, I'm not interested. His mundane affairs bore me."

The man trembles, knowing that his next words could cost him dearly. "He sent you a letter, my lord. It bears his personal seal." The man cautiously hands over the sealed letter, his hand trembling.

Baron McBride snatches the letter, breaking the seal with a rough gesture. His eyes quickly scan the contents, his expression darkening with each passing moment.

"It seems the Duke has finally grown a spine," McBride growls. "He dares to challenge me, to demand I cease my activities in his lands."

The weasel-faced man watches as the baron crumples the letter in his fist, the paper protesting with a sharp rustle. "What will you do, my lord?"

McBride snorts as he gets up to