
Start Making Plans

Lanre did not bother to push K away. She was enjoying the fact that he had his hands wrapped around her and his face buried to her stomach. It made her happy that his was kissing the tiny little baby bump that was almost nonexistent in her stomach. Yet she acted like he did not affect her in any way. She told him she had nothing to miss about him. And that her trip was just like any normal trip. K lets out a laugh while his face remained buried on her stomach. Then he resorted to tinkling her.

“Stop it!” She cried. She asked him if he does not know it was not good to tinkle a pregnant woman. K was baffled. He wondered where Lanre heard such from. He lets go of her and sat down right next to her.

“I missed you even though you won’t admit that you also missed me. I love you, whether you want me to or not. I’ve been fancying you lately, more than ever”. K said to her. He took her hand and caressed the back of her palms. Lanre tried to pull her hand away, but he held her firmly.

“Let us start making plans for our wedding. Which colour do you want us to use?” K asked Lanre. She told him to leave her alone.

“I can’t. Even if I try, it won’t make you happy”. K said to her. Lanre bowed her head down.

“Then please try! If I let my guard down, we will both get hurt”. She muttered. K held her chin and lifted it up. He made sure she was looking at him. He told her he would kiss her and that it was his answer to her that he did not mind getting hurt if he could just have her for a while.

K leaned in to kiss Lanre but she turned away her face. He ended up kissing her cheek. He smirked. It seems she would not stop being stubborn. He stood up and told her he was leaving.

“So soon?” Lanre blunted out. K asked her if she has a problem with him leaving so soon. She shook her head indicating she had no problem with him leaving soon.

“In fact, I am glad you are leaving. Finally, I can take a nap”. Lanre said. K walked out abruptly. He left Lanre’s place without saying anymore word to her. Lanre went outside to see if he will linger. But he was already gone. She frowned.

“Am I being too hard on him?” She asked no one in particular. It seems she was talking to herself.

“But if I am not this way towards him, we will both end up disappointed because at the end he will support his parents and I am not changing my life for anyone”. Lanre said yet again. She walked briskly inside the house as though she was being chased. She got to her room and with a smile on her lips, she fell on her bed.

“Ouch!” She shrieked at the impact.