
She Is Willful

“Mama, you have seen your daughter, won’t you like to also see your granddaughter?” K asked Lanre’s mother the following day when she sat down next to Lanre not letting go of her daughter’s hand as though she was a glue. He somehow felt jealous. He found it strange that he was even jealous of Lanre’s mother holding Lanre’s hand.

“I should work on myself”. He muttered.

“My son! What really happened? Why did you all hide it from me that my daughter was alive?” Mrs. Olayinka asked Kehinde. She told him she was not leaving until he explains what happened. K sat down and started to explain what actually happened.



It was after K had received Olamide’s message which he sent to Lanre saying the case would no longer take place in court. It has been anulled because the accused has committed suicide. That was when the idea came to K. If Lanre should actually die, then her killers will not feel they have won. They would feel relax and let their guard down. So he decided that if that surgery turns out to be successful, he will make the doctor announce her death. He will move her out of the country for treatment afterwards. But he will have to do everything secretly.

So when the doctor told him the surgery was successful, he told the doctor to announce Lanre’s death and tell the press they could not save her life. That at first the surgery went successful but later complications came in and they lost her life to excess bleeding. K had to pay the doctor for this. He had to pay the hospital to keep shut. It may not be a private hospital, but it was humans who worked in it after all. Money they say, answers all things. It buys silence, tells lies, takes lives, destroys happiness, buys people, trust and so many things that one could think of.

So that was how Lanre’s death was faked. K only told Olamide, Lanre’s brother of this and he did not object. But every other person was left in the dark. And it was for this reason he refused to attend the burial. He did not want to ever think he was burying Lanre who was still alive fighting for that life.

He sent Lanre to London by working with an internationally owned hospital. And he had only come to London after he had avenged what was done to Lanre.

The only person that was not saved in that accident was Tega. He was in the driver’s seat and had too many glass that had pierced all over his body. He lost too much blood. Although he survived the first surgery, he did not survive the second one.

……….End of Flashback

On hearing all these, Mrs. Olayinka sighed. She thanked K for saving her daughter’s life and taking care of her for the past one year.

“But then, how is it that I have a grandchild?” She asked Kehinde.

He told how of how the doctor had given him hope that if they were lucky his baby will survive. And he was lucky. While the mother was in coma, the baby was in an incubator. The odds of his baby making it was a slim chance of seventy against thirty. But the baby survived.

“She is like her mother! She is willful”. K said. Mrs. Olayinka smiled. She has a grandchild.

“So, did you bring her here together with her mother?” Lanre’s mother asked. K shook his head. He told her Modupe had remained in Nigeria until she was fit to Leave the incubator. And that Olamide used to go check on the infant.

“You children deceived me, but I will forgive you because my daughter is alive”. Mrs. Olayinka said. She told K she would love to see her granddaughter later that day.