
Quick Notice

K sat himself down on his bed while Lanre walked away without looking back. He wondered if he could trust her and believe she did not collaborate with Anita. Everything that has happened that night and then getting to overhear Lanre’s conversation with her brother that she actually almost got killed by him confirming Anita’s words made him confused. He could not help but think Lanre was either using his friend or using both guys. He likes her, but it was not that strong for him to want to make a two faced bitch his.

Meanwhile Lanre already found herself outside K’s apartment. She checked the time to see it was already past 9 pm. It’s not like staying outside by this night could cause her much harm. It was still quite safe to be outside. She walked down the road slowly so she does not find herself in another place before Tega arrives with her car to take her home.

At the end, she found herself at the gate of the estate before Tega came. She decided to stay at the gate with the security there while waiting for Tega. She felt lucky nothing bad happened to her. She stayed at the gate some thirty minutes more before Tega arrived. She hopped in and then waved goodbye to the security men before Tega drove off.

“Thank you for coming to pick me up under such quick notice”. Lanre said to Tega. He told her she should not be thanking him as he was only doing his job. She nods her head and then relaxed into the seat. She felt her stomach growl. She asked Tega to stop by any opened supermarket so she can get some snacks which she would eat. Tega did just as she had said. On their way, he stopped by a supermarket and got her some snacks and cold drink. Lanre felt the drink was too cold. But it was the perfect excuse for her to get sick. She was already feeling sick as it is.

She opened the drink first and took a gulp. Then she opened the biscuit and started eating.

“Please, I do not think this will be enough. If you see Aboki (Mostly used to refer to a male northerner who sells something) stand where they fry yam and potatoes, please stop so I can buy some. I’m hungry”. She said rubbing her stomach.

Tega felt Lanre was eating too much junks and roadside food that night. He thought it was unlike her. But this was the first time he was driving her this late at night. And beside, he has barely worked one week, how best could he know her? He parked at the corner of the road and was about getting down to get Lanre the fried yam and potatoes when she asked him to stay inside that she will go get it herself.

She got to the Aboki stand and paid for yam and potatoes and chicken. She told the Aboki who was selling to make everything five hundred naira. Then she asked him to sell the same quantity for her in a different wrap.