
Please Come Back

Eno refused to hang up. Lanre told her it seems she has enough airtime. She told her she would leave the call to keep running while Eno’s airtime keeps wasting.

“You will still be the one to recharge for me!” Eno said.

“Please come back now”. Eno cried this time.

“Tega, please I don’t like staying between two trucks. Please overtake the one in front”. Lanre said to Tega who was driving. He told her he would do just that. But the truck in front refused him from overtaking it. The truck driver kept cutting the same way as he.

“What sort of rubbish is this? Is this truck driver drunk this early morning?” Lanre said. Just then she heard Eno’s voice from the phone. It turns out Eno was yet to end the call.

“Eno, what? End the call and go to your class”. Lanre said.

“I wanted to say safe journey and be careful. I love…..” Before Eno could complete her statement, she heard a loud crashing sound and Lanre’s scream from the phone.

“Aunty Lanre! Aunty Lanre! Can you hear me?” Eno kept calling. Where she was, she could feel cold chills all over her. Her feet felt numb. She kept calling for Lanre but got no reply. She tried not to cry yet. Just then she could hear a faint breathing on the phone.

“Aunty Lanre, please talk to me now! I will end the call and not bother you if you can just answer me. Just let me know you are okay”. Eno kept saying while muffling in the cries that threatened to betray her calm.

“Eno, you are still outside! What is wrong with you?” It was Isaac. Eno turned to look at him with her tear filled eyes. All she can hear on the background of the phone from Lanre’s side was “accident”.

“Accident!” Eno muttered. Before Isaac could register what Eno just said. Eno took to her heels. She was running out of the school. Issac ran after her. He grabbed her when he caught up with her. They were already close to the gate. He told the security man at the gate to lock the school gate with padlock so that Eno does not get to leave the school environment.

“What is going on there, you two?” A teacher who noticed the two outside yelled. Isaac tried to explain what happened as far as he knew.

Meanwhile, K had heard Eno’s cries over the phone. He knew something was up. So he decided to track Lanre’s phone.

“Damn! Why didn’t I think of this before? Trying not to invade her privacy should never apply with Lanre”. K said.

By the time he got to where Lanre is, his heart was in his mouth. He ended up at an accident scene. The state of the car was almost beyond repair. It was bloodied. K broke down. He rushed to the car, but was held back from getting close. They where trying to bring out the people trapped inside the car.