
Not Good Enough

Lanre had a smirk on her face as she read the message on her phone. “I have decided to fight fair. You must have seen the papers, or probably heard that my wedding with K has been postponed; I’m giving you a chance to fight for him. You had said he is yours, right? Then prove it and see what a loser you are in real life. This is not mass communication, and even of it is, it is the most funny joke I’ve ever come across. First class honours in mass communication for someone who doesn’t know the first element of communication”. This was Ify’s message and Lanre could not help but smirk at it.

She wondered if Ify actually was the one who wanted the wedding to be postponed. She decided to send a reply back to Ify.

“What a pity? Instead of a maid of honour, I was thinking of being the male up artist for the bride on that day. I mean, I already made a prefect blend of hot chilly and pepper of different kinds that I would apply on your face. What do you say if I plead for the wedding to go on as it was planned?” Lanre had said to Ify. Ify must have gotten angry because she did not say anything to directly counter Lanre. Rather she told Lanre that the best woman will win.

“You are not good enough to compete with me!” Lanre sent to Ify. Then she placed her phone down on the table.

She tapped her finger remotely on the table. She was wondering why the wedding was actually postponed. Kehinde was the one who publicly announced that wedding, so why would he shit it now? Besides the news did not say exactly who shifted the wedding, none did it tell of the news source. She would want to regard the news as fake news, but Ify has just confirmed it. Does it mean Ify seriously want the both of them to fight because of a man?

Lanre laughed out loud. “You won’t be able to win even if you were already married to Kehinde”. Lanre muttered.

“You fight to marry Kehinde, I will make sure he does not love you for any reason. Perhaps, then you will learn to shut your mouth”. Lanre muttered yet again. She suddenly felt excitement crawling up her veins and reaching her neck. She no longer cares of they marry or not, but she was now going to make Ify regret her every decision. K will not hold her dear. She has seen the way he looks at her, she will make sure he does not look at Ify that way ever in his life.

She felt confident because she already has plan. She was going to be frequenting Her Excellency Olasile Adewale. She was going to be the new make up artist for the Governor’s wife. This is something she already preparing for. And Pearl, Chidinma’s sister was her best card now.