
I Am So Sorry

“But you were going to do it if I didn’t kick you in the face”. Lanre said. Dami smiled. “If I wanted to, that kick would have made it worst!” Dami said. He had a satisfied look on his face when the tears fell off her eyes. But what came next was not part of what he was expecting. She burst out crying like an abandoned little child. Her frail body that is so tender to the touch shook in his hand as if she was convulsing. But it was from as a result of the force with which the cry came. She was crying uncontrollably.

“Dami, I hate you!” She yelled hitting his chest. Dami had a smirk on his lips as he hugged her to himself. “When one strategy does not work? Then be the devil and when she least expects to see an angel, be the angel yourself, put her in a difficult position and she is yours”. Dami said within himself.

“I am sorry ok! Do not mind me. I was wrong for scaring you that way. Just didn’t want you to leave. Lanre, I really like you a lot. I think you are sexy, yes! And I am so attracted to you in every f**king way, but far from that, I think I fell in love with you from the first time I sighted you. Didn’t know you then. But I noticed you watching me sing one of the evenings I was singing inside school. Damn! You looked so beautiful. But you left before I could know it”. Dami said.

“That is like about 2 years ago!” Lanre said lifting her head to look at him. Dami told her not to look at him with her sad face, he would kiss her and may not hold back. Lanre immediately put down her face. Then she pulled away from Dami, “I still need to go home!” Lanre said to Dami.

“Can’t you just stay a bit more? At least if you can’t spend the night here, stay till 6 pm”. Dami said trying to persuade her. She shook her head. She told him her mother was already mad at her because she feels she was in a man’s house. If she doesn’t get home at that very moment after the exchange with her mother, her conscience will prick her. She had said to him. Dami held her and then tried to assure her that he won’t hurt her he just needed to keep seeing her face. Maybe he will be able to complete the song. Just then he touched the side of her cheeks. It was swollen and red with purplish colour.

“Lanre I am so sorry!” He whispered. On hearing him saying he was sorry a tear dropped from her eyes as if she already knew she must be looking really bad. “Do I look ugly?” She asked. “No you are not”. He said to her. He tried to assure her that she was beautiful and all they needed to do is use hot water and a towel to press on it. Then apply ointment on it.