
Hire Me

K soon showed up inviting Lanre to the table. She got there to see that he had served her Amala (baked plantain flour) and egusi soup (melon soup). It was a delight seeing what was on the table. “See obstacle!” She exclaimed in her head when she saw the soup filled with meats and fish. Then there was her favourite, the snail. She sat happily and thanked him for the food even before eating it.

Once Lanre had finished eating, not being able to finish the food itself, she sat resting her back on the chair while still seated at the table. She falls her head backwards. She had eaten to stupor. She could not even finish the so called obstacles she was happy about. She took a deep breath. Only for another’s breath to mix with hers. She opened her eyes to see K standing with his head bowed towards her. He was only a few inches away from reaching her lips.

She had unintentionally licked her lips. “Are you that hungry?” K asked her. She did not understand what he meant. She thought maybe he was saying she had ate too much. “Of course I was so hungry. Did not eat the food the reception because I could smell essence curry in the rice. The worst is that they put too much bay leaf in it. I cannot eat such food. If the bay leaf, thyme or curry is too much, I won’t eat”. Lanre said.

“Hmm! Interesting! You sound like you are a cook”. K said. “Do you want to hire me?” Lanre asked. K knew she was just being sarcastic again. But this time with some humour different from before. She seemed more relaxed with him now than before. “Wish I could!” He said. “But that would mean I will be eating twice in the morning, twice for lunch, that is if I am home. And then twice at night. He said licking his lips. The way his tongue swept over his lips was sensual enough to give Lanre the goose bumps. Not that she has not seen guys do that. There are times when she could be in a public place and a random guy will start lusting after her. His eyes never leaving her and he will lick his lips when their eyes meet, but she won’t get affected. Rather, she felt it was irritating. She hated it.

But seeing K’s tongue on his lips, she wanted it to be her tongue licking his lips. “Is it that had to get your eyes off me?” K asked Lanre. She looked away from him.

“Stop being proud of yourself! You are not as handsome as that”. Lanre said making K chuckle.

“At least you agreed to the fact that I am handsome and you are captivated”. K said. Lanre shook her head. He was cocky, full with pride. But it was hot, him being that way.

“I think I am going to write a book on my stay in Abuja”. Lanre said in her head.