

Ify told K she knows he was just trying to cover up and that she’s sure he still likes Lanre very much. K told her he was not going to argue with her over Lanre. According to him, Lanre was not worth being mentioned by him either. He told Ify Lanre moved on with Christian. Ify told him it was his fault. He told her he does not regret it. Ify told him she doubts. She pouted her lips and traced her finger down K’s cheek. He looked pretty drunk.

K looked Ify in the eye. He told Ify Lanre was pregnant for Christian. Then he wrapped his arms around Ify’s waist and buried his head on her tummy and began to cry. Ify could not believe K was actually crying until she lifted up his head to see the tears in his eyes. She has never seen him cry. She could not even tell if she has seen any man cry before. The men around her had always bottled up there feeling.

“A pregnancy can be removed K. If you do what I want, I will help you get Lanre back. I know her very well, she was my friend for four years”. Ify said to K. K asked her what she wanted from him.

“Sleep with me or kill Christian”. Ify said. K was taken aback by Ify’s request. Her request sounded too horrible in his ears. He asked her to repeat what she said. Ify did repeat herself. Abd this 5ime she told K if he refuses, then she would let her aunt do it because her aunt would kill Christian if he doesn’t. And if he doesn’t, her aunt would as well kill Lanre. She told him that despite everything that has happened, she still consider Lanre as her bosom friend and would not want such a disaster to befall her.

“Do not think you can protect her. My aunt is very cunning and has already started making plans. I’m the only one who can help Lanre. But I have to gain something even though I’m doing it for old friendship sake. K sighed. He stood up and told Ify he thought they were now friends but it turns out Ify had ulterior motive.

“Walk any further and the drug in that alcohol you took will take effect and you will find yourself on the floor. Trust me, if I take things myself, I won’t have a prove to my aunt that I had accomplished anything.

At that point, K felt his head was becoming very light as though it was floating in the air. He turned to look at Ify who had a smile on her face. What an actress she is. He could never had thought she had drugged him if he had left without her saying it. He would have thought it was just the drink. All the while when they spoke, he thought she was actually being good and never expected this. Why ask when she already had her way?