
Don't Bother Yourself

Lanre could not say anything to K. She thought maybe she could stand up from the bed and with her eyes close find a way to leave the room before his brain would be cognitive enough for him to turn on the lights. Lanre ended up falling down. She had ended up tripping on his leg. How was he seated and what way exactly was she going?

K turned on the flashlight on his phone. Lanre immediately covered her face. She felt embarrassed. How did she ended up getting tricked by Anita? From the question K asked her, she did not need anyone to tell her she was at K’s house and this is his room. And lastly, Ify has gone to Dubai.

K just stared at the woman in front of him with her head bowed down. He wished she would not cover her face. He has no clue how she got into his room but he wished she would not hide her face.

“Lanre!” He called softly almost not feeling his voice. She still did not lift her head. He held her shoulder, she shrugged him off.

“Do not touch me! I will be leaving now”. Lanre said finally standing up from the floor. She made to move but K held her hand. He pulled her to himself and pinned her to the bed. The little light his phone flashlight gave to the room was the only source of light there. His eyes were fixed on her face.

“Anita!” Lanre muttered. She felt her body was being too sensitive. K probably didn’t get what she said because he seemed to had replied her, but it was not even related to what she said.

“I need you too!” He said. His words seem to had driven a hole that kept screaming to be filled in Lanre’s heart. She could not tell why she felt so much like someone injected with a drug and could not control the way her body reacted to them being so close.

“Get off me! I need to breath!” Lanre said to him. He lets her go. He covered his face with his palms while Lanre went for the door but it was locked. It was locked from outside.

“Not again!” She muttered. She felt like someone that has been induced with an aphrodisiac and she needed to be far from him.

“Don’t bother yourself, it is locked. Just sit down and relax. When she comes to her senses, she will open the door”. K said. By “she”, he was referring to Anita. K laid on the bed with his legs crossed. He had planned that the first thing he would do is to go take his bath. But not with Lanre in his room, he can’t give a guarantee he won’t touch her. And from the way her body reacted to their proximity when he was on top of her, he was sure she would let him.

“Why can’t I think straight!” He muttered to himself. Her presence was eating up every space in his mind.