
A Very Wicked Person

Lanre did not actually leave for Lagos that day. She spent the night in an hotel at Enugu and took a morning flight to Lagos. If it was just Ify’s mother, perhaps she would have gone for the party, but Ify jumping in to say she already invited her and that she had agreed was too suspicious. She could not give it a second thought to attend. She had to turn down Mrs. Ochuzi.

She prepared herself for her flight that morning and left with her luggage to the airport. On getting to the airport, Lanre met Odenigbo, Ify’s ex fiancé. He was the first to see her and had stopped her just when she was about to enter into the airport.

“Lanre!” Odenigbo called. Lanre had not expect to see Odenigbo. Especially not in front of the airport.

“Odenigbo, what’s up?” She said to him with a smile gracing her lips. Odenigbo returned her smile with a hostile look.

“Lanre, you are a very wicked person! You and your friend are wicked!” Odenigbo said pointing fingers at Lanre. She did not know how to react to this. She wondered if she should just ignore him and walk inside the airport or if she should pay him attention.

“You think I’m wicked, or you are sure that I’m wicked?” Lanre asked. Odenigbo called her evil instead of answering her question. She rolled her eyes and told him that she has a flight to catch and so she would be leaving and has no time to waste. She went inside only to find out that Odenigbo was heading to Lagos as well. And what a way to fly to Lagos, with someone who is on your neck sitting right next to you.

The flight was silent for Lanre for about ten minutes before Odenigbo started again. But this time he was a bit calm.

“Lanre, how could you support your friend to get engaged to another guy just because he has more money. You know how much I love your friend”. Odenigbo said to her. Lanre scoffs.

“You use to beat her, is that what you call love?” Lanre asked. Odenigbo asked Lanre if that was what Ify told her. Lanre did not say a thing to him. He rubs his hand on his head.

“I have never touched her, I swear!” Odenigbo said. Lanre scoffs and hissed.

“Why would I beat Ify? What did she do that I would beat? Somebody that I love so much”. Odenigbo said trying to convince Lanre but she gave him no attention. She dips her hand in hand bag. She sighed, she could not remember the last time she had it with her, her headset. She turned to look at Odenigbo.

“You better stop disturbing my life if you don’t want to get beaten the way you used to beat her. At least the man she is with will never lay a finger on her”. Lanre said. Then she looked away from Odenigbo wishing they were not seated next to each other.