
The Good heart

Amanda decided to travel for a change of environment,and started a new job,and she was off age to get married,her friend already has engaged with someone and this made her jealous but she needed a God fearing man ...as you read you are to see more of intrigue,suspense and action,and you wont regret reading it... most the typing will be slangs and it is understandable if you read more of the story thank you for reading....

Kelly_Ighalo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


I refused opening my eyes and closed it more tight, then I heard footsteps coming to me.

"No Lord, no please, I cried inside shivering but I noticed it wasn't me.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the lady that was just beside me dragged out as she cried very seriously but that was not a relief for me.

There was a little raised platform like a court they built for their slaughtering activities and I wondered what they are going to do with them.

A table was brought out and the blood stained on it explained everything to me without being told.

One of the ladies picked out fainted out of shock.... Of course who won't be when I was already dead myself.

They pushed one of the guys forward forcing his head on the table, and with my heart beating fast wishing the trumpet will just blow and everything will be over..... THUM! his head was cut off with a well sharpened machete.

I threw up immediately and laid on the ground there chocking as if I was going to die. I couldn't take it anymore and the more machete that landed on the table indicating another life gone, the more I threw up without seeing the sight.

We were pushed back to the room for the next buyer to arrive. 5 more people was added to us and 6 lives were again gone before the end of the that day.

I was damn weak but refused to eat the trash they offered us like dogs, then John came to me.

"You don't want to eat? You'll still die anyway, you may not be lucky tomorrow and i wonder why you're not chosen yet, probably because you're ugly, he said but i only looked at him saying nothing.

"Try to eat okay so your body will look good for a rich buyer or else we will still kill you and sell the important parts we want for special buyers only, he continued talking to himself but i still said nothing and he smiled nodding his head.

"Good, bye and see you in the morning, he said and touched my cheeks and left and i closed my eyes and leaned my head on the wall.

I felt like crying, but not for myself but for my mother. I saw myself as a big disappointment if my disappearance will break my mom down for all the struggles she went through just to see I complete my education after my father kicked the bucket when i was about writing my SSCE.

My heart was burning and i missed her so much with my siblings. I missed Susan and wished I could see Joshua to apologize to him, l just wanted another chance to make things right but i was scared it will never come.

I didn't know what else to do that night than to sing despite my mouth was still closed, I was just humming it from the deepest of my heart. I had no right to be angry with God, and If this will be the last thing i will do before leaving this earth, i was ready to do it.

I cant tell how long i hummed with my eyes closed as i laid on the stinking floor and i felt pains on the shoulder i laid, then i decided to turn to the other side but heard a very serious argument going on outside.

I decided to sit up to listen attentively but noticed my hands were freed, like very very free.

It wasn't tied anymore and i quickly got the cloth out of my mouth and spat out and loosed my legs and the argument became more fierce outside.

"I've loosed myself, i announced to them and they began to mumble though i couldn't see their faces because of the dark room.

"Its okay we are leaving here today. I'm going to loose you all and we will break out here, if it means for us to fight we will fight for we have to do something else we will be slaughtered like goats when the morning comes. So just stay calm while i try loose everyone okay so we can break out together, I said and used my hands carefully on the air to feel them.

If i succeed to loose anyone hands, they were able to take care of their mouth and legs like i did to make it faster and easier for me.

As this was going on, the guys were still in the heat of their argument throwing threats on each other and i saw that as a very good chance for us to strike. For sure some may die but at least we will be able to escape and if possible hurt them also to defend ourselves.

I think i was on the 16th person trying to lose his Hand when the last person i loosed freed herself and ran to the door, surprisingly it wasn't locked that's why our hands were tied and everyone who i untied followed suit without wasting time forgetting our agreement.

That was where my good Samaritan ended as i also threw myself out to help myself.

"They are escaping! The guys shouted but I was heading to the bush without looking back.

I heard a cock of a gun and a shot was fired on the air,

"The next will be on your head if you don't stop! The man on mask shouted but the marathon race continued.

I heard screams and knew some were caught and 2 shots were fired which i knew will bring someone down.

The bush was so dark and i knew it will be easier for them to get us as they knew the place better. I noticed some fallen palm fronts as i matched on it with my bare foot, and i immediately threw myself on the ground covering myself on the palm fronts as i hid in the Bush.

One by one everyone was caught as they kept running with no direction and some of course will be killed.

"Someone is still missing and how were they loosed! I heard the boss screamed out as if he was going to die and i was praying hard i shouldn't make a sound to give them a sign.

"Tell me! He shouted.

"Who loosed you? Who! I heard one of the guys probably asking the prisoners but i couldn't hear the response.

"Oh John so you loosed your girlfriend huh? The boss asked.

"What rubbish are you saying? I heard John asked back.

"Rubbish? Then explain to us how your girlfriend got loosed and where is she you bastard! The boss shouted.

"I have nothing to do with this! John shouted.

"But i saw you with her, you were smiling with her and then you loosed her to get back at me right?...... "Hey hey hey stop putting this on me! If I'm part of this you think I'll be here with you? John angrily cuts in.

" You're a fool and this is your pay! The boss shouted and i heard a gun shot and closed my eyes tight as i prayed to God to please help me out of here....