
The Golden Fox

After Naruto and company failed to return Sasuke, he was banished from the village. six years later, with the Akatuski and Sound defeated, The Cloud has declared war on the Leaf. Tsunade believes there is one person who can help, the Golden Fox himself. This amazing story was written by Nyce456 a very talented author be sure to check out his other stories.

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 41: Dream to Dream: Mark of a Hero

The stage was set for Naruto. All of his training with Heaven's Blade was geared toward this moment. There was no fail or no losing, only victory. He came too far to lose here. Aisu also came too far. He stood against the strongest of opponents and yet here he stands before a shinobi, not just any shinobi, but one who happens to wield The Sword of the Heavens. It is this person who stands as an obstacle between him and his goal… between him and his dream. For him the situation was the same, he could not lose, winning was the only option.

The story titled History was written and could not have two winners. History would have only one victor and one loser. Who that victor or loser would be was up to the two warriors that stood on center stage. The way the final chapter ended was solely on their shoulders.

Tsunade took a step forward, "This is it. End it once and for all Naruto."

"Naruto will not lose, he will be the one standing when it's over." Yumi said.

Konohamaru nodded, "Damn straight, Naruto-niisan is going to kick his ass."

Shinji smiled, "The kid is right, Naruto will not lose, especially since he will be the one guiding the 'Hand of God'. Man I never thought I would live to see someone use Heaven's Blade to its full potential. This is truly a dream come true."

"Naruto-kun is confident. He will win, I believe in him." Hinata stated.

Gaara, who folded his arms, "Naruto… when it's all or nothing, he always comes out on top. Right now it is all or nothing."

Senzairu, who was standing next to Sasuke, "The final attack, this battle is coming to a close. Naruto… it's all on you."

"Naruto niisan…." Hayami said slightly worried about Naruto.

"Naruto will do it; the idiot doesn't know how to lose." Sasuke said to both Senzairu and Hayami.

Jiraiya, who was part of the group holding up the barrier turned to Naiya, "Like father like son eh?"

"To a degree, but Minato was more of a genius type shinobi, Naruto isn't. It doesn't matter since his heart overshadows Minato's. Arrogance seems to be of the same level though." Naiya pointed out.

"Too true. In any event, let's strengthen the barrier if we can. I don't think I can go any higher and it seems neither can you."

"I know, but its okay, we have reinforced it enough that we should be okay."

Naiya knew that Jiraiya was right. "That is true. Safaia, are you okay over there?"

"Don't worry about me stay focused on the barrier." The Mist nin informed her mother.

Kakashi who was standing next to Rin and Gai, let three words escape his lips, "This is it"

Everyone present turned their attention toward Naruto and Aisu.

Aisu, who was surrounded by dark chakra and black flames with chakra continuing to flare up as the ground beneath him started to give way to the pressure and intensity of the chakra.

Naruto, who was enclosed in a golden aura, the pressure of the chakra was so intense that the same effect was occurring to the ground beneath him.

Aisu flashed Naruto a smile, "Only one of us will stand after this."

"I know. Shall we perform our final dance?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, I think its time we close the curtain on this show. Prepare yourself."

Naruto gripped his sword tightly and waited for Aisu. The Raikage studied Naruto, it had to be perfect. His attack needed to be precise or it would all fail. He only had one shot to win this, one shot to take it all. "Okay wait Aisu, wait for the perfect moment. Analyze…study…watch…wait…and…and…and….NOW!"

Launching towards Naruto full force, Aisu was on the offensive. Naruto decided not to wait for Aisu. Instead, he decided to meet him half way. The blue eyed shinobi launched at Aisu. Two warriors on course for what would end in a head on collision; one by which only one would walk away from. One thing each knew for certain, this attack would decide it all.

Somewhere in Fire Country…

Kouen and his group stopped. Reido turned toward Konoha. "Father…you have to win."

Kouen, who was still being supported by the group of shinobi turned to look at Reido, "We shouldn't keep stopping Reido, we have to get back to Cloud."

"We should head back to Konoha. Leaving behind our leader is something we should not have…"

"Our leader is the strongest in the village and he made his decision. He chose to remain and fight even when our army was forced to retreat. Anything that happens is on him. You could head back if you want but I wouldn't recommend it. I know he's your father but there is nothing you can do right now even if you wanted to. Let's head home and worry about our next move while we heal." Kouen suggested.

Reido fist clenched tight in his hands "Fine. Let's head back to Cloud."

The Cloud shinobi took off towards their village. Reido had a bad feeling about everything that was going on. He would do what his sensei said and play the waiting game.


A group of Anbu landed next to the unconscious Sai. "Who did you think did this to him?"

"One responded, "I don't know but whoever did this had to be talented. He is or was a member of Root, that in itself speaks volumes of his talent."

A female Anbu responded, "Whoever did this obviously didn't want him dead. In any event, we need to get him to the hospital."

"Agreed" The shinobi in front of Sai said as he picked him up. In an instant, the Anbu squad, with Sai in tow, was gone.


The two shinobi were inching towards one another. It was only seconds before they reached one another but to everyone, including them, it felt as if time had slowed down for them.

Aisu was flooded with memories of his family, friends, and his wife.

Aisu Flashback…

Five year old Aisu watched as his mother knelt down, "You know, the responsibility of being a big brother means that you have to look out for you brother and sister."

"I will mother, I promise."

His mother patted him on his head, "I know you will."

End of flashback…

Naruto remembered how life was like for a five year old Jinchuuriki. Being ostracized, he remembers one person treating him like he was human.

Naruto's Flashback…

Sitting on the swing watching the other kids play, Naruto was envious and want to play with them so badly. Only one problem, the parents forbid their kids to play with him. "Why me, doesn't anyone like me?"

"What do you mean no one likes you? I wouldn't offer to treat you to ramen if I didn't like you now would I?"

"Gramps, you're really going to do that for me?" Naruto said with excitement in his voice.

"Come Naruto, let's go have ramen and after that we will go play ninja." Sandaime said to the boy.

"For an old man, you're pretty cool gramps!" Naruto said causing Sarutobi to sigh.

End of Naruto's Flashback…

Aisu thoughts were all over the place and they landed on a time when he first became a shinobi.

Aisu's Flashback…

Today, you are shinobi of the Cloud. Become the best shinobi you can be and always protect the Cloud with everything you have.

After the teacher gave his speech, Aisu was standing outside of the Academy wearing his headband proudly. "One step closer mother and father. One step closer to making a difference."

Tosku placed a hand on Aisu's shoulder causing the boy to look up at his mentor, "This is the beginning of your dream Aisu. I have no doubt that you are the future of Cloud. You will be a great shinobi that much is certain."

Aisu smiled and turned to look at the sky. "One step closer."

End of Aisu's Flashback…

For Naruto, the next memory that would enter his head would be one of him and Team 7 when they were one of their missions after the Wave mission.

Naruto's flashback…

It was night time and the group just completed a mission. Deciding to get some rest, the group stopped and decided to camp out in the forest. Building a fire, all was laying around the fire. Kakashi was reading his book, while Sakura was looking up at the stars. Seeing a shooting star, "Wow there goes a shooting star. Sasuke-kun, Kakashi-sensei, Naruto make a wish."

Sasuke turned on his side, "I don't need to wish for what I want to occur. Fate has already sealed that 'Man's" fate the moment he left me alive."

Sakura glanced Kakashi, "Kakashi-sensei did you make your wish?"

"Huh, did you say something Sakura?" A vein formed on her head.

"Nevermind. How about you Naruto? I bet it's to become Hokage right?"

Naruto's answered surprised everyone, "No Sakura-chan. I really don't need to make a wish, mines already came true."

"Really? But I thought Hokage was your dream?" Sakura asked.

"It is but I have other dreams too. What about you Sakura-chan, did you make your wish?"

Sakura blushed, "Yes."

Kakashi closed his book, "Well we have to get going early tomorrow so we all should get some rest."

Everyone said goodnight. Naruto was looking up at the stars, "Goodnight, family."

End of Naruto's flashback…

The gap was slowly closing between the two shinobi. Aisu thoughts went to his teammates, his lost comrades.

Aisu Flashback…

Aisu and his friends stood on top of a mountain side in Lightning. The group was now sixteen and Yuujin was finally promoted to Jounin. Aoki, Aisu, and Yuujin looked off into the horizon.

"I think the three of us will become great Shinobi. Our trio will be more famous the Sannin." Yuujin stated.

"Greater than the Sannin… sounds real good. What do you think Aisu?"

"I think if we strive for our best there is nothing that can stop us. We are strong individually but together we are untouchable."

"You're right bro, we are an untouchable family."

Aisu turned to Yuujin and smiled, "And of course you're the goofy little brother who always finishes last."

"Hey, I'm older than you and what do you mean by goofy? I'll have you know…"

Aisu smiled, his mind completely zoned out as he looked at the sky.

End of Aisu's flashback…

Naruto was inching closer and his thoughts shifted to Minashu clan

Naruto's flashback…

It was a month before Naruto was about to leave and he was standing outside looking off into the night. Ryuho approached him, "Why are you out here so late Naruto?"

"Just thinking that's all."


"Just thinking about how a man took in a kid and taught him a sword technique that belongs to his clan. You know Ryuho-sensei, I'm not good with thanking people but I thank you for teaching me and treating me like a son."

"Naruto, these past 11 months have been interesting to say the least. I will say this though; I've gained a second child this pass year. My teaching you felt as if I was passing on my legacy to an heir, my heir. You do know I'm proud of you right Naruto?"



"Yes sensei?"

"You do realize that we can't tell anyone about this girly moment right?"

"Don't plan too sensei, don't plan too."

End Of Naruto's Flashback…

Aisu next thought shifted to his wife

Aisu's Flashback…

Sitting outside of his house with his arms around his pregnant wife while looking at the starlit sky, Aisu was happy overjoyed with the idea of being a father. "More than anything, I have something to protect. I failed twice, I can't fail a third time."

"I love you Hana" It caught the pregnant female off guard.

Her surprise turned into a smile, "I love you too. Are you okay?"

"Couldn't be better Hana, couldn't be better."

End of Aisu's Flashback…

Naruto's Flashback

Sun Country, Naruto was standing outside thinking about his life and the direction it went in. five years ago he was fighting to be Hokage and now he was just another rogue shinobi. Yumi was a good girl but Naruto really didn't know if this is where he wanted to be. He loved Sun Country and he cared for Yumi a lot but something was still missing. Leaving behind people to seek that would just make him like Sasuke. "Maybe that's why we fought often. The two of us aren't so different after all."

Naruto felt Yumi arms slid around his waste, "Naruto-kun, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure Yumi?"

"Why are you so distant? You rarely open up. I mean you told me about the nine-tails but there seems to be so much more that you are hiding. You don't have to hide anything from me Naruto. We are lovers and friends, which should be reason enough for you to place your faith and trust into me and be completely open with me. Naruto, you are not alone, I will always stand by you. Whatever you can't face alone we can face it together."

Naruto couldn't say a thing. All of her words were true. Naruto knew that he could count on Kaori, Ryuho, Kaito, Jiraiya, and Hayami, but none of them ever told them that the would stand by him, even though he knew they would she was the first to say it. That meant a lot to Naruto. Here he was thinking about leaving to fill that emptiness he was feeling when someone was willing to help him search for the thing that would fill the void. He always thought that Sasuke made a mistake by leaving a place that offered him everything he could to achieve his goal. Naruto didn't have that luxury and now that he was presented with the option he decided he would allow Yumi to be by his side.

"You do realize my path maybe a dangerous one Yumi. I am a shinobi who is feared throughout the world. I don't won't you to risk you're life to follow…"

Yumi kissed Naruto. Pulling away slowly, "Naruto, I don't care about the dangers. Being together means I accept everything about you. Let's go in the house and get some sleep okay."

"Sure, oh and Yumi…"


"Nothing." The two went into the house. Naruto didn't know why but for some reason, that whole talk put things in perspective. He didn't need to continue his search to fill the void, that discussion made him realize that it was already filled. He was where he wanted to be, he was home.

End of Naruto's Flashback

The two Warriors drew closer together preparing for the final strike. Cocking their swords back preparing to strike one another, The two eyes met. Both shinobi with one thing on their mind at this point and that was Win at all cost.

"This is it!" Aisu, swung his sword.

"Here we go!" Naruto swung his sword.

Black and White… ebony and ivory… both blades slowly inching towards each other. The moment felt like and eternity. In the eyes of the spectators every movement was in slow motion. It's as if father time wanted everyone to see the final attack between two of the strongest warriors in the world, and the end of the battle that would go down as one of the most prolific fights in Shinobi history. This was bigger than Shodai and Madara at the Valley of the End. Much bigger than Naruto and Sasuke's battle, and far above Aisu and Senzairu's seconded encounter. This battle would change the structure of the shinobi world.

In a stale silence, the two swords made contact with one another.

Tsunade, Jiraiya, Naiya, Senzairu, Safaia, Sakura, Neji, Lee, Tenten, Ino, Kiba, Shikamarku, Temari, Gaara, Kankerou, Rin, Gai, Aoba, Kurenai, Asuma, Baki, Yuugao, Konohamaru, Hanabi, the genins', Hayami, and Yumi all covered their eyes as the light from the attack blinded them.

Sasuke and Kakashi both used the Sharingan to watch closely.

It didn't take long for the whole village and everything in a 100 mile radius, to become cloaked by a bright white light that blinded all.

Miles away from Konoha…

Reido who was jumping from branch to branch looked in shock. Landing on one of the branches and turning towards the direction of Konoha, he placed his hand over his eyes to shield him from the brightness of the light. "Father!"

Kouen, who was still injured, motioned for the group to stop, "Aisu…"


The light started to fade. Sasuke, who saw it all smirked, "Hmph"

What everyone now saw shocked them. Everyone was standing in a twenty foot crater throughout the stadium shaped like a hand. Inside the crater, both Naruto and Aisu where standing, on the opposite side from where they attacked, with their back to one another.

Aisu, who was now back to his original form, with his shirt was completely gone. The smudges of blood that decorated the side of his lip and his chest, along with the tattered pants that remained, revealed everything anyone needed to know about this battle.

Closing his eyes and smirking, "Uzumaki Naruto, eh? I wish I could be here to see what your future holds. Bearer of the Light… let's hope you can bring Light to illuminate and guide the misguided war minded driven fools in the world. I guess your will was stronger."

Naruto turned his head slightly only to witness Aisu's body dissolving into golden light particles. Before he completely faded away, "I leave you to finish my goal, Uzumaki Naruto. Don't fail the world."

Before Aisu's head faded Naruto said, "As long as there is a breath in my body, I won't."

The body continued to fade until there was nothing left but light particles. Aisu, the Godaime Raikage of the Village Hidden Among the Clouds was no more. All that remained was the Cloud headband and the clothes of the man that faded from existence.

Naruto turned around to see everyone yards away. The only person who was close was Sasuke. Naruto slowly walked toward Sasuke.

"Looks like it's finally over?" Sasuke stated.

Nodding, "Yes, so it would seem."

"That final move… was phenomenal. What was it?"

"It was God's Hand."

"NARUTO!" Naruto looked up and Sasuke turned around, seeing that the voice they heard coming from Konohamaru as he was the one ahead of the group that was running towards the two.

Konohamaru skidded to a stop, "Naruto-niisan you did it! I knew you could to do it man bro you are fantastic!"

"Well done Naruto" Senzairu said to the young warrior.

"Are you okay Naruto?" Tsunade asked.

"Baa-chan, I'm perfectly fine." Sheathing his sword, Naruto's transformation slowly faded. His white hair returned to its original golden color, as did his eyes.

"I feel perfectly…" Naruto fell forward. Sasuke grabbed him before he hit the ground.

Everyone who was crowded around was worried about the boy. "Chakra depletion and his wound still need to be treated" Hinata informed.

"I thought his wound was healed when he became the Bearer of the Light?" Konohamaru stated.

"I'm assuming that it doesn't work that way. If I had to guess, all injuries incurred before the transformation was placed in suspended animation so to speak. Reverting back to his normal state would return him back to the state by which he was in before he transformed. This is only an assumption since I don't know how this technique in particular works, Shinji-san, can you elaborate since you probably are more qualified to give a summation than I am."

"Well you are right about the suspend animations. However, even if this was not the case, the drawback of disengaging the technique is instant chakra depletion. Remember, it's bringing forth a persons potential and like any other technique, you have to sacrifice chakra to perform it. This jutsu instantly depletes your chakra once the technique is disengaged. The price one must pay." Shinji informed the group.

"Knowing Naruto, he will be up in no time. The nine-tails healing ability is apart of Naruto as well. I give him about 3-5 days" Jiraiya said.

Asuma pulled out a cigarette and placed it in his mouth. After lighting the cigarette, he took a long pull. Let the smoke escape his mouth, "So its finally over?" It seems that this crater we are standing in is the shape of a hand"

"God's Hand"

Everyone turned to Sasuke, "The jutsu Naruto used is called God's Hand, which is why we're standing in a crater shaped like a hand. Neji, Hinata, Kakashi, and Hanabi you saw what happened before the light blinded everyone, correct?"

All nodded. Sakura was curious, "What did you guys see that we didn't the light was too blinding to see anything."

Kakashi spoke, "It was for a split second, before the light over came us, when Naruto brought his sword down on Aisu, cutting through Dragon's Fang and through Aisu what looked like a spiritual hand formed over Naruto, looking as if it was guiding the sword."

"What Kakashi says is true but it was only for a split second. I thought my eyes were deceiving me but the hand appeared out of nowhere as soon as Naruto brought the sword down on Aisu."

"The hand obviously was the force behind the sword. Aisu never had a chance; a technique doesn't earn a name such as 'God's Hand' for nothing. I don't think anyone has a technique that can deal that. A sword forged by God's hands says everything that needs to be said about that jutsu." Sasuke pointed out.

"Hinata knelt down next to Naruto, "We should probably get him to a hospital."

Tsunade nodded, "Yea we should"

A group of shinobi, including members of ANBU landed around the group. The numbers started to pile on until there were about 240 shinobi from Konoha, Suna, Kusa, and Waterfall.

A captain from one of the ANBU squads stepped forward, "The enemy has retreated Hokage-sama, is there anything that you request of us?"

"Yes, I want you and your men to help the wounded around the village. Search the areas around the village for the bodies of our enemies and allies and have them taken to the morgue. Also, a messenger hawk will be dispatched to each village notifying them when they can pick up the bodies of their shinobi." Tsunade said the captain.

"Hokage-sama, we can…"

"Captain", Tsunade said while cutting the captain off immediately, "We are shinobi of the Hidden Leaf, which means we are not animals. I know what you're thinking captain but we will do no such thing. The bodies of these men and women should be sent back home for proper burials."

"Understood" The Leaf Captain and his squad, along with a few Leaf shinobi, left the scene on Tsunade's orders.

One of the older jounin saw Naruto's body and narrowed his eyes. "I'm guessing we kill him." Raising his kunai up, he smirked.

The Leaf jounin felt a sharp pain across his stomach. Sasuke who had Naruto over his right shoulder and the Kusinagi in his left hand turned toward the injured shinobi "Is that any way to pay respect to the man who saved your life. Attacking a fellow comrade is a penalty, however I want all of the Leaf shinobi here who have issues with Naruto to understand one thing… if you attack him I will not hesitate to kill any of you" Activating his Sharingan, "Do I make myself clear."

Those who were scared nodded. The female population was swooning over his coolness, and the younger male generation was thinking of Sasuke as a show off. Sasuke however, could care less. Without a warning, Sasuke and Naruto faded from view.

"Where the hell did they go?" Kiba questioned.

"For people that hate each other, they always seem to defend one another" Kakashi pointed out.

"Agghhh, that doesn't answer my question Kakashi"

"They went to the hospital, Kiba-kun" Hinata pointed out.

"Sasuke wants to make sure Naruto gets to the hospital in one piece. Who better to do so then him?" Sakura stated.

"If you ask me, he just wants him to get healed so he can fight him again and lose horribly." Shikamaru lazy stated. "In any event, I'm going home, someone wake me in the morning." The young Nara walked off.

Gaara looked at his troops, "Aid the Leaf in their search for injured civilians and bodies." The group nodded and dispersed.

Naiya turned to where Safaia was only to see that the girl was no longer there. Surprised a little, but she smiled "Seems like she left Naiya, will you follow?"

"No, she will be back in a few days. I will leave with her then. So I guess that first novel you wrote can be applied to Naruto, eh sensei?" Naiya stated.

"You know it could but I never could bring excitement to that hero. You and Minato thought it was excellent but it was my first and only failure as an author. It didn't take well. That's why I sold the rights to another talented writer who has revised the book and spiced it up better than I could ever hope to do."

"Really…who did you sell it too?" Naiya asked.

Jiraiya looked at Yumi, "That girl's writing talents far exceed my own. The story of Uzumaki Naruto is in more capable hands than it was when it was in my own. In any event, I got few things I got to take care of stay well Naiya." Jiraiya was gone in a puff of smoke.

"I wonder…what the title of the story will be. Minato-kun, your son has done more than you could hope. You and Kushina would be proud, that much is certain. It looks like it's this generation's turn to take over. With your son leading the way, the future is in good hands. Naruto, Safaia, Sasuke, Gaara, and Hinata the world is definitely in good hands. Its time I become a spectator and watch." Naiya looked over at Hinata who was holding Shinji up and smiled. "My legacy will live within you and Safaia."

Tsunade, who was exhausted, walked up to her son, "So it's really over."

"I believe so. I guess now its time to get our village in order."

"Well I'm off to the hospital. Since you can move, help the squads that are recovering bodies."

"What do you want me to do Hokage-sama?" Yuugao asked.

"Well I want you to go to the hospital. I want to make sure that my grandchild is okay." Tsuande smiled at the girl who returned the smile.

"Why can't I go to make sure she's okay?" Senzairu asked.

"Because I'm pissed with you for wanting to kill yourself and two, the village needs you. As a mother you don't have to listen to what I have to say, but as a Hokage and your boss, you do. So get to it."

Senzairu mumbled under his breath before leaving the scene. Sakura placed her hand on Tsuande's shoulder, "We should head to the Hospital."

Nodding, Tsunade and the group headed off to the Hospital.

At the Hospital….

The hospital was chaotic to say the least. Shizune's white nurse outfit was drenched in blood. Nurses and the shinobi who were aiding them, were running all over the place with injured shinobi. A medic nin came up to Shizune, "Shizune-sempai, we have a patient in room 426 who is heavliy injured. He has a hole through his chest. His situation is critical"

"Critical? Where are the other medics and why haven't they tended to him?"

"Well… I don't know but they absolutely refuse. Uchiha Sasuke dropped him off and ordered I get him and then left…" Shizune didn't need to hear another word, she shot pass the young female medic and headed to room 426.

Upon her arrival, she saw a few older medic nins just glaring at Naruto without doing anything. She losted it "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! HIS LIFE IS IN JEOPARDY. WE MUST TREAT HIM NOW!"

"I will not treat that demon. Let him fucking die" One of the old male medics stated.

Shizune didn't having time for these people ignorance. She pushed them to the side and started to proceed with healing Naruto. Her hands started glowing green, however it soon faded. "Shit, I don't have enough chakra. I used all of my chakra healing the wounded. I have to try… just a little bit"

"Please…just help me." Tears started to fall down Shizune's eyes.

"I know you all have your issues but please, he's going to die if you don't help me." Shizune pleaded but no one moved.

"Naruto, don't you quit on me. Come on Naruto… don't you quit on me. You can't die. Just a little more…just a little more. PLEASE…SOMEONE HELP ME!"

Shizune was shocked to see a hand of the young female medic, "I'm not as good as you Shizune-sempai, but if I can lend a hand I will help as much as possible."

"What are you doing Lin? Do you evening know who you are saving?"

"Doesn't matter, we all swore to save lives regardless of who or what that person maybe. All I know is that he was a banished shinobi who is fighting on our side in this war. He's injured and he needs help. I will help. You all should be ashamed of yourself for not aiding this shinobi."

Shizune smiled at Lin, "Thank you."

"Shizune, his injury is severe. The only ones who can do anything besides yourself is 'Sakura-sempai, Hokage-sama and the elite units, which are in designated areas. I don't know what we can do but I don't know if we can…"

"He's not going to die!" everyone turned to the door to see Tsunade and Sakura standing at the door.

Shizune smile widened, "Tsunade-sama!"

"What's going on here, why are you two the only ones working on him!"

"They refused Tsunade-sama." Shizune stated.

Tsunade was pissed before, but now she was beyond pissed. She turned to all of the doctors in the room, "I don't give a shit about your issues with Uzumaki Naruto. With him, this village would have been reduced to rubble. Make no mistake, he is the only reason why Konoha is standing. So help me or I will kill every last one of you if you do not try to save the village's savior."

Tsunade's killer intent caused the medic nins to shake in fear. The medics gather what courage they had to help Shizune tend to Naruto.

5 hours later Waiting room…

Hayami, Mai, Yumi, Sasame, Yokoana, and the rest of the group, with the exception of Shikamaru, were waiting to hear what happened to Naruto. An battle tested looking Tsunade came out of the room and approach the group, "Naruto… he is in stable condition. He will be out for a few days but he should be okay when he wake up."

"When can we go see him?" Yumi asked

"Well you guys can go see him one at a time. Sakura will escort you individually." A member of ANBU appeared in front of Tsunade when she finished her statement.

"Hokage-sama, your presence has been requested by Koharu-sama. She is in room 143A. She and a few other members of the council stressed that you come immediately, it's of great importance." Tsunade wondered what the fuck was going on now.

She nodded "I will be there shortly."

"Tsunade-sama, you are injured. You should be treated first" Shizune said out of concern for her teacher.

"I'm okay Shizune. I have to see what is going on. My injuries are minor compared to everyone else" Tsunade stated.

Shizune knew that she wasn't going to get Tsunade to stay so she decided to help others who were injured.

Five Minutes Later….

Tsunade entered the room only to find Koharu, Homura, and the rest of the council at Sai's bed side. Sitting up in the bed, Tsunade wondered what cause everyone to congregate in his room.

"What is going on here?"

"It seems that Danzou has betrayed the Leaf." Shibi informed Tsunade.

Looking at the battle tested shinobi; she could see that Koharu's and Homura's clothing wasn't tattered at all. She knew they weren't cowards; the fact was that regular shinobi didn't measure up to their ability. She placed her hand on her forehead.

"Shit, this gets better and better. Danzou going to another village would definitely put us in jeopardy."

"He didn't go to another village Hokage-sama." Shikaku stated grimly.

"It seems that the Akatsuki organization is still at large." Koharu stated.

"And if what Sai tells us is true, then we are in more danger than we are equipped to handle." Homura stated.

"What do you mean, Sai explain?" Tsunade questioned.

"Danzou refrained from killing me to inform everyone that Akatsuki was alive and kicking. Also, he mentioned that his master, Uchiha Madara was the driving force behind the organization."

Homura jumped in, "Uchiha Madara being alive seems impossible; however it can very well be true. If he is indeed alive then Konoha is probably in the most danger out of all of the villages. This is the man who co-founded the Hidden Leaf along with your grandfather Tsunade. I've met the man and his power has always terrified me. His Sharingan was on a different level."

"That's because Uchiha Madara had the Mangekyou Sharingan." Everyone turned to see Kakashi.

"Kakashi, what are you doing here? This is a meeting between council members. You have no right to be here." Inochi stated.

"I'm sure I don't but remember what Akatsuki was after. We have two incapacitated, one injured, another heading back to Mist alone and another heading toward cloud. Five out of nine probably within a 150 mile radius of one another; which is definitely not good."

"I wouldn't worry too much; Akatsuki can't go through on their plans." Everyone turned to see Jiraiya sitting on a frog outside of the window.

"What do you mean Jiraiya?" Tsunade questioned.

"I mean that due to the recent growth of Naruto, Kouen, Safaia, and Awasedo Akatsuki have to approach their goal to collecting the Jinchuriki differently. Each Jinchuruki can now hold their own with any of the members since they are able control their demon. Also, Uchiha Itachi destroyed the great statue that was used to contain the Jinchuuriki, thus freeing the 4 that was captured."

"Why would Itachi do such a thing?" Kakashi questioned.

"It's true that Itachi did murder the Uchiha clan, however he did so because of the Uchiha Clan's dark secret of a coup d'etat. My guess is Itachi did what he did because he too wanted Madara's power and to stop his clans goal to take over the Leaf. The Uchiha Clan was honorable but I guess he saw that they lost their way and the only way to keep their honor was to commit a Massacre that would not have them fall from grace. Looking at it, the clan way of thinking was similar to Madara. After years of research and following Orochimaru I discovered that Orochimaru reason for wanting power and all his experiments was to stand on top as the ultimate power. However he could not do so because his power paled in comparison to Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Itachi. This lead Orochimaru to seek out the Uchiha clan to obtain that power, he tried for Itachi but lost his left hand to Itachi. My guess is Madara took Itachi under his wing, seeing him as a threat and convinced him to murder the Uchiha Clan, with his aid of course. I think this was done for two reasons 1) so no Uchiha would come and rise above Madara and 2) To stop Orochimaru's plan. Make no mistake, If Orochimaru got a hold of the Sharingan he would have been a threat to Itachi and Madara. His body switch technique was ingenious, I guess he was praised as being the genius of the Sannin for a reason. Orochimaru was definitely gifted."

"And he saw his opportunity in Sasuke" Kakashi pointed out.

"Yes but Sasuke grew beyond his control; he found himself on the bitter end of that fight, which bring me to my next topic." Jiraiya stated.

"Uchiha Sasuke is more than likely in danger." Homura stated.

"The boy has the Mangekyou and he defeated Itachi. I would say he is definitely on Akatsuki's list. He has the potential to surpass Madara. I saw the boy warp into Naruto's mind to tame the fox. Controlling the nine-tails… Only Uchiha Madara had that ability and for him to even be able to enter his mind is a feat in itself. Sasuke's power is growing at a rate that is not good with Akatsuki."

"So what of Uzumaki Naruto, what is to become of him?" Koharu asked.

"He just saved the village, we're not placing him in chains Koharu." Tsunade said slightly angry at what she was trying to insinuate.

Jiraiya smiled, "Akatsuki will not come after Naruto. One, they still have to get things in order for themselves and two, I'm still here. I don't like to brag but I'm a pretty strong shinobi. In any event, you will never know when they're going to strike but if they were going to strike they would have done so already."

Sai interrupted the group, "They're not going to attack. I didn't pass out right away so I remember hearing Danzou say that no one will survive when 'they' come. I don't know who and what he meant by that but I'm guessing whatever it is it's going to be a while. Whatever Akatsuki is planning its going to be on a wide scale. It will not only affect Konoha, but the world at large. Right now, we should focus on getting everyone healthy and worry about this later."

"Sai, you rest up." Tsunade smiled at the boy. "The rest of you, we are leaving and we will a council meeting about this sometime next week when we have a memorial for our soldiers.

Tsunade left the group, Kakashi followed suit along with the rest of the council members. Tsunade and Kakashi headed back toward where Shizune and the others were located. Speaking a low tone that only Kakashi could hear, "This is not good you do realize it. We are completely exposed. Not just us though, I think every village is exposed. I don't suspect anything will happen, but we definitely will have to keep an eye out."

"Understood; I will go aid the others. We definitely have a lot of work ahead of us. I would say that 40 of Konoha was damaged by this attack."

"It might be higher. In any event, we have to keep a look out. Kakashi, spread the word, I want all mobile shinobi helping at either the hospital or searching for bodies. You have your orders, Get on it."

Tsuanade looked up to the sky, "Now the aftermath… I wonder what will happen next?"

Somewhere Unknown….

In a dark cave, cloaked members with Red Clouds adorning their robes, gathered together in a circle. It was evident that astro projection was being used, no member was in the cave. The member with the ringed eyes addressed the group of nine, "It seems that Uzumaki Naruto has defeated Aisu. A feat to say the least, Aisu would have caused us problems."

"It seem we now have to worry about Uzumaki Naruto. Can I offer him to the Jashin?"

"No Hidan, we will do no such thing. The time will come. You and Kakuzu will lay low… I'm certain word has spread that our organization is still in existences."

"Pein, you fucking coward" Hidan words caused Konan to glare at him.

Kakuzu sighed, "You're an idiot. But Naruto isn't the only Jinchuuriki we must worry about. We also have to deal with Safaia and Kouen. Let's not forget Gaara of the Sand and Awesado."

"Uchiha Sasuke" Everyone turned to Danzou.

"Why do we need to worry about a weak Uchiha?" Hidan said smugly

"You would do well to mind your tongue Hidan. Besides, Uchiha Sasuke has the Mangekyou Sharingan. His eyes stronger than that of Itachi and he has advanced his Curse Seal to level 3. He is anything but weak. He is another person to keep a look out on." Danzou stated.

"It is of no consequences, we will proceed with plan and wait. By the way Danzou, what is Kumoko's status?"

"Stable. Surprisingly she survived a grave injury. That Haruno Sakura is another thorn. She will definitely surpass Tsunade."

"You all lack vision" Everyone eyes widened at the voice they heard in the cave.

A silhouette of a man was the only thing visible besides the piercing red Sharingan. With a black Akatsuki cloak on, the figure continued to the center of the room.

Danzou kneeled, "Master, what brings you to a meeting. The last time you appeared before us is when Uchiha Itachi was inducted as a senior member."

"That is true. I'm here to make sure that we are on course with our plan. Itachi threw a wrench in our plans when he destroyed the demon god statue, but it is of no consequence, it can be rebuilt. As for Uzumaki Naruto…we'll will deal with him when the time comes, Sasuke too."

"What about Safaia and Kouen?" An unknown member asked.

"All will be addressed when the time comes. Our time will come… Akatsuki will stand above all." Madara stated.

"So are we assigned to a Jinchuuriki like last time?" an unknown member asked.


"Who gets the nine-tails?" Hidan asked.

"I will leave that up to Pein. He will be directing all of your actions. As for Kumoko, make sure she recovers fully."

"What can that bitch do for our organization, she's fucking weak." Hidan stated.

"Considering her opponents, one who happens to be of my lineage, the nine-tails jinchuuriki, and Tsunade's successor it's no wonder why she would appear weak. Danzou I'm leaving her in your care. You are to make her stronger." Sharingan eyes gazed at Danzou.

"Yes master, I will make sure that she is on the level. But she has a vendetta against Uzumaki Naruto, who's to say she won't go after him right away?"

"Then its simple, crush her and show her how weak she really is. Once that is done it should be easy to show her where she needs to be in order to take on Naruto. In any event, we will be in contact. You are all dismissed."

The astro projections faded leaving Madara to himself "My power… the power of Uchiha Madara… soon… real soon."

One Week Later...

Konoha, the hidden Leaf village was back to some sense of normalcy. During the week villagers were fixing the damage throughout the village, patients were being tended to the bodies of the shinobi, both foreign and domestic was gathered. Today was different, every shinobi and civilian were gathered at the base of the Hokage tower.

Today was a little different from other days, today was the day that people would pay their respects to the shinobi that sacrifice their life in the war. Tsunade was sitting in her office using her arm, to support her head. Today was the day that homage would be paid for all of the fallen soldiers. This meant that a big funeral service would be done in the middle of town. She would also acknowledge those who helped win the war. She wondered how the people would take it when she informed that Naruto saved them from Aisu.

Shizune entered her office, "Tsunade-sama, its time"

"I will be there, give me five minutes Shizune" She informed the girl who exited.

Tsunade stood up,"Okay, here I go." The hokage continued to walk toward


Naruto slowly opened his eyes. He heard Hayami yell out to a sleeping Yumi, "Yumi-neesan, Naruto-niisan is waking up!"

Naruto eyes slowly shifted to a smiling Hayami. They then shifted to Yumi who was now up and watching him closely. The next people would see as he scanned the room was Mai, Naiya, Hinata, Shinji, Yokoana, Sasame, Shikamaru, Gaara, Temari, and Kankerou.

"Naruto-niisan!" Hayami yelled out.

"Hey, Yami-chan" Naruto said with a week voice.

"How are you feeling Naruto" Yumi asked out of deep concern.

Naruto struggle to sit up, "A little weak but I should be okay. Could someone get me water." Temari, who was standing by the table with the water pitcher and cups, poured Naruto a glass and handed to him. After drinking a cup, he exhaled, "Much better"

"Naruto, you were amazing in that fight. You woke up just in time too. Tsunade is about to address the crowd. Hayami, open up the window"

Hayami nodded and did as Kankurou asked. Naruto who was scanning the room noticed a bunch of flowers, ballons and cards in his room.

"Who is all this from?" He asked.

"Well Naruto, the Princess of Snow Country had a few balloons delivered, Tazuna and his family, they actually stopped by to visit you to see how you were doing. Jiraiya actually left you a copy of his new volume, Members from Sasame's clan and Yokoana's father, Iruka, and a few other people." Ayame informed Naruto.

Shikamaru yawned then addressed Naruto, "It sounds like Tsunade is about to start." Naruto turned his head to look out the window. He could see the Hokage tower and Tsunade standing on the roof balcony. Next to her were Koharu and Homura. He waited to hear what she was going to say.

Hokage tower…

Tsunade looked at the citizens beneath her. "First of I want to start off by paying respect to all of the shinobi that were lost in this battle. It is because of their sacrifice that Konoha is still here. Their sacrifice was not in vain. I only wish that this war never occurred but we are shinobi and it is the risk that we must face. To all of the families, friends, and lovers that lost someone special, my heart goes out to you. If you would all put your head down so we can have a moment of silence for all of the shinobi who gave their life for the village."

Everyone put their head down and the streets became very quiet. Tsunade lifted her head after a few moments, "Konoha, our home, we owe its survival to the shinobi that died to protect it, foreign and domestic. We are not the only village who has valued shinobi; our allies have lost a lot as well. My heart goes out to our allies who have lost just as much as we did in this war. Even though we lost valued member of our village, Konoha remained strong and it is our strength, the will of fire that will ensure we wouldn't fall!"

The crowd erupted in a cheer.

Tsunade continued, "We gave it our all to ensure that the generations to come would have a home. There are a few shinobi that I would like to think personally. Every shinobi contributed, however the following Shinobi turned the tied in our favor. Kazekage dono, from the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for sticking by us. Without the aid of your village I don't know what predicament Konoha would be in."

"I would like to thank all of the Grass and the Waterfall village as well. Another reason why Konoha didn't fall."

"The ANBU, jounins, chuunins, and genin alike, thank you all."

The crowd of shinobi erupted.

Konohamaru, who was standing next to Hanabi smiled and watched Makeinu jump around.

Tsunade continued, "The medical squads responsible for healing our shinobi. Sakura and Shizune, I don't know what would have happened with out you two to provide guidance and leader ship."

Sakura and Shizune, who were standing next one another in the crowd smiled.

"Uchiha Sasuke… I don't know where you are but for evacuating the citizens from the stadium I want to thank you for that. You are a valued asset to the village and a damn fine shinobi." Tsunade statement of Sasuke caused the crowd to chant 'Rokudaime, Rokudaime, Rokudaime!'

Tsunade saved this one for last because it would definitely throw everyone for a loop. "Quiet down! I would like to thank one more person. This person embodies what it is to be a shinobi and has taught me a lot during the years. Yondaime Hokage, your son has grown to be a fine shinobi and it is because of him that Konoha, and all villages threatened by Aisu will live to see another day. His strengthen and skill throughout the battle is the reason why everyone is here today. Make no mistake, without his aid we all would have perished."

Everyone started to whisper about Yondaime having a son. A lot of the younger and older citizens had no clue. But those who did smiled, well at least most did.

Tsunade who closed her eyes and cracked a smile lift her head and said, "Uzumaki Naruto, You are the greatest shinobi I have ever met, period. You saved this village for a second time from utter destruction, you are and will forever be the greatest hero Konoha has ever known. Thank you Naruto, for everything."

Back at the hospital…

Naruto smiled. Everyone in the room smiled as well. However the silence was broken by the crowd who went ballistic. Naruto could hear the chant of the demon nine-tails and other things of the sort. He put his head down.

Shikamaru shook his head in shame. Hinata put her head down, and a bandaged Shinji narrowed his eyes, "Bastards, you just saved their asses and this the thanks you get."

"It's okay Shinji, I was paid to do a service and my job is done."

Hayami placed a hand on Naruto's hand, "Naruto-niisan, you will always be my hero."

Naruto looked at the girl and smiled, "Thank you Yami-chan."

The group in the room heard a loud scream coming from the tower "SHUT UP!"

The crowd was silenced but the voice everyone heard wasn't Tsunade's it was Konohamaru's.

Hokage Tower…

Konohamaru was standing on the metal rails in front of Tsunade and he was furious. "You bastards! Naurto-niisan save your asses and this is the thanks he get! Uchiha Sasuke didn't fight against the powerful Raikage and win. Naruto did. Not even Tsunade-sama, our Hokage was able to defeat the Raikage. Naruto defended us all and we show our thanks by calling him a demon. He has the nine-tails in him, okay so what. His own father put the demon in him to save the village. Did any of you know what it's like to walk around with a demon inside of you? NO you don't, none of us do. My grand-father defended this village and he told me its because he loves the people in this village. I asked why and he said, "Konoha citizen's are the most understanding, caring, and helpful citizens in all of the world." For a long time I believed him but now I know that is a lie."

Everyone was shocked by Konohamaru and what he was saying but he wasn't finished.

"I'm ashamed to be member of this village for the first time in my life. Did any of you ever sit down and talk with him? Maybe invited him over to get to know him a little bit more? No, you just judge. It's easy to take out your anger and pain out on the demon-child for what the Kyuubi did isn't it… fucking cowards. If the 4th knew what was going to occur, I'm sure he would have never sacrificed his only son so your lives could be spared. Look into your hearts and ask is it Naruto you hate or is it the nine-tails? I can tell you one thing, the two are not one being, and they are completely different. Citizen of Konoha, you are a disgrace to everything Konoha stands for. I'm done, I can't look at any of you anymore." Konohamaru flipped off of the rail and landed on the ground below.

As he glanced around, every shinobi that met his eyes put their heads down in shame. Konohamaru just shook his head, "Disgraceful." As he walked, the crowd made a path for him. Hanabi went run after him but was stopped by Udon, who placed his hand on her shoulder and shook his head.

Tsunade from the top of her balcony smiled, "Well done Konohamaru, Rokudaime indeed."

Tsunade continued, "Well Konohamaru's outburst was a bit unprofessional but it did drive home the message. I just want you all to know that I have selected my candidate for Rokudaime, which overrides the council's selection. I know all of you wanted Uchiha Sasuke but the fact of the matter is he turned down the position a week ago. Even if he didn't, he would not have been the next Hokage, I've found my successor and he will do well in the position when I step down. I want to thank you all for coming out. Enjoy the rest of your day."

Tsunade walked toward the exit. The crowd remained after a while. Makeinu was the bold one to start chanting, "Naruto, Naruto, Naruto" the chants started to slowly spread until it became louder and louder. Tsunade stopped when she heard the chants. Her initial shock caused her eyes to widen. After the shock, a smile formed on her face.

At the Hospital…

Shikamaru looked at Naruto, "Seems it took you two times instead of three, you know saving their lives and all."

Yumi spoke, "Well Naruto, looks like Konohamaru speech got through to them. Even if it didn't, you will always be my hero."

Hayami tapped Naruto's leg, "Niisan, when do we go home?"

Naruto looked at Shinji, "I'm sure my uncle and my aunt wouldn't mind either way. Besides, I don't have time for kids."

Naruto smiled, "So you're pawning her off on me, thanks a lot Shinji."

"Naruto-niisan you don't want me to live with you?"

"That's not it Hayami, I was just joking with Shinji. But to answer your question, I should be fine tomorrow but we probably won't leave Konoha for another two days." Naruto explained to the little girl.

"So what happened after I blacked out?" Naruto asked.

Hayami jumped on the bed and started going into an animated explaination, "Naruto-niisan when you passed out, we were instantly surround by shinobi in a weird looking masks and a bunch shinobi. One of them tried to attack you and Sasuke-san cut him with his sword. He held you in his arms and told everyone that if they messed with you they would have to go through him. Next thing you know he disappeared with you his arms."

Gaara jumped in, "Sasuke brought you here Naruto. No one has seen Sasuke for the pass week though, so we don't know what he's up too."

"Sasuke, eh…" Naruto smiled again.

Yokoana spoke, "Naruto I will be heading back today but Sasame will remain and will escort you back. I will see you when you get home. Later Naruto, take care everyone."

"Later Yokoana. Temari, I never did thank you…"

"Shut up idiot. You don't have to thank me for protecting Hayami. Even if Gaara didn't give me the order I probably would have done it."

Kankurou whispered, "Of course, any excuse to see your boyfriend."

Kankerou felt Temari fan hit his head, "Shut up idiot."

Naruto smiled at the brother and sister.

Shikamaru addressed Naruto, "Well I have a few things that I need to deal with. Naruto take it easy."

"You know me Shikamaru"

"Exactly why I said what I said." Shikamaru left the group.

Temari tapped Gaara, "I need to talk to you before you leave today"

"I'm actually leaving in another hour, so whatever you wish to talk to me about please let's do it now" Gaara looked at his sister.

"I would like to tell you in private. Your hotel room?" Temari asked.

"Let's go, I have to pack anyway" turning to Naruto, "I'm sure I will see you in a few weeks. Take care."

Kankurou tapped Naruto's leg, "Yea bro, take it easy and get the hell out of here soon"

"Thanks guys. Later." Naruto waved as Gaara left. Hinata turned to Shinji, "Maybe we should go. Mai-san,,Hayami, we're going to get something to eat. You want to come?"

Mai nodded, "Sure"

"I want to stay with Naruto-nii-san" Hayami informed Hinata.

Naruto knew what Hinata was trying to do, "Hayami, can you go with Hinata. I want ramen and I want you to order my favorite. Can you do that?"

"Sure niisan. I'm bring you back two bowls of miso-ramen." Hayami said with energy in her voice.

Shinji turned toward the door, "Let's go. Naruto we will be back later."

Naruto watched as everyone left. When Hinata closed the door behind, her Yumi embraced Naruto, "I've missed you so much. How are you really feeling Naruto?"

"I'm still feel a little pain in my chest. Yumi, I'm sorry for leaving but I had to do this if I hadn't…"

"Shut up, I understand Naruto. I just missed you. Naruto don't ever scare me like that again, when you died or was in limbo or wherever you were I though I was going to lose you"

"Yumi, you're not going to lose me. Death couldn't keep me away from you, what makes you think anything can?" Naruto kissed Yumi on lips. Pulling away he looked into her eyes, "Its going to take more than death to keep me away."

"Naruto… I love you" She embraced him in a tight hug.

"I love you too Yumi. So, how is that book you've been writing but won't let me read coming along?" Naruto asked as he slightly pushed her forward.

"It's actually going real well. The ending couldn't have been more perfect"

Naruto smiled, "Fantastic, when do I get to read it?"

"Soon but when it's finished okay. You will be the first person to read it".

"I can't wait to get out of here, I want to go home" Naruto said to Yumi.

"Me too, I can't wait to get back home"

Naruto leaned back on the bed, "So, could you tell me what happened during my seven month absence?"

Naruto listened as Yumi started to explain all that happened while thinking to himself, "It's finally over. Keiei, thanks for showing me the way. Now Yumi, Hayami, Mai, Shinji, and Rin can leave Konoha."


On Madara's Statue, Uchiha Sasuke looked up toward the sun, "Madara, I know you're out there and Akatsuki lives on with you. Itachi showed me that much in his vision. I'm an avenger and I swore to bring all responsible for the Uchiha Clan massacre to justice. I will definitely kill you." Sasuke shouted, "Uchiha Madara, I will definitely kill you!"

"What are you waiting for, why not now?" Sasuke eyes widened when he heard the voice behind him.

Slowly turning, Sasuke was face to face with a figure in a black-hooded cloak. He could see the Sharingan glowing from under the hood.

"You swore to kill me, I'm right here, well what are you going to do Sasuke?" Madara said in a taunting voice.

"I know why, you can't kill me. Don't worry Sasuke, I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to let you know that I'm going to obliterate Konoha, Cloud, Suna, Mist, Rock, and all of the shinobi villages. Not you nor the nine-tails brat can stop the inevitable. Your Hokage, little Tsunade is aware of what's going on."

Sasuke doing everything he could from attacking Madara, "I know what you're planning, you won't succeed. Itachi through a wrench in your plans and besides…Akatsuki fell once, this time I will cut out the root and it will fall permanently".

"We shall see Sasuke. When the time comes, you know where to find me. When you gain my power I will be waiting for you. I know Itachi informed you about everything, I wonder how's your vision these days. You're a smart kid, you still have you're brothers eyes don't you? Your silence has provided me with my answer. In any event, you have seven years, inform Tsunade that you all have seven years."

"Running away are we, doesn't sound like something the legendary Madara who conquered clans would do. Also why warn us, seven years is more than enough time to surpass you" Madara stopped and turned to Sasuke.

" I'm not running from you Sasuke. Our time will come and when it does I will not hold back on you or you're friend Naruto. I'm warning you because I want everyone to be prepared for what's to come. No matter how much you prepare, nothing will save you. Make no mistake about it, I will be the one to kill you both."

Sasuke lost it, "Do it now you bastard," Shooting a chidori at Madara, it pierced his cloaked, but Madara was gone. Sasuke narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth, "Shit, he got away. First Aisu now this…Seven years…why seven years? Is that how long it takes to build the statue? This is not going to turn out well."

Sasuke turned back to the direction of Konoha, "Naruto… looks like we got another battle on our hands".

5 days later Konoha…

Three days had passed and Naruto was out of the hospital. He was informed about Akatsuki from Tsunade. Naruto knew he would have to be prepared but right now he would take it easy, or as easy as Uzumaki Naruto could take it. Back at the hotel, Naruto found himself packing his bags. He was ready to leave and head back home to Sun Country with a few additions.

Naruto, who was being helped by Hayami turned to the girl, "Are you all packed up Hayami?"

"Yes niisan, all done. I'm going to help Yumi neechan and Mai-san." The little girl went to help the others. Naruto watched as she left. Yumi and Tsunade both had informed him of her out burst when he died."Ryuho-sensei, if what they say is true than you're daughter is the true heir to the Minashu clan. I can't believe she was able to cut Aisu, truly amazing."

Since everyone was staying with Sasuke, it was weird to be in the Uchiha compound. Naruto had yet to see Sasuke since being on the battle field. He supposed he wouldn't get to see him before he left. In any event Naruto was all done packing. Throwing his bags over his shoulder, he walked into the room that Yumi was in with Mai and Hayami.

"You girls ready?" Everyone nodded.

"Yes, let's go home" Yumi said with a smile.

Hokage Monument…

Kakashi and Rin were sitting on the head of the Yondaime Hokage. "It seems like the world is changing Rin"

"That it is Kakashi. It could also be that we're getting old you know."

"You could be right, but its now Naruto's generation turn to lead. You're going back with him aren't you?" Kakashi's tone was the saddest Rin has ever heard it.

"Yes but I'm certain we will be seeing a lot of each other. You know Kakashi, it wouldn't hurt you to visit me every now and then."

"I will definitely visit you Rin"

Looking into his eyes, Rin pulled up his hiate stroked the side of his sharingan with her thumb. Moving her hands down slowly, she pulled down his mask and leaned in for a kiss. The two shinobi was lips were locked in a sensual but gentle moment of passion. Rin pulled away, "I have to go. You know where to find me Kakashi."

Shunshin'ing out of view Kakashi looked up to the sky pulling mask back up the jounin laid back on the stone thinking of nothing but Rin and of happiness. He lost her once, he wouldn't lose her again.

Konoha street…

Naruto was walking down the street with Hayami, Mai, and Yumi. While walking he noticed that shinobi and citizen's were lined up along the side walk. He could see in their eyes as he continue to walk respect, sympathy, regret, and joy. Naruto nodded to each one of them as he passed. He had finally earned the respect that he wanted, or at least wanted at one time.

Naruto turned to Hayami, "Where is Shinji, isn't he coming with us?"

"Shinji-nii and Hinata-neechan are going back to Sea Country together. He plans to rebuild our home and start the Minashu clan again" Hayami informed Naruto.

Yumi jumped in, "Shinji will probably be back and forth between both countries, you know checking in on Hayami and what not. But for the most part, he and Hinata decided to go back to Sea together."

"Shinji and Hinata… How long have I slept?" Yumi slapped her forehead.

"Are you serious, you mean to tell me that you didn't know? For a guy who has perfect vision you're pretty blind" Naruto just placed his hand behind his head and scratched the back of his head.

Naruto and the others got to the gates and saw Tsunade, Sakura, the rest of his graduating class, Team Gai, Asuma, Kurenai, Senzairu, and the others waiting for him. Tsunade stepped forward "I guess this is it, eh?"

"Yeah. Baa-chan, you take care of yourself. Besides, I'm tired of saving your ass"

"Naruto!" her elevated voice caused him to freeze up, but her smile relaxed him, "Take care of yourself okay. By the way…" Tsunade took of her necklace and gave it to Naruto, "You are the rightful owner, and this is definitely yours."


"I don't want to hear it! I gave it to you and it's yours. Take it!"

Naruto just nodded, "Okay baa-chan."

Iruka stepped up, "Naruto, continue to write and don't be a stranger"

"I will write Iruka-sensei. You just continue to teach these young kids what it is to be a shinobi" Naruto was approached by Konohamaru.

"Bro..." Naruto put his hand out for Konohamaru to give him a five. Once on Konohamaru placed his hand in Naruto's open hand, Naruto pulled him in for a hug, "Konohamaru, you are going to make a great Hokage someday. Continue to grow strong and don't let anything stand in your way. I can't lead Konoha but knowing that there is someone like you leading gives the village hope for the future."

Konohamaru and Naruto broke the embrace and the young Sarutobi smiled, "Thanks bro, I will definitely make you proud."

"Don't make me proud, make the village proud"

"I will Naruto-niisan, I definitely will."

Naruto was looking around to see where Rin was at. "I wonder Where Rin is and I don't see Sasuke…"

"I'm right here Naruto, are you ready to go?" Naruto turned to Rin and nodded.

"Sure, lets go."

"Wait!" Everyone turned around to see Temari and Shikamaru.

"Temari… Shikamaru, What's up?" Naruto said to his friends.

"Well Naruto, Temari and I have been thinking if we are going to be together we can't do it in Konoha, that would mean she would have to leave her life in Suna to be with me." Shikamaru stated.

"And if Shikamaru left Konoha, he would give up being a shinobi in Konoha to come to Suna. So we've decided to start life a new by forfeiting our positions as shinobi of our village and start a life in Sun Country. I hear it's beautiful place to start a new, what do you think?"

Naruto smiled, "So I guess you talked to Gaara, eh Temari?"

"He recommended it. In any event, we are leaving with you Naruto."

Ino looked at Shikamaru, "Are really going to leave us?"

"Ino, you and Chouji are my best friends, that will never change. But my life here in the Leaf is done. It's only fitting I guess, you know, to end my run as a Leaf shinobi on a high note." Shikamaru smiled at the girl.

Chouji walked up to Shikamaru, "Take care of yourself Shikamaru and let me know where you are staying so I can visit every now and then."

"You can drop in whenever you want Chouji, I wouldn't have it any other way." Naruto smiled and everyone smiled at the friendship between the two shinobi.

"Well I think its time we go home. Come on everyone we're off. Sakura…you take care of that asshole."

"I will Naruto. You take care of yourself too. I don't know how you feel toward our whole situation and how things went down over the years but I want you to know that Team 7 will always be in my heart and since you was a major part of Team 7, you will definitely hold a place there. Team 7, the greatest team ever formed, period."

Naruto smirked, "Team 7… we were pretty fucking awesome weren't we."

"That's because I was carrying your sorry asses" Naruto smirked when he heard Sasuke. Turning around, he could see the Uchiha dressed an outfit similar to the one he wore throughout is years in sound, but all black standing on top of the village entrance.

"Big talk for a scary cat" Naruto saw Sasuke place a hand on his sword.

"Hmph, well seems like we see thing differently, eh Tonkichi?" Sasuke saw Naruto reach for the sword Ryuho had given him.

"That's nothing new Sasuke-chan." Naruto looked up at Sasuke who was smirking all the while.

Senzairu, who was standing near his mother was about to step in when Kakashi appeared behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Don't, this is between them two. I've learned you can't stop the inevitable"

Senzairu looked at Kakashi then back at the two.

Naruto's eyes shifted to the right, raising his sword behind him, he blocked Sasuke's attack. Fading from view, Sasuke ducked, as a slash came from his right and was aimed for his head. Spinning his sword in his hand, he thrust forth toward Naruto's stomach once he got a grip. He pierced Naruto's stomach. Everyone eyes went wide but when the bunshin disappeared they was relieved.

Appearing behind Sasuke with uncanny speed, Naruto sliced the Uchiha in half. Again everyone couldn't believe what they were seeing until a bunch of snakes ended up dead. Naruto smiled, "Seems like you have gotten faster since last time, you're not even using your Sharingan"

"Like wise. Well I'm going to let you off the hook for now Tonkichi but know that our fight isn't over. We still have a score to settle."

"Don't worry Sasuke, we will definitely see who's stronger. But you do realize I'm the Bearer of the Light?"

"Before the Uchiha's the greatest Genius comes off barely as average. You being the bearer mean nothing. In any event, don't die anytime soon, not before we can fight again."

"Just try to stay alive until that time Sasuke-chan." Both warriors smirked at one another. In burst of leaves, Sasuke left the group.

"Show off" was all that Naruto said.

Turning to everyone, "You all take care. Oh and Baa-chan… you have my banking information. I expect to have my money wired to my account in the next two weeks."

Tsunade had completely forgotten about the money, "Hey Naruto you don't really want…"

As he was walking with Hayami, Sasame, Shikamaru, Temari, Mai, and Yumi, Naruto yelled out, "A deal is a deal. Two weeks"

Tsunade slumped her shoulders, "Damn, I was going to put some of that into our relief fund. Damn you Naruto."

"Well we should get going, we have a village to repair" Senzairu's words snapped everyone out of their funk. The group left to tend to the village.

Uzumaki Naruto on the other, hand was walking down the dirty path that led to Konoha with a smile on his face. His past, his present, his future… all lay on this road. He didn't know what the future may hold but whatever was in store he would face it head on because he never went back on his word – that is his way of the shinobi the way of Uzumaki Naruto, the man known to all as the 'Golden Fox'.


Hello everyone, I want to thank you all for reading The Golden Fox. The Next Chapter will be the epilogue, thus closing the book on the Golden Fox.