
The Golden Fox

After Naruto and company failed to return Sasuke, he was banished from the village. six years later, with the Akatuski and Sound defeated, The Cloud has declared war on the Leaf. Tsunade believes there is one person who can help, the Golden Fox himself. This amazing story was written by Nyce456 a very talented author be sure to check out his other stories.

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 25: The Countdown

Northern Hill Mountains, 3 months later…

It was around 10 am and Naruto was training in his sword technique. Flip, after flip, swing after swing, Rin was watching from the log she was sitting on. During those three months, Naruto talked to her about his training with the Minashu Clan and Kaito. She saw that he was skilled; it was evident in his swing. Naruto jumped back and with the sword extended to the far right. He then threw the sword in the air. Using the Hiraishin, he was now in the air. Doing a 360 with the sword, he landed on the ground. Naruto spun the sword in his hand; he smoothly sheathed the sword.

Naruto was happy about the progress that he made with the Hiraishin. Granted, he still couldn't teleport infinite distances with the seals off, he was still making progress. When the seals were active, he could teleport at a further distance. Naruto decided to keep the seals at his current level, 4. At the lower levels the distance for the Hiraishin increased greatly, but he needed to increase the distance. His theory was to train at level 4 and be able to travel great distances at this level. Training like a man possessed, his distance increased with the seals active and he didn't use up chakra as quickly as he did in the past months. Naruto knew that he had to get it together, he had one month tops. At least he had four out of seven techniques of the sword down. His goal was to get down the next technique for the sword and master the Hiraishin completely. The Kage Bunshin training helped a lot, without it he would be nowhere near where he was at now. Creating a large number of Kage Bunshin's, Naruto had each performed the Hiraishin. He was determined to master this technique with the seals on and off.

Rin was still watching in amazement. Naruto had a lot of stamina and he worked harder than anyone she knew. Thinking about Naruto, she remembered their conversations during the months that pasted. One was about her leaving. It was simple; she had seen too much death and wanted to get away from it all. She informed him how she loved being a medic-nin and training with Tsunade and other medics during her younger years; however, the deaths of her love ones ultimately led to her decision. She remembered when Kakashi told her that he was going to join ANBU two days before she left. Rin decided then to leave. She couldn't stand losing someone else and the death rates in ANBU were high. She figured that if she isolated herself without contact, then she wouldn't have to worry about losing anyone. It really didn't help, she thought about Kakashi almost everyday. When Naruto informed her that he was alive, she was more than relieved, but she thought that her staying away was for the best. That's until Naruto put it all in perspective for her.


Rin had just told Naruto her story, about Obito, his father, Kakashi, and her reason for leaving.

Naruto decided to give his opinion of her leaving the village, "Nothing gets solved when you close yourself off, it just makes matters worse. Running, hiding, and being afraid are what cowards do. You took and easy way out. Everyone loses loved ones. My reason for being here is to protect them and make sure that it doesn't happen again. Granted you couldn't save Obito, or Yondaime, what about Kakashi? Life is too short, Rin-san."

End of flashback…

Rin knew he was right. But could she really go back to the Leaf after all of these years. Kakashi was heart broken when she told him that she was leaving, but she did it for her. Maybe she was selfish, but she couldn't take back the past. Rin broke herself from her thoughts to see Naruto give it his all. Sure, she kept her skills sharp, but it was clear Naruto was stronger both mentally and physically than she could or would ever be. She admired the boy for that. In many aspects, he was like the Yondaime, yet he was different. Oh how she missed the good old days.


Hinata was sitting by the edge of the lake enjoying the calm and the silence. Three months had passed and all of the branch members now had the seal removed, only to have it replaced with the "Triquetra" seal. There was still tension between the Hyuuga that were a part of the branch and those a part of the main house. It was to be expected, but as years progress, Hinata was certain that it would all fade. She on the other hand was enjoying her life as an ex-ninja. When she told Hanabi, the girl wasn't too happy about it, but she respected her decision for it. Neji wasn't too thrilled either, but it didn't matter because she was happy, and that's what counted.

"I knew I would find you here." Hinata turned to see that the voice belonged to her sister.

Hanabi sat next to Hinata, "I see you're taking it easy. Must be boring not being a Shinobi."

Hinata was used to this. Every day for the last three month's, Hanabi would say remarks like that. Hinata knew it was her way of trying to get her to become a Shinobi once more, but her mind was made up. In fact, after this war she planned to take Naiya up on her offer. Hinata smiled at Hanabi, "Boring is good, Hanabi-chan. So, where is Konohamaru-kun, I don't see him."

Hanabi shrugged, "Who knows where that idiot is. He's probably training with that Senzairu guy."

"Sounds like you miss him, Hanabi-chan" Hinata said teasingly.

This caused Hanabi to blush. She spoke quickly to cover it up, "That's non-sense. I don't miss that fool. What would give you that idea?"

Hinata giggled, "I was only joking Hanabi. But more seriously, did you tell him how you feel about him?"

Hanabi cast her gaze down form a much more serious look on her face, "I tried, but I just can't. I was trained to be fearless, but when it comes to telling him how I feel, it terrifies me. I don't understand why it's so hard. I mean we were alone a lot of the time, but I just can't form the words."

"Well, I'm sure you will tell him. It's clear you want to be more than just his friend and he is more than willing, but it's definitely in your hands, Hanabi-chan." Hinata said to her sister.

Hanabi turned away to focus on the lake, "I wonder what he's doing?"

Hinata giggled, this caused Hanabi to look at her curiously, "What, what are you giggling about?"

"For a person who doesn't care what he does, you sure are worried. You don't wonder what a person is doing if you don't care." Hinata stated.

Hanabi cursed herself "Damn it, did I say that out loud!" With an ever-present blush, Hanabi turned away from Hinata's gaze while whispering, "Shut up."

Hinata continued to giggle at her sister; her feelings for Konohamaru were so obvious.

Outside of Konoha…

Konohamaru and Senzairu were engaging in a sparing match. Konohamaru was giving his all and it showed; Senzairu however, was clearly toying with the boy. Side-stepping a punch from Konohamaru, he quickly followed with a punch to the face, capitalizing on the boys opening. The punch was hard enough to send Konohamaru to the ground with a busted lip. Seeing that Konohamaru reached his peak, He decided to put an end to this.

"We'll finish this tomorrow Konohamaru." Senzairu said to his protégé. He then looked behind him when he heard and energetic Makeinu running in his direction with the rest of Squad 4.

The boy approached him with smudges of dirt on his face and an envelope in his hand, "Sensei, we did it."

"Really, I'm surprised that you guys were able to get it. How did you guys enter that house? What type of strategy did you guys use?" Senzairu asked his squad.

Akuru, the female of the group stepped forward, "Well sensei, you did say always expect the unexpected, so we knew instantly that the strategies you taught us in regard to object recovery were invalid. We couldn't even apply what we learned at the academy."

"Why do you think that is?" He asked, hoping someone would know the answer.

Ranpu, the young Hyuuga was more than happy to answer, "Simple, not everything goes according to plan. Sometimes you have to make improvisations in order to make a mission successful. You also taught us that."

Senzairu smiled at the group, "Well said. It seems you guys are ready for the Chuunin exam." "Their analytical skills are good. They understood what needed to be done and executed it well. They also slipped by Moegi, Udon, and Matsuri, and four other Chuunins."

Senzairu continued, "So, are you guys going to tell me how you got in and out of the place undetected?"

Makeinu began, "First we arrived at the house you sent us to. But before we entered, Ranpu used his Byakugan to scan the place. He found the object heavily guarded on the top floor of the three story house. Our next move was to enter undetected so…"

Akuru picked up, "So, we retreated to devise a plan. Seeing some bullies, Ranpu transformed into little kids via henge and had them chase him to that house. When he was cornered Moegi-san came to his defense. What she failed to realize, was that he was in henge form, but it was too late. He paralyzed her arms and put her to sleep with a strike to the neck. That's when I came in, I transformed into Moegi-san and re-entered the house as her. Through radio contact, Ranpu was telling where to go and what to avoid. My next move was to get to Udon, which was easy. When I got next to him, he didn't realize I had a small pin needle and the tip laced with a sleeping agent. Once he was out, Makeinu entered disguised as him."

"So, what happened next?" Senzairu asked.

Ranpu finished it up, "Once those two were in, I kept them informed on where to go. However, we weren't expecting other shinobi to enter, so we had to improvise. I told them to get to Matsuri and take her down. They did, but it alerted the others. The only option out was to use a smoke screen. Once this was done, we applied the skills we gained from the zero visibility training. It wasn't hard to get out of the house then. However, we had to cover up our tracks and that was my job. I created 12 bunshins which went in opposite directions. We waited for all of them to flee then we transformed into regular civilians and headed here to you."

Senzairu slowly clapped. "Well done."

Makeinu tapped him on the leg; he looked down "Yes?"

"Well, we were wondering about what's inside the envelope…can you show us?" Makeinu's question caused the other two to come closer.

Senzairu slowly opened it only to reveal that it was a three for one coupon at the Yakiniku. The group was shocked and pissed at same time. Ranpu eye was twitching, as well as Akuru's.

Seeing their reaction he laughed, "I'm sorry if it wasn't something of great importance, but you guys did do a fantastic job. Moegi, Udon, and Matsuri come out."

When Squad Four saw that the Chuunins that they had inflicted injury on were okay, they couldn't believe it. Senzairu continued, "I had them prepared for you guys. It was a test of sorts and well, you guys pass. Don't look so surprised; they're all Chuunins, which is why it was perfect to select them. Now we all know that you guys are capable of being Chuunin. Being a Chuunin doesn't revolve around strength, one must have a sharp mind. Your plan was executed and you adapted to variables that couldn't have been predicted. Good job Squad Four, I will see you guys here tomorrow at 8 AM sharp. We'll work on those jutsus and if you guys are lucky, I'm might let you remove your weights. Oh here, you guys earned it." He threw the coupon at the group, who walked off, proud of their sensei's compliment.

Turning around to see Konohamaru still on the ground conversing with Moegi, Udon, Matsuri and the others, he Shunshin'd in a burst of purple flames.

"Fucking show off." Konohamaru said.

Moegi and Udon both helped their friend up. Moegi spoke, "Come on Konohamaru-kun, that was pretty cool."

Matsuri nodded her head, "That was so cool. I wonder how he did that. It doesn't matter, what are we doing today since none of us have any missions?"

Udon thought about something they all could do. "I hear Fujukaze Yukie has a movie out. It's the sequel to Princess Fuin. Why don't we go see that?"

Moegi nodded, "Yes, perfect. We will all go see it; right after Konohamaru-kun gets cleaned up." She pinched her noise with her fingers.

Konohamaru, who was being supported by the two decided to support himself, he was ready to walk on his own. "Moegi, could you see if Hanabi wants to come along?"

Moegi didn't want to, but she knew how much it meant to Konohamaru. She wished he would like her that way, but she could get over it. After all, he was her best friend.

Matsuri frowned, "Why do you want the ice queen to come with us?"

"She's not like that. Just give her a chance and you will see what I mean. Moegi, can you do that for me?" Konohamaru asked again.

Moegi nodded, "Okay. But first I have to take a bath; I didn't realize how bad you smelt. Well, I will do it soon after. Let's meet in front of the theater at 7 PM , okay. Later Konohamaru-kun, Udon." She waved goodbye while dragging Matsuri with her.

Udon turned to Konohamaru, "You okay? Are you sure you don't need me to help you?"

"Nah it's cool. Let's go." Konohamaru looked around to see if anyone was watching.

Udon became very suspicious, "Why are you looking around like that?"

Konohamaru pulled him closer to whisper in his ear, "I have the latest Icha Icha Paradise. While we wait, we can read it you know."

Udon eyes lit up, "Great! How did you get it though?"

Konohamaru grinned, "Sorry, but I can't tell you that. Well come on." The two boys started to walk off. Suddenly, a big blaze of fire, coming from their right, lit up the sky. Konohamaru knew that it could be only one person coming from that direction, "Sasuke must be practicing a Katon. For something that huge, a lot of chakra had to be used." Konohamaru looked at Udon and motioned for him to come on. They had better things to do then stand there; they had an Icha Icha Paradise book to read.

Uchiha Compound…

Hayami was sitting on a rock, watching Sasuke train. She was bored, but she thought that last jutsu was pretty cool. It was always like this though. He would train, then they would eat, then she would go with Temari. She tried talking to him but he mostly kept quiet and when he did say something it was often 'Come on', 'let's go'. One time, during the first months together she called him 'nii-san' the anger in his eyes and him telling her never to call him her brother again caused her to stop. She was just trying to be friendly, it wasn't uncommon for most kids to call people older than them nii-san or nee-chan. It's not like she wanted him to be her brother, that spot was reserved already. The more she thought about it she wondered why he was her bodyguard. She didn't even know why she had bodyguards in the first place. Why was her life in danger, what did she do? Not only that, why did she get stuck with Sasuke, who clearly doesn't want to be around her. He reminded her of all of the kids that ignored her. "Where are you Naruto-nii-san?"

With a towel over his neck, Sasuke walked up to the little girl, "I'm done. I'm hungry, let's go." Hayami nodded then followed Sasuke.

Walking down the streets of this village, Hayami could see the looks that Sasuke was receiving from the female population. "Why do they always look at him like that?" Hayami was a curious girl, so she stared at the Uchiha to see if she could see what they saw.

Sasuke could sense her looking at him. He decided to let it slide, but it was getting annoying. So annoying that he asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You didn't even look at me so how did you know I was looking at you?" Hayami asked shockingly.

"Don't worry how, just answer the question." Sasuke said in his calm and cool voice.

"Well, all of the girls stare at you when we're out. Some even whisper to each other. I was just wondering why they were staring at you. I thought it might be something on your face, but that wasn't the case. I just wanted to know why." Hayami explained.

Sasuke took a deep breathe then spoke, "Those girls are attracted to me. The ones you see are always trying to get my attention but it's to no avail really. They're just wasting their time."

"Don't you like them Sasuke-san?" Hayami asked.

"That's not it. It's well… it's complicated." Sasuke said.

"How so? Do you like someone else, is that it?" Hayami questioned.

Sasuke was getting annoyed, "You ask too many damn questions. I told you the reason why they stare at me, so drop it. Damn Tsunade for fucking sticking me with an annoying kid; great way of using your resources."

Hayami put her head down after hearing that. "He thinks I'm annoying."

Sasuke glanced over to see the hurt look in Hayami's face. He wasn't wrong; he did answer her question, right? And she was annoying at times... Everything he said was true, so why was she looking sad? He didn't understand this girl at all. One moment she was happy and cheerful, and then next she's all gloomy. But he couldn't help but to notice that she would only get like this with him. Was what he said that hurtful? He didn't think so, but then why did he feel so bad.

Hayami decided to ask him something else then she would be quiet for the rest of her remaining time under his watch, "Sasuke-san, why do you train so hard?"

Sasuke fist clenched, "Let's just say Naruto and I have a score to settle."

"Oh, you don't like nii-san much either?" the girl said dejectedly.

Looking at the girl out of the corner of his eye, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Hayami began to explain, "The mean red-headed lady wants to hurt nii-san and so do the people in Earth Country and Rain Country, and well that's what mommy told me. Nii-san only did what he did to save me but people really hate him. Even here, I hear the whispers about how he's 'good for nothing' and that he's a 'monster'." She stopped with both fist clenched.

Sasuke stopped and just watched the girl, who threw her hand aside, as if to cast away all of the negativity aimed at Naruto, "It's not true, he's not a monster. Mommy and Daddy wouldn't have taken him in if he was a monster and he wouldn't have saved me if he was. Naruto-nii-san is the nicest person ever. I don't know why you don't like Naruto-nii-san, but if you try to hurt him you won't be able too because nii-san will win."

Sasuke just stared the girl. She was actually defending Naruto, this was a first, he laughed at the girl "You place so much faith in that idiot, why?"

"Nii-san isn't an idiot. I believe in Naruto-nii-san. I can't wait to he gets back. When he got back I'm going to have him train me, since Shinji-nii is to busy. I'm going to be really strong, just like Nii-san and Papa. Then I can protect him, Shinji-nii, Temari-nee-chan, and Yumi-nee-chan too." Hayami said with a stern look on her face.

Sasuke smirked at the girl, "You don't need to get defensive for that idiot. The fact of the matter is that we have a score to settle. I don't want him dead like that Cloud-nin, and the Shinobi in Rock and Rain. I just need to know…"

Hayami watched Sasuke as he turned to look towards the sky. "What Sasuke-san, what do you need to know?"

Sasuke continued to look towards the sky, "I need to know who… who is the strongest. We will definitely find out Naruto, after this war is over."

Sasuke started to walk; he didn't even motion for Hayami to come. It was as if he didn't care if she followed or not. The little girl picked up her pace catching up to him.

At A Nearby Drink Stand…

Temari watched as Sasuke and Hayami passed by.

She turned to Shikamaru, who was sitting beside her when he said, "Hey, don't you have to watch that girl soon?"

"Yeah, I got another hour. So you're going to be at that meeting today I presume." Temari said to Shikamaru.

"We're going over strategy and other matters in regard to the Chuunin exams. You're brothers should have arrived already, along with the leader of Grass and Waterfall; Tsunade also wants to make sure they are aware of the plan. I'm also with the Chuunin committee this year so my time is going to be limited." Shikamaru informed her.

"True, but the overtime you will receive will be more than adequate. So why are you complaining?" She said.

Shikamaru just gave her a look. Reading in between the lines, she now understood, "Oh, I guess it's happening again."

Shikamaru replied, "So it would seem. To think, we're this close, and nothing has changed."

Temari leaned forward with a seductive grin. She then whispered, "Well since our time together will be limited, let's make the most of it."

She grabbed Shikamaru's hand and led him to a location were they could have some nice, quiet privacy. Shikamaru didn't put up any trouble; he decided to go with it. Shit, why not have fun in between the troublesomeness? He would definitely have enjoy himself, life was too worrisome as is. Walking side by side holding hands they continued down the street.

Half an hour later…

Various articles of clothing lay on the floor. There was a Chuunin/Jounin vest, two pairs of blue sandals, a black robe, a blue shirt with the red swirl, blue sweats, weapons, two head bands, one of the leaf, the other of the sand, and under garments. All of these articles of clothing and weapon accessories led a path to a full size bed with two people who said accessories belonged to. With the cover draped over them, Shikamaru was resting with his hands behind his head while Temari was moving her index finger slowly up and down his chest.

Looking slightly at Shikamaru, she could since he was thinking something. She had been around him too long not to no that face. He was staring at the ceiling as if it was the most fascinating thing on earth, well at least that's how it would appear to the naked eye. To her and his close companions, he was clearly thinking about something.

"Shikamaru…Shikamaru." She called his name until he turned his head to face her.

Shikamaru focused his gaze on Temari. She didn't know what to make of it, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

In a serious tone, "Temari, have you ever thought about the future? I mean about us?"

Temari averted her gazed to his chest. Responding in a equal tone, "Yes, I have. Honestly, I don't know how we will be able to continue this. I've been thinking of ways, but I am at a loss for thoughts."

"Have you ever thought about a civilian's life?" Shikamaru calmly asked.

Temari couldn't believe what he was saying. Was he saying what she thought he was saying, "Are saying we should retire as ninja, Shika?"

Turning his head toward the ceiling with a smirk, "No, just asking if you ever thought about it. But, would you be willing to quit?"

Temari thought about this for a minute. It was true; it had never crossed her mind. The only thing that did was her leaving Sand for Leaf and vice versa, but she knew that neither would do that. Both loved their village equally, so that was not an option. However, if they did retire then they wouldn't be betraying their village, in a sense. Could she really settle down and quit as a shinobi?

Bringing into account her feelings towards him; it was pretty obvious, "Yes. I would. What about you?"

Returning his gaze to her he said, "Temari, when I'm with you, nothing else seems to matter. Not this war, my duty to the village, nothing. A man has to have priorities, and being with you is on the top of the list. So would I quit and leave it all behind? In a heart beat if means that we can be together."

She didn't know what to say. She knew that he cared for her, but he was willing to give up everything just for her. She would do the same, but she didn't know if he would. Temari wrapped her arms over his stomach and buried her head into his breast. Looking up, he could see the water at the edge of her eyes. She blinked the tears away.

Shikamaru caressed her cheek, "Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?"

"Shut up you idiot. I'm happy that's why. You are an idiot, you know that." Temari said to Shikamaru.

Shikamaru smiled at her, "But, you're the crybaby."

She gave him a playful hit as she smiled; she then snuggled closer to his chest. "Whatever, momma's boy; I'm surprised that you actually took my advice and moved into your own place. I don't think we could have done this at your parent's house."

"Hell no, she's too troublesome and would have been nagging me about… ah forget it I don't even want to think about what she would have been bitching about." Shikamaru informed Temari.

She thought about Gaara and Kankuro and how they would react if she told them that she was thinking about retiring as a ninja. It's not like she needed to accomplish anything, she was among the top ninjas in her village and that's all she ever wanted; that and Shikamaru. The two laid there enjoying the half-and-hour that they had left. She would worry about her and Shikamaru after the war.

Naiya's place, 2 PM…

Naiya was hard at work in her lab. She was designing a new seal with a certain someone in mind. Three months of restless nights, Naiya found herself waking up at her desk on many days. She would shower, eat, and then return back to her lab. She was almost done with the seal and she was certain that it would work when it was applied. She told Senzairu that she would take precautions and that she did. Naruto was nowhere to be found, Jiraiya didn't even know where he was and that was saying something. Naiya didn't want to take the chance to depend on Naruto and Senzairu. Aisu needed to be stopped. She knew what he was planning and normally she would mind her business and let things happen. However, she knew that his actions would put her way of life as well as everyone else's, in danger.

The "Enso" seal that she was designing would have to suffice. Right now it was their only chance at defeating that man. Naiya continued her work.

Sensing a presence behind her, "What do you want, Kaito?"

"Checking on you, that's all. You've been in here constantly. You only shower and eat, then its back in here. You must not believe in Naruto or that Senzairu guy." Kaito said while leaning at the entrance.

Looking up from her desk, which was covered with various scrolls and other items, Naiya looked at Kaito, "It's not that I don't believe in Naruto. I'm sure wherever he's at, he's giving it his all; however, we can't depend on him or Senzairu for that matter. Those guys are the only ones who are capable of standing up to him."

"What about Tsunade, Jiraiya, and that Uchiha kid I've been hearing so much about. The Uchiha probably would stand a better chance than the two previously mentioned simply because he has access to the 'Grasscutter'. The way you speak, you make it sound like there is no hope." Kaito said.

"I didn't mean it like that. I just want to be prepared. I know Tsunade-sempai will give her all, as well as everyone else. But they're fighting for their village; we both know it's bigger than that. The Leaf Village must not fall, Kaito. Out of all of the Shinobi villages, the Leaf military power has always been the best among the five nations, no offense." Naiya said.

Kaito gave a short response, "None taken."

Naiya continued, "With the Leaf out of the way, who will stop him from controlling everything? This isn't about not believing in Naruto Kaito, the kid has surprised me more times then I could count, this is about being prepared for the worst."

Kaito walked over to Naiya and offered her his hand. When she took it, he slowly raised it until she stood up. "Come on, you need a break. Let's go get something to eat in town and enjoy the rest of the day."

Naiya gently broke free from his hold, "I can't do that I have to finish the seal. I'm almost done and…" Kaito placed a finger on her lips.

"You heard what you said. You're almost done which means you can take a break. Come, I'll treat you to the hot springs in town after." Kaito said.

She gave him seductive smirk, "You're just doing that because the hot springs are unisex and you want to see me naked."

Returning the smirk, "Yes," Kaito's answer was short but truthful.

Naiya just shook her head, "You're such a bastard sometimes."

"Really, could you honestly say you don't want to see me naked?" Kaito asked.

"That's not the point." Naiya said, but before she could continue Kaito interjected.

"So, you do want to see me naked too, I knew you were a pervert."

A vein formed on Naiya's forehead "Shut up before I change my mind and leave you to go by yourself, I'm sure that would be tons of fun."

Kaito just mumbled before saying, "Just come on. The early bird special is until 4 and we have to get going if want to make it."

Naiya shook her head, "You are so cheap! I can't believe that I'm not worthy of you paying for me without it not having to involve the special. Such a cheap bastard you are."

Kaito exited the room with Naiya following close behind arguing about something, he couldn't quite make it out. He did what most guys did when women started bitching; he switched to another station in his head.

Northern Mountain Hills, 7 PM…

There were about 100 hundred Naruto's standing before him. Naruto wasn't wasting anytime. Every ounce of chakra was used productively. He didn't have anytime to waste, The Chuunin exam would get underway in under a month and he had to be prepared. He was kicking himself for only mastering four techniques of the sword and still not being able to travel at infinite distance with the Hiraishin, not to forget that the Hiraishin still ate chakra, not as much but still enough. He was certain that he would get the Hiraishin to the point where he could use it and the chakra lost would be too insignificant to matter. It didn't matter; He just needed to be ready for Aisu. Naruto swung the sword upward at a clone.

Naruto didn't see the clones he was fighting as opponents, no the only opponent he saw was Aisu. Every swing, every thrust was toward that man. Images of Yumi and Hayami dead kept popping up in his head at the hands of Aisu. The real Naruto was cutting through the clones with little to no effort. He flipped over the head of one who swung at him, only to land in a crouching position, avoiding the blade of the one that was in front of him, however the clone that he had flipped over was not so lucky. The blade from the clone that had tried to impale Naruto was stabbed by the clone and caused him to disappear. Naruto slashed the clone across the chest as he jumped in the air. High above the hundred or so clones left, Naruto was in the air with the glowing sword high above his head.

The clones looked up with panic in their eye. One shouted, "He's going to use that technique, let's get the hell out of here."

Rin was in the house preparing a meal for her and Naruto. However she wondered if she would have to feed it to him or would he be able to eat himself. Majority of the times she would have to feed Naruto due to him pushing himself to the brink. The amazing thing was, were most would be out for two – three days for chakra depletion, Naruto was up the next day fully recovered. It was mind boggling to Rin but she suspected that his tenant had a lot to do with it. Rin turned to the window when she saw a bright white light. "Well I'm guessing his training is done for the day."

Naruto, who was back on solid ground, held the sword in his hands slightly below his knees. His slightly bent back was evidence of his fatigue. Although the technique required a decent amount of chakra, it wasn't the reason for his fatigue. Naruto was training since the morning. The Hiraishin used up a considerable amount of his Chakra and practicing with the sword and a multitude of clones added to the fatigue. The man feared in two nations decided to call it quits while he had enough chakra to walk. Naruto slowly sheathed the sword and headed back to the house to enjoy a meal with Rin.

Five minutes later, Naruto and Rin were both sitting at the table eating ramen, at the request of Naruto of course. It's been awhile since he had any and Rin decided to make it for him. Naruto who was going savage mood on the noodles caused Rin too look at him in disgust "This boy has no table manners whatsoever."

Rin decided to ask Naruto something, "Naruto, would you mind coming with me too the nearby village tomorrow?"

"Why are you going to the village, do we need more food or what?" Naruto asked.

"It's nothing like that; I go every week to help the sickly." Rin informed Naruto.

Naruto who was about to place a chop-stick full of noodles in his mouth placed the chop sticks and the noodles back in the bowl, "Why?"

"Simple, I'm a medic-nin. I have the ability to help so why not?" Rin stated

Naruto didn't quite understand her reason, "Okay, but don't they have doctors in the town? Why go if you're not needed?"

Rin smiled at the boy before responding a calm voice, "Naruto, if you have the ability to help then you should. I have these abilities for a reason, just as you have yours."

"What's the point… I mean what do they mean to you anyway?" Naruto asked Rin.

"Does it matter if they mean anything to me? The ones that are sick mean something to somebody else. Naruto, will you come with me or not? I would really like for you to come." Rin hoped he would say yes.

Naruto shrugged, "Whatever, I'll go. Don't expect me to help."

"Okay Naruto, I'm just glad you're coming. Well, how is you're training coming along, Naruto?" Rin asked.

"It's coming along okay. Progress with the Hiraishin is slow, but I will have it down to where I can teleport to an infinite distance with little chakra. I also plan to be able to do it at GS level 4. Don't worry, give me time and I will be able to do it." Naruto said with confidence in his voice.

Rin didn't doubt him. She could tell that he was extremely talented just by his training. She was kind of glad Naruto was there with her. Sometimes it was lonely, but Naruto was interesting to say the least. She knew why he trained and she understood it. Protect those that which care for, however, she wanted to give him a glimpse of the feeling you get when you help others regardless of the closeness they hold in his heart. She could understand why Naruto was like this, when you have a life like he did you only care for and protect those in your circle.

Rin stood up and took her and Naruto's bowl to the sink when they were finished eating. "Well, I want to leave here at 5 AM, Naruto. Be ready to go by then. I got a few things I need to read and then I'm off to bed. I will see you in the morning Naruto."

Naruto nodded as Rin left. He thought about what she said about helping them for the sake of helping. He had done that so many times. He gave his all for Konoha and they cast him aside like trash. He didn't hate the village like he use to, but he didn't believe he could fully protect the village without a motive. His family was in the village so that was a motive, the money came a distant second to that, but it also played into the factor. He had the power at his hands to protect the village, so did that mean he should? Damn Rin for her beliefs. Naruto continued to think this over as he sat at the kitchen table. He would have a month to come up with an answer.

Konoha, 1 month later day before the Chuunin exams, 11:30 AM…

Tsunade looked out her window from her tower and watched as warriors from various villages entered her village. Tomorrow was the day of the Chuunin exams. Well Tomorrow was the first exam. She was waiting for the five Jounins that she had called forth.

Hearing a knock at the door, she turned to see Shizune enter her office "Tsunade-sama, Senzairu, Anko, Tenzou, Shikamaru, Ino and Sasuke are here to see you."

Motioning for them to enter, Shizune allowed the following Shinobi to enter while she left. Tsunade looked at each Jounin before speaking, "It seems the Chuunin exams are upon us. I called you five here for a reason. Senzairu, Anko, and Tenzou; status reports on you're squads."

Senzairu was the first to speak, "Squad 4 is in excellent condition and I expect them to complete the first two tests with ease."

Anko was next to speak, "The maggots in Squad 9 are more than adequately prepared. I put them through hell, so they are ready."

Tenzou was the last of the Jounin-sensei's to speak, "They're ready to go. I prepared them as best I could, Tsunade-sama."

Tsunade was glad at what she was hearing, "Good, I expect a lot from your squads in particular. Ino, I need an ANBU member monitoring the second exams, that will be your job. You will report to your squad. Shikamaru, I called you here to inform you that I'm putting you in charge of the third round of the tournament. Basically you're the ref for the finals. Also, you will be one of my advisors, so you will not be joining your squad on their mission. Sasuke, you will over look the preliminaries, I'm sure we are going to have preliminaries this year. Also, what is the situation with Hayami?"

"She's annoying and frankly I'm tired of guarding the girl. When will this assignment end?" Sasuke asked.

Tsunade kind of looked disappointed. "Three months with the girl yet he learns nothing. Very well." "Don't worry, you're job is done once you leave this office. I will find a suitable replacement in the mean time; keep a look out for Cloud Shinobi. I don't know what Aisu is planning, for all we know BOLT might have already infiltrated Konoha."

Sasuke spoke, "Why don't you have a squad patrol the village?"

"I'm already on it. I'm just telling you guys to keep a look out." Tsunade said.

All of the Shinobi nodded. Tsunade continued, "Well since I have seen you all, you are all dismissed. Enjoy the rest of your day and be careful. Ino, I want you to report back to your squad."

Tsunade turned back to her window to see the streets becoming filled with foreign shinobi "Now it begins."

Somewhere in Konoha…

Konohamaru and Hanabi were sitting on a hill top looking down at the village of Konohagakure. The month that passed, the two had been spending more and more time together with one another. Actually, after the movie outing with the group, the two found themselves doing more activities alone. It was still unofficial, but to most of their friends, it was obvious that they were an item; they just didn't know it yet. Hanabi had decided that she would tell him today.

Sitting side by side looking down at the village from their view, Hanabi started to speak, "I'm not really good with expressing how I feel so I will just say it… I really like you Konohamaru. I can't explain the feeling that I get when I'm around you but… I just …"

Konohamaru touched her hand that rested in her lap; this caused the girl to look at him in slight shock, "You just feel like its right. It feels like butterflies in your stomach and you feel nervous, but then at the same time you wouldn't trade that feeling for anything."

"Yes, that's how I feel. I really care about you Konohamaru. You're the first person who liked me for me and I thought no one would ever understand me. I'm glad that we are together." Hanabi said the last part in while looking away trying to hide her red-stained cheeks.

Konohamaru placed his arm around the girl, "I'm glad were together too. Besides, the next Hokage is going to need a strong woman at his side."

Hanabi just shook her head and placed her head on his shoulder. Same old Konohamaru. Annoying, but once you got to know him, you couldn't live without him. Hanabi acted tough and was feared by many boys and some girls because of her attitude and skill, but if they could see her now they would have thought hell itself had frozen over. Hanabi didn't care who saw her at the moment. For the first time in a longtime she was very happy. Konohamaru gave her that feeling and she would cherish it.

She spoke in a soft voice, "Konohamaru… promise me something, okay?"

"What is it?" He asked.

"Promise me that you won't die okay. This battle that's coming will claim many lives. Promise me that you won't let it take you, okay?" Hanabi said with care in her voice.

Konohamaru flashed a silly grin, "Don't worry about that. I haven't become Hokage yet, so there is no way I will die. Besides I'm much stronger than what I was once before."

"I know you're stronger, but you're still Chuunin level Konohamaru. There is going to be high-level Shinobi here, so please just promise me you won't die!"

Konohamaru looked deep into her eyes and into her soul to see that she really cared for his well being. It as if her eyes were telling him that she would be extremely sad if something happened to him. He didn't want Hanabi to be sad so, "I promise."

Hanabi placed her arms around the boy's neck; She then rested her head on his chest. She knew that there was a possibility that either he or she would die, or both of them would die. However that didn't matter at the moment, what matter to Hanabi was this moment. This moment was perfect and she wouldn't ruin it with those negative thoughts.

Hokage Monument…

Sitting at the edge of theNidaime's head, Senzairu was looking toward the sky with a certain purple-haired ninja next to him. With his eyes focused toward the sky, "You know it's going to get hectic from here on out, right?"

"Yes, so it seems. So, where does that leave us?" Yuugao asked.

Senzairu thought about the question for a moment for answering, "I don't know. We both have our duties. You have a mission, don't you?" Senzairu asked.

"Not until tomorrow." She informed him. Yuugao turned to face Senzairu, "Senzairu… I need to know your feelings towards Kurenai-san. I really like you and I feel that there is something here but…"

Senzairu placed a hand her lip, "Don't worry about that. Kurenai is my past." He turned to look at the sky once more, "She is my past."


Three weeks before the current date, Senzairu and Kurenai found themselves sitting on the roof of her apartment complex talking. There was still unfinished business according to Senzairu. He needed to tell her how he felt.

Kurenai was sitting with her arms wrapped around her knees, "So you wanted to see me?"

"Yes. Look, there really is no easy way to say this so I will be straight with you. Kurenai I'm still in love with you… and I know you're in love with me too."

Kurenai couldn't deny this. However she thought this was all over, she didn't want to choose between them. It didn't matter because what he said next eased her mind, "Don't worry Kurenai, I'm not asking you to leave Asuma for me, that wouldn't be fair to Asuma and you. Look, I just want to tell you that I really care about you but I'm also falling for some else."

Kurenai studied him. She didn't know whether to be happy or jealous. She decided to be happy, it was better in the end right? She smiled at Senzairu then she turned to look at the stars, "its funny how fate works out. I prayed many nights to see you again, to hear your voice. I would have giving anything. Now that you're here, we can't even be together. It seems that time was against us. What we had is nothing more than the past. The future we had and wanted is stuck in the past."

"Yes it is. For what it's worth Kurenai, I'm glad that I got the chance to see you again. That's what I prayed for. Can't really get mad, God did answer my prayers. I guess I forgot to factor in you being single still." Senzairu said, earning him a laugh.

Kurenai caressed his cheek. Slowly the two came closer together until they're lips were intertwined. The kiss lasted only for a minute, but to them it felt like an eternity. When the broke the kiss, a tear fell down Kurenai's eye. She continued to caress his cheek before smiling and saying, "Goodbye, Senzairu."

She then stood up and left the roof, leaving Senzairu sitting there by himself. Looking towards the direction she headed in, "Goodbye Kurenai." Saying goodbye hurt him just as much as it did her but it was for the best. Senzairu stood up and left the roof top. With one though on his mind…"

End of Flashback…

"New beginnings." Turning to Yuugao with a smile on his face, "Kurenai is my past, you are my future."

Yuugao jumped into his arms causing the two to fall back with her on top of him.

"So I take that as you like me, huh?" The purple-haired ANBU captain said.

"No." Senzairu said which caused her to give him a strange look.

His smile was what threw her off, "I don't like you, I love you."

She immediately kissed him. After she was done she laid on top of him with her head above his heart. "I love you too."

Senzairu was very happy, but he knew this was the calm before the storm. The time was coming where he would have to fight Aisu. He didn't have the power, not when he didn't have full access to Xeno's powers. He was running out of time. He decided to worry about it tomorrow; today he would just relax with Yuugao.

Konohagakure, 4:40 pm….

A group of nins entered the village. Neji, who was on the roof top in his ANBU masks whispered through his communication mic inside his mask, "Boar, inform the 'Commander' that the Clouds have cast their shadow over the Leaf."

Ino, whose codename was 'Boar', heard the message. Sitting next to 'Mantis', who was Shino; she turned to the masked Shinobi, "It seems that the enemy has arrived. We must keep an eye on them at all cost 'Mantis'."

Shino nodded. He then spoke into his Mic, " 'Blue Steel', what is you current location?"

Tenten, who was standing on a roof top a distance away, responded "Two miles east of the tower. What is the current situation?"

"Relay to the commander that they have arrived. Hold on… I just received word from 'Eagle' that you are to report here immediately and have the commander send another squad. It seems we have more things to worry about."

"Roger, 'Blue Steel' out." Tenten Shunshin'd out of sight. As she was heading to the Hokage Tower at top speed, she couldn't help but wonder what they meant by more trouble, "What the hell is going on over there Neji? I guess I will have to get the squad that Kiba is a member of. If I know Neji, he's going to want to be able to keep and eye on them as well as track them by scent." Tenten didn't have a clue about what was going on, but one thing was certain, Hayami and Yumi would be getting increased security.

Konoha Entrance…

Kouen and Kumoko entered the Leaf village with they're respective squads. They're mission was simple, qualify for the final exam. Kouen had no doubt that all of his members would coast through these exams. He wasn't really worrying about that. What he wanted to know was where Uzumaki was? He couldn't find out though, His mole had lost contact with him before the incident at the Minashu compound. Maybe the poor idiot got killed or something, who knows. It didn't matter, he had all of the info he needed and whatever he he didn't he would gain while here. He looked over at Kumoko who seemed very happy. "So she's still going to try and get the girl. I guess that's why she took a squad at the last minute, how smart of her."

Kouen turned away from Kumoko and looked at his squad. Reido, who was clearly his strongest student, would coast through this exam. Okugata Tsuki, the female squad member wouldn't have any problems either. The black-haired, red-eye genin in his opinion would only have to worry about Reido. Inkan Jikoku would probably do well in this exam as well. Although he wasn't on Reido and Tsuki's level, he was sure that the black-haired, yellow-eyed Genin would get to the finals. He was actually expecting a sweep in the exams this year.

Kouen and Kumoko squads were walking in silence until a Genin who was running, tripped over Jikoku, who intentionally put his foot out. Makeinu crashed hard into the ground face first. The group stopped to look at the Genin who jumped up pumping his fist at Jikoku.

"You bastard, you tripped me on purpose!" Makeinu said; pissed off.

Giving a sinister smile, Jikoku spoke "So what if I did? I didn't know Konoha Genin were this weak. We're going to sweep these exams, eh Reido?"

The Raikage's son didn't say anything. Tsuki looked at Makeinu, "You should run off, you're out of your league kid."

Everyone turned when they heard a female's voice, calling to the boy, "Makeinu!"

When she finally arrived to Makeinu she turned to see who he was looking at. She saw eight Shinobi from the Cloud. Two Jounin and six Genin, "They must be here for the Chuunin exams."

Studying her teammate she just knew he was going to get into a fight before the exams. She decided to pull him away, "Come Makeinu, lets enjoy our day off."

Makeinu slapped her hand away, "Not until this idiot apologize for tripping me."

Kumoko laughed, "Konoha genins are so pathetic." She then turned to one of her squad members, "Injure those two."

Before the boy on her squad could move he fell to the ground. A single Genin stood over him looking at the lady, "I'm sorry but I can't allow any of my teammates to be injured."

Reido and Tsuki seemed to be interested at the new arrival. Reido studied the kid, "A Hyuuga, plus he has such speed… this tournament might be interesting after all." Tsuki was impressed by his speed but she was also impressed by his looks. He was cute.

Kumoko narrowed her eyes at the kid. She decided to have fun with the kid; she appeared behind him before he could react. When she went to strike the boy, the boy disappeared. She turned to her left, to see that Hanabi was holding the boy. Kumoko recognized the girl.

"I see that you Hyuuga really protect your own." Kumoko said.

Ranpu looked up to see Hanabi standing in front of him "Hanabi-sama"

Speaking in a low voice, Hanabi asked "Are you okay, Ranpu?"

He responded, "Yes. Who the hell are they?"

"Someone you should watch out for." Everyone turned to the tree above Hanabi to see Konohamaru standing on the branch with his hands folded.

Makeinu and Akuru both yelled out, "You're so cool Konohamaru."

Konohamaru, who had his eyes close was thinking, "Appearing at the last minute is soooo cool. I'm so cool."

Hanabi shook her head. She looked up, "Hey idiot, when you're done looking cool care to get down here."

Konohamaru ego trip was crushed by Hanabi. Oh well, He flipped off of the tree and landed on Hanabi's right.

With a serious expression, he spoke to Kumoko, "So I see you're here as well. Attacking a Genin is not acceptable. If you do it again, Konoha will not be so forgiving next time."

She didn't like this boy. After she killed the girl and Uzumaki, she would kill him.

"Konoha is pathetic. Let's not forget you guys needed the 'Golden Fox'."

Konohamaru smiled, "Still hung up on beaten Naruto nii-san? Don't waste your time on him and Hayami. I know your real motive and trust me you won't get next to the girl. Let it go, you might have to deal with a power you're not ready to deal with."

Hanabi stepped forward, "You guys should be going about your business. Remember you are far from home. Starting something here is ill advised."

Kouen nodded, "I agree with you Hyuuga. We were just heading to our hotel. Come on everyone, we have other things to worry about. You enjoy your day, Hyuuga-san."

Tsuki looked at the boy behind Hanabi, "So he's a Hyuuga. I wonder if he's as strong as Reido. The speed he displayed earlier was phenomenal."

Reido didn't follow his squad as they walked past the Genin. He looked at Reido, "You, what is your name?"

Ranpu studied the genin for a minute before responding, "Hyuuga Ranpu, who might you be?"

"Hiyayaka Reido." Reido replied.

Jikoku laughed at Ranpu, "My friend is the best Genin here. Were going to sweep through these exams, no team will stop us."

Ranpu turned to face Jikoku, "Weaklings often talk the most trash. Your team doesn't look so special to me. Just a bunch of pansies, I'm sure you'll fit in quite well."

Reido spoke once more, "Don't underestimate us. My friend might be a loud mouth, but I can't argue his claims. Either way, we need to be going. I look forward to seeing you in the exams." Ranpu watched as the boy and his squad walked off.

Hanabi turned to Ranpu, "Show those idiots the power of our clan."

Ranpu bowed, "Yes, Hanabi-sama."

Konohamaru turned to Hanabi, "I think we should keep a close eye on that Cloud Kunochi."

Hanabi nodded in agreement. Makeinu and Akuru walked up to the others. "Konohamaru that was so cool how you came out of nowhere. Hanabi-san you looked so cool getting Ranpu out of the way. He was so done for. You're such a baka, Ranpu."

Ranpu looked at his idiot teammate, "Shut it dead last. We got more important things to worry about."

Everyone turned to watch the Cloud squads that were off in the distance. The team that the Kunochi had was not really that important, however, the squad with that Reido kid seemed like they were good. Ranpu knew that his squad was ready. They would have to be.

A Village in Fire Country…

Naruto and Rin were helping the sickly. When Rin told him about this a month ago, he didn't really care about these people, but after interacting with some of them and learning some of these kids and adults were stricken with illness pained him. The ones that he a Rin did help, it made him feel good but the ones that He couldn't help made him feel bad, almost like he was weak.

Rin looked over to see Naruto helping one of the elderly patients walk around. She didn't really understand, but she could see that Naruto had this gift to make friends with almost anyone. It pained her to know that Konoha didn't accept the boy. She was certain that someone like him could have led Konoha to greatness. During her time with him she got to see more and more of Naruto. The layers that he guarded were slowly peeling away.

It was getting late and the two decided to head back to the mountains. Naruto and Rin were walking along the dirt road. Naruto looked at Rin who gave him a side glance as well. Before they could react they were surrounded by a group of Shinobi.

The Shinobi behind Naruto spoke first, "You sure are a hard person to find… Naruto-kun."

Naruto instantly recognized that voice. "Sasame-chan!"

The girl took off her mask. Naruto instantly grabbed her up in a hug, "Wow it's good to see you, Sasame-chan."

"It's good to see you too, Naruto-kun. You know you're a very hard person to track; we got lucky that one of my clansmen was in town a week back. I'm just glad I got to you before Cloud did. They are searching for you high and low Naruto." Sasame informed her friend.

"So the bastard is scared, eh? Well he should be. Well I'm done with what I have to do; there is no more time for it. I will be heading back to the Leaf tonight." Naruto told the girl.

"Well Naruto, that's the problem I can't let you do that. I'm under special orders to bring you back with me. Don't think that its hostile but our leader wishes to meet with you." Sasame informed Naruto.

Rin feeling left out poked Naruto, "Excuse me, are you going to introduce us?"

Naruto slapped his head, "Where are my manners. Sasame-chan, Rin, Rin Sasame-chan."

The two girls shook each others hand. Sasame turned back to Naruto, "Like I was saying our leader wishes to meet you ASAP. I think you should bring your friend along. She won't be safe, I'm certain that Cloud has received word, which means you're going to have every Hunter squad gunning for you"

Naruto thought about it, "Who is your leader Sasame?"

Sasame said two words, "KuraiYokoana"

Naruto closed his eyes and smiled, "It's just like her to seek me out. I guess I can honor Yokoana-hime with my presences. No sense of heading back."

Naruto turned to Rin "I suggest you come with me. It's not going to be safe. I'm sorry that I put you in danger."

She waved her hands, "Don't worry about it."

Naruto turned back to Sasame, "Well Sasame, shall we?"

Sasame and her group blurred out of sight. Naruto looked at Rin, then in an instant the two blurred out of sight as well.

Cloud village, 9 pm ….

Aisu sat at his desk. The Chuunin exams were starting tomorrow. He knew that his son would coast through, the boy was strong. That didn't worry him, what did was that Naruto was still nowhere to be found. He heard a knock at the door, "Enter."

He turned to face Cadaan who had a smile on his face, "We found him."

Aisu was happy, "Where is he?"

"He was last seen in a town about 100 miles northwest of Konoha. What do you want us do to sir?" Cadaan asked.

"BOLT already has they're orders. They are to patrol outside of the village and intercept him before he arrives. Uzumaki will fall. It doesn't make sense to go to that town; he probably covered up his steps."

Cadaan understood. He spoke once more, "So we're going to sit and wait it out sir?"

"Yes. The wheels are in motion. Will just sit and wait for everything to unfold." Aisu stood up and looked out his window. Soon, they would understand. Soon they would all understand.

Konoha, 5 am, day of Chuunin exams…

Lying in a bed with sheets covering him to the bottom of his pecks, with Yuugao's arm wrapped around him and her head resting on his left breast, Senzairu was looking at the ceiling. "So the day of the Chuunin exams is finally here."

Uchiha Compound…

Lying in his bed with his hands behind his head, looking toward the sky, Uchiha Sasuke laid there thinking about the exams. He would be in charge of the Preliminary matches; did Tsunade believe that there would be preliminaries? It didn't matter, this war really wasn't all that important to him. Sure he wanted to protect Konoha, as shocking as that may be to comprehend, but he only had three people on his brain, Hayami, Naruto, and Sakura, The latter more so than the other two. He didn't miss Sakura, that's what he told himself. But it did get lonely here. What the hell was he thinking, He didn't do anything wrong. If he did he didn't know what. Women were complicated. Then there was the little girl. She looked like her dog died when he told her that he was done as her body guard. Why should he care about her feelings? She was holding back his training. Last but not least there was Naruto. He hadn't seen the guy in six months; God knows what he was doing. Did he get stronger? Did he learn a new technique? These were all questions Sasuke asked himself. He continued to focus on the ceiling. The days to come would be interesting.

Tsunade's place…

Temari was sitting next to Hayami's bed polishing her fan. The girl was still having nightmares and even though that concerned her; she was more concerned with the Kunochi from the Cloud being here. Her job just went to 24 hour security. She wondered where the hell Naruto was, but she couldn't worry about him. She had to worry about the girl and Yumi. It wouldn't take Kumoko long to find out who Yumi was. She just wished that Sasuke was still helping her protect the girl. At least she wouldn't have to worry too much. It's not that she didn't doubt her skill but two excellent Jounins were always better than one is what she thought. It didn't matter; she would do her assignment the best she could. She looked at the little girl who lied in the bed. She would do the best she could.

Tsuande was sitting at the edge of her bed. "Senzairu didn't come home yesterday must be with Yuugao. Naruto was spotted northwest of here but he vanished into thin air. The exams are today, which means I have a lot of thing that I need to get done. Okay Aisu, the next move is all on you. I will definitely be waiting."

Yumi was lying in her room. She was certain that Naruto would be back soon but that's not what had her mind. Her mind was more on Hayami. Temari informed her that she would have to be careful. Yumi knew that word was going to get out and that she would probably have threats on her life. She was more worried about Hayami though. She laughed, it seem like everyone was more worried about the girl then themselves. Shinji was concerned as well, although he didn't show it outwardly. He was currently in Sea Country; he was supposed to arrive back here today. Well that's what Hinata had told her anyway when she was out with Ino, Temari, and Hinata. Yumi decided it was time to get up and face the day.

Somewhere in Konoha…

Danzou was leaning on his cane. Before him was the legion of Root, "It seem that Uzumaki was spotted but he disappeared without a trace once more. I have given you all your assignments. Uzumaki Naruto is to not make it into this village, search and destroy all BOLT squads, and find Naiya. I know the latter is probably not going to happen, however, I stand firm on the other two. I will not accept any failures. That boy is a threat to this village and since our Hokage doesn't see this, I take it upon myself to correct the mistake that she has made."

One of the root members spoke, "What do you wish for us to do about the BOLT members that have infiltrated Konoha?"

"Nothing, leave that to the ANBU squads that are already watching them. You all have your assignments. Today your mission begins. Head out." The squads all dispersed leaving Danzou alone. ROOT had they're mission. They're objective was Naruto. Danzou turned to look at the third from his location, "You were such an idiot Sarutobi. Now I will correct all of your mistakes and insure Konoha's future."

Hokage Monument…

Kouen found himself standing on top of the heads of the infamous Hokage monument. He was actually standing over the head of the man deemed as the best Ninja ever. Looking at the sky, the sun was slowly rising over the horizon. The wheels were in motion. He would finally get a chance to fight that man. He knew BOLT was ordered to assassinate him on sight, but he knew Konoha wouldn't allow that. Hell he wouldn't allow that. Naruto was his and his alone. He heard of the man's skill, which was now legendary. Uchiha Sasuke was no longer on his radar. Naruto was the one who intrigued him the most. If he could beat Naruto then maybe… just maybe he could… "Sensei"

Kouen turned to see Reido walking towards. "Yes?"

Reido walked up to his sensei. He looked dead ahead for a minute or so before saying a word. He finally spoke, "So this is the village that stands in father's way. All I ever hear him talk about now is crushing Uzumaki Naruto. Who is this Uzumaki Naruto anyway, sensei?"

Kouen smiled, "Uzumaki Naruto … he's the man known as the 'Golden Fox'. He is also the man that I am going to kill."

Reido saw the gleeful look in his sensei's eye. "The 'Golden Fox' you say… that's the man that killed over three hundred shinobi in a two day span. He must be strong if Father and Sensei want to fight him." Reido decided not to dwell on it. His mission was to get to the finals. He prayed that he got the chance to fight that Hyuuga kid. Kouen continued to stare straight ahead with his top student standing next to him.

Somewhere near Wind Country…

Naruto, Rin, and Sasame where heading towards the Sand village. Naruto needed to see Gaara. He had a couple of things he needed to do before he arrived in Konoha. He knew that he had everyone after him so he had to stay low and off of the grid. Naruto couldn't believe what happened yesterday. He never expected it to happen, but it was now in the past. He looked at Rin then to Sasame. Naruto mind drifted to what happened yesterday.


Naruto, Rin, and Sasame stood before KuraiYokoana in her lavish office. The blue-eyed, navy blue-haired hime open her mouth, "Naruto-kun… do you accept my offer?"

Naruto thought about for a moment. He gave her a slight grin, "Yes, I accept."

Yokoana was relieved and decided to play with him in a joking manner, "I'm glad. I really wish that you would drop that girl you're with and get with me but that's not going to happen so, now that you have accepted, I need you to transport these documents to Suna, it's crucial that the Kazekage sign them." Yokoana stated.

Naruto turned around to exit the office, but not before saying, "Don't worry about Gaara. He's a friend."

Naruto, Rin, and Sasame exited the office leaving Yokoana by herself with her two personal guards standing at the entrance.

End of flashback…

Naruto looked at Rin, "It should only take us eleven to twelve hours till we reach Suna at this speed."

Rin nodded. Sasame turned to Naruto, "Do you think Gaara of the Sand will go for this? I heard that he's ruthless."

"Rumors, Gaara's a pussycat once you get to know him. Just don't get on his bad side. Well will never know until we see right?" Naruto said.

Rin spoke, "I got a feeling that everything is going to be okay."

Naruto and Sasame both couldn't have agreed more. Naruto looked forward, "We're about to enter Wind Country."

When Naruto picked up speed in the hot desert, Rin and Sasame follow suite. They were now in Wind Country and closing in on the Sand village. Whatever happens, happens is what Naruto thought. There was no turning back, none whatsoever.


YES, THE CHUUNIN EXAMS ARE FINALLY HERE! From here on out it is going to get real interesting. Expect Chapter 26 to be a little longer.