
The Golden Cloud

In the previous life, Yi Jingyi took over the throne and set the palace on fire to preserve the nation's dignity. In this lifetime, she would keep the life of her lover's family and together, they would make her brother emperor of the continent. Old hatred, new hatred. Past karma, current karma. She would settle everything bit by bit in the most painful way, just like she felt in the past.

cdyxli · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Systematic Seduction

The next day, Yi Jingyi was still lying on the bed, thinking about the Left Prime Minister - Chen Zao and the Huan family. 

Chen Zao laid a perfect trap for the Huan family to jump into and guided the king's every step to exterminate the Huan clan.

She wasn't kidding; she wanted to make her brother emperor of the East.

Beiling? Let the Lins have it and ruin it!

For her plan to succeed, she must shed this fake princess identity and help the Huans; only by earning their good grace will her long-term goal apply.

"Wen Niang."

"Yes, My Lady."

Yi Jingyi couldn't help but feel nostalgic. Wen Niang, from the past, was the only family she had left. From the sudden enthronement of Xinyi, his funeral, to Jingyi's end of the regime. Wen Niang was always beside her.

"My Lady?"

Jingyi gave her a bag of money, "Go out of the palace and find me information about the second son of Duke Liyan."

Wen Niang knelt with a loud thud, "My Lady, please don't be sad. The Noble Concubine had met Duchess Liyan, and they promised not to leak the rescue matter. The Duke and Young Duke were even fined by His Majesty."

"What are you talking about?"

"My Lady doesn't have to force herself to marry the second son  Duke Liyanof knows he rescued you. Everyone only knew My Lady fell into the lake and the Duke Liyan's family was negligent. Please don't think too much and rest your body, My Lady."

What in the world? Did something like this happen in her last life?

"You get up and talk clearly. What do you mean the second son saved me? What about forcing myself to marry him?"

Being the dutiful maid she was, Wen Niang retold the incident.

Yi Jingyi also remembered this falling into the lake incident but she never knew it was Huan Zexian that saved her. Most importantly after that, her reputation was intact and no rumors flying around. It was so quiet she almost doubted it really happened. As far as her past memory goes, she never set foot outside the palace to attend any banquet or worship at the temple. She basically locked herself in her courtyard and lived in seclusion until the third prince prepared his enthronement.

This was a godsend opportunity! If only she could find out whether Huan Zexian had engaged or not, she could save energy and be his wife to help the Huans from the inside.

"I thought he was giving up his bad thoughts after My Lady hurt him, but men are really beast! He took his chance to rescue My Lady from the water instead!"

"What happened last time? What do you mean I hurt him?"

Huan Zexian was her life saving straw!

The man was the trusted subordinate of the eastern emperor! Not only Yi Jingyi wasn't on his camp, but she also hurt him? What the hell!

"My Lady, don't you remember? The day after the king's birthday the second son blocked you, he confessed his admiration but My Lady rejected it." Tears brimming in the corner of her eyes, "My Lady what should I do? It must've been cold! Huwaaa, My Lady, what should I do to you? Should I tell the Noble Concubine, you can't get sick, My Lady. Huwaaa.."

Yi Jingyi covered her maid's mouth, "Shuhs, don't cry. I'm fine, I'm just a little forgetful. Stop your tears or I won't let go of my hand!"

The maid held her tears, looking miserable with a red face and hiccup.

"Now tell me, how did I hurt him?"

"My Lady slashed the second son's hand with Silver."

There's an invisible hammer smacking her head now. Not only did Yi Jingyi refuse his love confession, she also hurt him with her favorite knife! No wonder he wanted her alive at that time… He must've want to torture her instead!

What should I do… What should I do…

As Yi Jingyi's frantic change of expression made her maid even more panicky.

"My Lady? My Lady, are you alright?! Was that beast being rude to you? Do you need me to tell the Noble Concubine? I will-"

Yi Jingyi's gripped Wen Niang shoulder. Who did she think she called a beast? The number one war strategist of the Ao Dynasty?! Did Wen Niang have a death wish?!

"Don't call him that, don't even think about him like that."

"But My Lady told me those who play others' feeling are be-"

"Everyone else but him!" Yi Jingyi snapped. Seeing the confused but pale maid, she calmed herself. "Anyone who plays on others' feelings is a beast, but the Second Young Master Huan is not a beast. Okay?"

Wen Niang didn't understand but if her master said so then it must be right.

"Wen Niang, do you understand?"

"Yes, My Lady."

Yi Jingyi leaned on the bed headboard. She must make sure her people get along with Huan Zexian, if not her second life might be ruined!

"Then, do I still need to find the second son's information?"

What Yi Jingyi needed the most was information about his engagement, the fact that he confessed his love to her only meant he didn't have a fiance.

"Wen Niang, do we still have scar removing cream from the royal doctor?"

"I think so, My Lady. Why?"

"Prepare the cream and my hunting attire, I will attend the royal spring hunt."

Yi Jingyi was desperate, there's only one answer for her biggest problem now!

Systematic seduction!




Planning on seducing someone and actually doing it were two different situations.

Yi Jingyi was relieved that Duke Liyan's sons were attending the hunt, but to think she used her brilliance to trap him in a beauty trap…

"My Lady, why is your face reddened? I told you to just wait in the tent, why do you insist on hunting?"

"Wen Niang, don't forget that I used to live in the mountains before. I need a breather."

Wen Niang shut her mouth. She was the Royal Daughter's maid since she moved to the palace. She forgot that her master used to be a commoner.

"You stay here, I'll ride inside."

"But My Lady-"

"You can't ride a horse, you will only get in the way. Stay in the tent. This is an order."

Wen Niang and the entourage bow in respect, "Yes, My Lady."

The spring hunting was an annual event, hosted in the royal hunting ground. The staff and eunuch had prepared various game like rabbit and deer for the royals and selected court members to hunt. Ladies mostly don't hunt personally, they are usually there to support their father or brothers.

To be honest, another purpose of this hunt was to find marriage. It was simply a better way for a blind date because the invitees were all rich, powerful, or talented. After all, they were single men the king personally drafted to come.

Huan Zexian was bored, his father forced him to attend this hunting while his brother guarded the king and princes. With that big of a crowd, it would be weird if they even found any prey.

"You're also bored, right, Jinu? Nothing interesting to-"


A scream of a woman caught Huan Zexian off guard and soon a black horse with full speed passed him.


He wasn't hallucinating, there's a woman on that horse. He pursued in full force.

When Jinu was right behind that horse, Huan Zexian jumped and carried the woman off her horse. No matter how Huan Zexian caged and tried to protect her from the impact, they rolled on the ground a few times before finally stopping.

Huan Zexuan grimaced, but the pain of falling was nothing compared to his father and brother's training.


A soft sob reminded him that someone was with him.

"Are alright-"

Curly eyelash, small nose, and full lips. The features he had painted for days and greeted his dream were enlarged in front of him.

Slapping the man's chest, "You're heavy!"

Yi Jingyi planned this but she didn't plan to be crushed to death.

Huan Zexian finally reacted and helped her stand up; "Royal Daughter Xuan, are you alright?"

"You hugged me so tight, of course I'm fine." Half complaining, she dusted her dress. "How about you? Did you get hurt?"

Facing the questioning and the touch on his arms, Huan Zexian didn't dare to answer. No, not because it hurts, but because his heart almost burst into fireworks. If not for the inappropriate situation, he might've screamed in happiness.

"You're bleeding!"

Yi Jingyi stopped herself from yanking Huan Zexian's collar, she was an unmarried royal daughter! Not the regent that helped the soldiers bandaging their wounds! Have some shame!

She cleared her throat. "Thank you for saving me, here." She dropped three bottles on his hand, "Medicine for the bleeding and scar remover. Then, I'll get going before anyone finds us."

She walked away without waiting for his answer, but stopped and turned her back; "Since you didn't say anything about the lake, I know you won't say anything about the horse too. Thank you again, Second Young Master Huan."