
The Golden Cloud

In the previous life, Yi Jingyi took over the throne and set the palace on fire to preserve the nation's dignity. In this lifetime, she would keep the life of her lover's family and together, they would make her brother emperor of the continent. Old hatred, new hatred. Past karma, current karma. She would settle everything bit by bit in the most painful way, just like she felt in the past.

cdyxli · Fantasy
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12 Chs

She did it!

"Royal Daughter Xuan."

Two men with polar opposite charisma saluted and Yi Jingyi froze.

"Is that Shi Zisheng?"

"He is the Jade Scholar, right? The top scorer?"

"Why did Shi Zisheng come to her?"

"He is the number one hunter today. What is he doing?"

"Is that Second Young Master Huan? Isn't he rude and never cares about women?"

"Last month's flower banquet at Duke Liyan Mansion was for his bride, right? Why is he courting the fake princess?"

All kinds of dissatisfied whispers attracted the attention of elders on the high platform.

"What happened?"

"Answering Your Majesty. Seems like this year top scholar Shi Zisheng and the Second Young Master Huan are both giving their prey for the Royal Daughter Xuan."

The king's eyes never left Yi Jingyi, the foster daughter was just another mouth to feed in his palace. She knew her place and never overstepped, she only showed her face for an official banquet and rarely socialized. The last time she went out, his wife told him that the girl was wronged and got sick. By the attitude of the Duke Liyan mansion, it could be seen that it was quite serious.

So what did the second son of Liyan do there? And his promising young talent, Shi Zisheng? Even if she was a princess in name, didn't he understand what entitled to marrying her was?

Interestingly, the fox cub he had been watching was catching the eye of these influential men. It seems like his assessment of this 'daughter' was correct. She was unfathomable.

Among the dissatisfied crowd, Yi Jingyi was one of them. Shi Zisheng was her minister in the previous life, he helped her during her regency and during her reign. The guy was sick and one of the ministers she evacuated earlier since the Ao Dynasty's aggression.

What was he doing here joining the fun!?

Realizing the men were still saluting, Yi Jingyi cleared her throat; "At ease."

"Thank you, Royal Daughter Xuan."

Yi Jingyi couldn't help it and asked; "Young Master Shi, are you sure you're supposed to be here?"

"Of course, My Lady. My archery and hunting skills are rusty, but I would like to give my prey to you, My Lady."


Did he think people were dumb? The hunt score was more of a numeric measure, it's quantity and not quality!

But what Shi Zisheng showed her was the midsize red fox's fur. The red was enchanting under the torch light.

Yi Jingyi could feel the burning gaze from the ladies and a certain someone's insecure gaze.

Shi Zisheng was a valuable official whether in the past or present. She couldn't have offended him because in the future she might need his help.

Masking her irritation, she smiled; "I don't have anything with me right now, but I personally made this cake and it has no peanuts."

Shi Zisheng was stunned, and looked at her with an amused smile. "My Lady knows I'm allergic to peanuts?"


"No, of course not. I just mentioned it because it usually has peanuts but my cake doesn't have peanuts in it. Thank you for the fur, Young Master Shi."

Shi Zisheng took the cake from Wen Niang and unexpectedly ate it on the spot; "It is very sweet, My Lady. Thank you, My Lady."

The smile was burdensome and Yi Jingyi diverted her gaze to Huan Zexian.

There he was in the glory of his youthfulness, far from the gloomy and sharp mouthed enemy she remembered. She was nervous, her plan would be destroyed if he felt rejected again and things developed like the past. He might have come after her for revenge!

"Second Young Master Huan?"

The king was ignoring his women's chit chat, his eyes glued to the group of youth under.

From Yi Jingyi's confusion and apprehension, he saw it all. Such a raw emotion, either she was a good actress or his eyesight was getting bad.

What amused him was her cautiousness around the Liyan's second son. She was nervous but expectant, longed for it but also afraid.

This year's hunting was really bountiful, he got to see such a lively emotion from this invisible daughter. Dangerous dogs don't bark, they bite. Her invisibility didn't strike him as submission but a lurking danger.

Down the high platform, Huan Zexian was hesitating to lift the fabric of his prey tray.

"Huan Zexian?"

He caught off guard by his sweetheart calling, and almost knocked the tray but the fabric lift instead.

Lay there was a white rabbit's fur.

A little sad compared to the big red fur on the other side.

Yi Jingyi knew that the staged 'hero saving the beauty' made him run of time and could hardly hunt. "Thank you Young Master Huan. I always want to make a white hand warmer. Please accept this as my thank you."

Wen Niang shivered by the duality of her master. The moment before, the lady was fidgety and tried to avoid the Jade Scholar, but now she seems eager to please the second young master Huan. Love was really scary!

"I hope you enjoy it." Yi Jingyi added after Huan Zexian took the package.

"Thank you, Royal Daughter Xuan."

The men left and the banquet resumed.


Although he said thank you, Huan Zexian never opened the package after three days from the banquet. 

His brother and father didn't ask whether he still wanted them to propose marriage to the royal daughter because they knew, just like everyone else… His chance was slim. After all, the Jade Scholar - Shi Zisheng was also courting her.

But curiosity got the best of him, he opened the package and not only a cake was inside the exquisite box, but there was also a note!

"Lu Bing! Get my horse!"




Wen Niang tailed behind her master.

Three days ago, the master told her to set up an archery lesson in the royal training hall but specifically asked for no trainer. The first day, the royal daughter was excited and seemed like waiting for someone. Her face darkened as the sky darkened.

The second day was the same, but this time her master picked up the bow and arrow, releasing arrow upon arrows as if screaming her dissatisfaction, and the cycle repeated.

Today, Wen Niang tried to be as quiet as possible because she knew for a fact that her master was in the worst mood.

It passed lunchtime and the sour Yi Jingyi had enough of venting her anger.

This was because of Shi Zisheng!

Huan Zexian was in her grip, and she just needed to seduce him and boom they will be married. Why the heck did Shi Zisheng come into her play!

Yi Jingyi pulled the string too hard and her cheek bled.

"My Lady, are you alright?"

Yi Jingyi raised her hand to stop her maids, "Leave me alone."

Wen Niang understood her master and retreated with the girls.

Yi Jingyi dropped on the ground.

It wasn't even a big deal! Just a marriage with Huan Zexian, why was it so hard for her to get this! Must she really repeat the same thing? The death of her brother? Her regency? The end of her life? Must she really shouldered the sin of the Lins, again?

Yi Jingyi didn't realize it but she was way too calm about her rebirth.

The unknown pressure was finally weighing her down and without her knowing, tears were running through her chin.

"I'm sorry, I'm late."

A man's voice made her look up.

The annoyed and confused look on Yi Jingyi's face was translated as helplessness by Huan Zexian. Her exhausted face seemed very sad with the tears and blood.

Huan Zexian had his own narrative.

How could he not know that Yi Jingyi had waited for him for days before he showed up. She literally wrote to him to come the next day but he was a stupid and hollowing in self pity instead checking the gift from her!

His insecurities dictated him that she wouldn't choose him, that she didn't like him. She didn't have him in her heart!

Yi Jingyi might have crumbled down but she was a monarch for quite some time, her sanity came back faster than most people. She understood what's on his mind.

She accepted Huan Zexian's apology and hugged him back, hiding her smile and relief.

She did it!

"I can pictured Zexian's being stupid, but I didn't know you also reckless, My Lady."

The hugging lover startled and there he was, the man Yi Jingyi  never saw in her life.

"Brother, I can explain-"

"No need, I've seen enough. Let's get home, little brother. You have a lot of explaining to do."



Yi Jingyi went back to her courtyard when the Huan brothers left.

Huan Hanyu was as intense as the rumors said. Tall statue, no nonsense talk, and his sharp eyes piercing to someone's soul. He was the champion of a martial arts tournament in his year and currently an army commander.

She was caught by her future brother-in-law. Does it mean her plan would fail?

She needed another insurance, she must tell her mother. She must exercise her daughter's power and make sure she gets the marriage.

"Wen Niang, let's go to my mother's place!"

These days, her master really confused Wen Niang because she was acting out of ordinary. She never called the noble concubine mother again, it was very unpredescended.

What happened to the Royal Daughter after falling into the lake?! Why was she so weird!

Somebody help me!