
The Golden Cloud

In the previous life, Yi Jingyi took over the throne and set the palace on fire to preserve the nation's dignity. In this lifetime, she would keep the life of her lover's family and together, they would make her brother emperor of the continent. Old hatred, new hatred. Past karma, current karma. She would settle everything bit by bit in the most painful way, just like she felt in the past.

cdyxli · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Coming of Age Ceremony

Remembering the past was useless anyway, and the fact that Zisheng asked Mu Hua to tell her about this was because he didn't know this happened in the past. He asked her to make the final verdict.

Xinjin Passage was some kind of cave that occured because a giant tree was holding on for dear life by spreading its roots between two different cliffs. The passage was in the middle wilderness between Beiling and Buckwheat. Precisely because of this cliff that Beiling and Buckwheat Kingdom never had dispute in this area. In the previous life, they didn't attack Beiling from here because they knew Buckwheat's nearest city for supply was farther from the cliff compared to Beiling. If Buckwheat attacked them through this passage then they were at disadvantage.

"My Lady, the master of ceremony is here."

Wen Niang's report made her groan internally.

Beiling king's Lin Xuan was the pain of her existence. They could have just made this coming of age ceremony simple and did the so-called 'daughter battle', but no, the king just had to make a spectacle and made it a full scale parade.

People gathered along the sides of the road to see the excitement.

Mansion was granted to royal children not only because they were 'deemed' mature, but also meant they now had responsibility to the court and people. She was a regent herself, she would be dumb to not realize why the king made an official coming of age ceremony like this. He was announcing to the world that she was a legitimate princess, whether she liked it or not anything and everything she did in the future was for Beiling.

If the king wanted her to marry to foreign land for peace, she must leave. If the king wanted her to marry a certain talent she must marry. Such a delicate threat, Yi Jingyi missed the time rolling on the mud in the mountain. Why must she go back in time when her mother already married the king, why not the time earlier! So annoying!

Official coming of age ceremony was as it stated, official.

The ministry of rites handled the ceremony according to Beiling ancestral teaching. Simple minded people praised the king for treating the royal daughter Xuan like his own blood, but those with delicate minds were eying the girl in light blue dress with a hair half down. The ministers were wondering whose family would be unlucky to be granted marriage with the princess. Being a princess's husband or consort was limiting their career. No matter how much merit they had, they could not advance in their career because as a royal family member, it was their duty to do everything in their power for the people. Doing too much was wronging themselves, doing too little was inviting criticism to them. At the end of the day, doing things right was the royal family's merit, but if they made a mistake it was them that was unworthy.

Although, the major setback was actually the fact they must restrain their frivolous side and must not take concubine.

Despite whatever people were thinking on the way to the palace or inside the palace, Yi Jingyi was sweating profusely. The reason no princess was ever granted an official coming of age ceremony was because the process was strenuous.

She might not be as delicate as the usual noble lady, but walking from her princess mansion gate to the palace was no joke. Her long clothing was cumbersome, the distance was far away, and the sun was getting stronger as time passed by. When it was a prince's ceremony, they would walk holding their swords in both hands representing their loyalty and ready to die for their country. Everyone knew most princesses would be married off, what kind of symbolism should a princess walk around in? A wedding dress?

Of course not, it was a bow and arrow to represent the harmony between couples because one couldn't work without the other. It was poetic and also heroic, as it was still a weapon.

Unfortunately, although Yi Jingyi was always low key, her previous identity as a rural mountain girl had shaped her personality to some extent. Her childhood was spent on playing slingshot and once she entered the palace she could only change it slightly to learning bow and arrow to match her new identity. It was known she was skilled to some degree, and to maintain the superficial father daughter relationship, the king had awarded several good bow and arrows to her, and by good meant impractical.

The one she was currently carrying was named Snow Fury. The length was longer than usual and had been solidly constructed of blackwood decorated with symbolic writing. Its handle is wrapped in wolf fur while the end in points ornamented with spear heads made of pure white jade. It was magnificent to look at, but to carry it out long distance while shouldering the bulky quiver made of wolf skin.. it was torture!

Profusely sweating, she handed the bow and arrow to the palace guard before entering the main palace gate. It was a sacred rule, only palace guards carry weapons in the palace.

Yi Jingyi led to Noble Concubine Xian's quarter and after re-tidying herself, an eunuch led her to the main hall. The largest and most exquisite hall exclusively used by the king.

She arrived at the main hall gate. Looking up to hundreds of steps ahead with a brown carpet made her heart boil. The king really spared no effort to make things difficult for her. Did that old man hate the fact her father married her mother before him? He should have just killed her or abandoned her before came back to the capital city instead! She would rather be happy to live in Yunzhou.

Crazy hypocrite!

Refreshed by the second bath and anti swelling oil, the walk up to the main hall was easier. 

Good things the ministry of rites drafted were read out loud by the master of ceremony while the palace ladies with big fans led the way to cover Yi Jingyi's face. The king and queen were seated in front, the invited minister on her left and the royal relatives on her right.

With the cue to start the hairpin initiation, Noble Concubine Xian walked with a tray of hair accessories and comb. She took off Yi Jingyi's hairpin and child's hair bun, combed it with a woman style - hair half down, the upper hair turned into a bun inside a woman-crown and tied with a hairpin of the girl's choice.

Noble Concubine Xian frowned when she put the hairpin her daughter chose. From various jade and golden hairpin people give her, why did her daughter choose this rough looking black wooden hairpin with three ornaments hanging? Which young masters have poor eyesight?!

The king and queen gave some blessings and finally the feast began!

As the main character of the event, Yi Jingyi dragged into a circle of congratulations and short chats with the young masters. The meaning of courting couldn't be more obvious.

Finally, she escaped to Shi Zisheng and his group.

"Congratulations, Royal Daughter Xuan."

"You can rise, and thank you for coming."

Shi Zisheng could tell although she was tired, Yi Jingyi was enjoying this glamor. After all, in the past, Yi Jingyi couldn't enjoy a glorious appointment as regent or magnificent enthronement herself.

"My Lady, let me introduce you. This is Pei Haoran, he is the golden scholar's brother. This is Qin Sheng, his grandfather is the chief of the royal hospital. This is Mu Bei from Mu family, he was the the cousin of Mu Hua."

Yi JIngyi smiled brighter, not only putting face to the name, but she was also relieved that these powerful people were on her side. Technically Huan Zexian's side, but who cares.

"It's my pleasure to finally meet you, Young Masters."

"Sist-" a hook on his rib made Pei Haoran change his mouth, "My Lady, no need to be estranged with us. You can call us by name. We can be friends."

"Of course, I would like that."

They were chatting excitedly, talking about various topics, but restrained themselves from talking about Huan Zexian because they knew the palace wall had eyes and ears.

"But My Lady, why did you choose that hairpin for today?"

"Yes, I am also curious." Qin Sheng nodded to Pei Haoran's question, "The length was awkward, the edges were rough, and the shape was a bit ugly."

Yi Jingyi and Shi Zisheng held their laugh, but the man pretended to reprimand them. "Never ask something like that or you three will never get a wife."

Mu Bei on the side protested; "I don't even say anything, why are you including me in this, Brother Shi?"

"That's right, besides, I, Pei Haoran, didn't intend to get married. I will lead my wonderful life annoying my big brother for the rest of my life!"

"But I, Qin Sheng, as the self made rich man and the most handsome guy in Beiling, how could I have a hard time finding a wife. Brother Zisheng must be joking."

Mu Bei solemnly nodded, "My aunt is already looking for my wife candidate. You can't impose your concern on us when we don't have any problem with finding a wife, Brother Zisheng."

This time Yi Jingyi failed to hold her laughter because Mu Bei was basically saying Shi Zisheng was worried about his love life but taking it out on them.