
The Golden Chain

Athanasia Gruwéigh, who graduate with the highest honor at the most prestigious university in Glovarno and was recognized as the best doctor against poison, decided to stay at her home, the golden forest and met a chained man in the middle of it. Athanasia’s interest in the man grew stronger as she slowly unfolds the mysteries around him.  Marcus Parham, chained and captive inside the most poisonous forest is awaiting his death when a golden-haired woman fell into his cage. As his annoyance grew towards the woman another emotion is slowly surfacing inside him. Both are in the forest, one is chained and one is free. As they try to unlock the chain that is bounding Marcus, a series of forbidden locks was also unlocked. Misfortunes surfaced and the cost of the key is a huge prize to pay.  ----------- (ON-HOLD) She grinned happily as she looked at Marcus who was now staring blankly at her. She felt strangely happy. Tingles erupted on her body as she looked at him. She felt excited, excited to give her gifts to him, and excited to see him up close. It was a strange feeling. Maybe because she rarely see him and she was not used to being around him or she just kissed him taking care of someone trapped in the forest. "Have you missed me?" She asked as she grins at him. His expression didn't change as he looked at her blankly. Athanasia wasn't exactly surprised by the reaction so she just went near him cautiously. She didn't forget to cast a protective spell around her as she walked toward him. She needs to be cautious because he's still a dark one, who hates her kind. "Hawdy was outside again. You should take care of your fox more." She said as she slowly takes a step closer to him. "You shouldn't treat him as your bodyguard." She continued, now she's close to where his chains will allow him. Sound of chains getting dragged echoed. He stood up from his seat and he glared at her. Suddenly, he was in front of her. He moved as fast as a wind that she didn't even notice it. They stood face to face with each other. They were inches away from each other. She can clearly see the color of his obsidian eyes, his thick eyebrows, and his red lips. She can almost hear his steady heartbeat. Her heart went crazy. It pounded so fast and loud that she was afraid he can heat it. "Gifts?" She cringed and raised the bag.

FraKaDAl · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Morning Vocalist

Athanasia picked up the golden book and put it down again. If the book wasn't weird she may have started reading it last night. She usually read books that are given to her because she believed that all books give her some kind of new knowledge that she can gain. She has never been this hesitant to read a book. Especially since the book costs her a lot.

She sighed and looked at the waves of water dancing in front of her. The ocean is transparent to the point that you can see everything underneath. It is the opposite of the sea in front of Safoar where the water is contaminated with poison.

Athanasia can tell that they will reach Centro in a day. The shadows of lands are already seen from where they are. The nearest city is the Wiz, if they ever stopped there they would reach Centro faster than in a boat. But wizards are known to despise other kinds except them. Most ships don't even go near them.

She stepped out of her room for the first time since she came in. Some of the new crewmembers even bumped into her to their shock of seeing her in person. The Princess of the Golden Forest is a rare sight to see as she is known as the Princess who locked herself inside a deadly forest so that no beings will be able to approach her.

There are a lot of people outside their rooms. Most of them are taking a glimpse out of her secretly and some don't even hide as they tried to get closer to her. She looked round to search for the captain or Hawdy It's already lunch and she has not eaten her fill yet. Even if she tried to cook she could find ingredients in the kitchen that she can use.

"You look like you're lost." a sudden whisper into her ears startled her.

She quickly turned to look at the one who whispered.

Dandelion who is grinning and flying in front of her is the culprit. Dandelion bit on a bread that she holds.

"Have you eaten a proper lunch yet?" Athanasia asked Dandelion.

"I haven't. I can't see Hawdy and the captain is also missing. I have no one to ask to bring us food." Dandelion explained.

"Should we just eat in the restaurant?" Athanasia asked as she moves towards the restaurant.

"Aren't we gonna look for Hawdy? He's not in his room."

"I bet he is with the captain. Those two are missing right?" Athanasia aid as she opened the door of the restaurant.

The aroma of meats and seafood immediately entered her nose. Her stomach grumbled when she smelled the food. Not eating breakfast would be the best decision if the food inside the restaurant is tasty, she thought to herself.

"What if they like- killed each other or something?" Dandelion asked.

Ignoring the fairy, Athanasia walked inside the restaurant. The inside is huge it fits at least fifteen tables and there are also tables outside that look out to the sea. Huge chandeliers are all over the restaurant creating a bright and warm atmosphere inside. Each table has its unique plants that are only seen n Ethereal. One plant can provide you with a decent apartment for two months.

They seem to make sure that their guests are entertained because in the middle of the restaurant is a platform where a band of elves is performing live in front of all the people.

"We should sit outside." Athanasia made her way outside, ignoring Dandelion's question.

Though there are a lot of people in the restaurant, Dandelion and Athanasia managed to find an empty table outside. After a while, a waiter came to get their orders. Athanasia chose to order their best course while Dandelion ordered some seafood that Athanasia is unfamiliar with.

"You're gonna stay as a fairy as we eat?" Athanasia asked Dandelion who's now sitting comfortably in her little chair and table that the waiter bought earlier.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. I bet they have a fairy cook in this grand ship and just take a look at my chair and table! It looks exactly like the big ones here." Dandelion said.

"Yeah, and our packages will be in trouble if you suddenly decided to be big," Athanasia said.

They weren't bored as they wait for the food. They were entertained by a live band playing classical music. Dandelion was the most entertained as she always took a glance at the elf vocalist, that has the face that Dandelion will be drooling for.

"Will you stop bathing your eyelashes like that? I doubt he will see you." Athanasia said in irritation.

Offended, Dandelion turned and glared at Athanasia.

"You can't just flirt with someone who can't see you," Athanasia said.

"Just you wait." Dandelion said. Athanasia wondered if it is meant for her or the vocalist.

After a while, their food came. Tasty-looking dishes were served in front of them, their aroma was enough to make Athanasia's stomach grumble. Truth to what Dandelion said, the waiter that gave her food was a fairy.

Another waiter came and placed a dish that they didn't order in front of them. It was a big fish that was grilled perfectly, inside the fish were a chunk of meats and vegetables. Athanasia almost drooled at the sight of the new dish in front of her.

"We didn't order that," Athanasia said with a heavy heart, the dish looks good, she wanted to eat it.

"I cooked it for the both of you." a familiar voice said.

Athanasia looked at him. Hawdy who's wearing a chef's uniform and grinning in front of them.

"Where have you been?" Dandelion asked as she take a slice out of what Hawdy gave them.

"I smelled this tasty aroma in my room early in the morning and I followed it. And because I am with the Princess here they decided to let me help them and they also teach me some new dish." Hawdy grinned ad he sat down in front of them.

"You sure like to cook. This tastes good." Dandelion said.

"Yeah, it tastes amazing," Athanasia said.

Hawdy blushed and grinned at them as they compliment him.

"By the way, do you know the vocalist? You said you've been here since morning." Dandelion asked.

"I know him. A good elf with a good voice, he's Takari." Hawdy nods in approval while he looks at Takari.

"Do you really have to tell her that? I bet she will hunt him later." Athanasia said.

"I won't do that!" Dandelion exclaimed.

"I won't be surprised if later our packages will turn to normal while you seduce the guy," Athanasia said as she takes a slice of meat.

"Did I just do something wrong?" Hawdy asked as he looks at both of their bickerings.