


Caleb Lemiere

/"She's not mine, Chase. You need to ask her not me./" I said and that came out from my mouth uncontrolled. Her eyes widened when she heard what I said. I immediately regretted it. After that she left with Chase and Cameron sighed.

/"You really don't want to be with her huh?/" Cameron asked.

/"I'm not capable of that./" I answered.

/"Not capable of what? Making her happy?/" He asked and I turned to him sighing.

/"It's complicated./"

/"Listen dude.. fighting in a relationship is a part of that journey and of course you made mistakes in the past but if you promise that you won't repeat it again then go for it./" Cameron said as he patted my shoulder.

/"Besides.. It's better for me not to hurt her./" I said truthfully.

/"Well congratulations because you just hurt her earlier./" The food arrived and I stared at it blankly. We ate and got back to the office. I sat inside my office looking out the window.