

Being bound by a contract marriage is a decision that Gizelle must make to fulfill her glamorous life needs. She is challenged by her two friends to conquer the heart of Kenric Federico, CEO of a leading manufacturing company in Germany, in exchange for assets of ownership of luxury hotels and apartments. It seemed that the goddess of fortune was on Gizelle's side that day. She managed to become the wife of the conglomerate REAGANZ CORP. At the same time, she intends to extract her husband's property during the 12 months of their contract marriage. On the one hand, Kenric was forced to agree to the contract marriage at the insistence of his mother due to being caught in a one-night romance with Gizelle. Come on, that man is over 30 years old. Who will inherit the golden cage and the throne of this company if Kenric doesn't get married soon? That's what his mother thought. Oh my gosh! Was Gizelle willing to have children with that man? And will Kenric keep the marriage contracted after he finds out that his wife intends to spend his money alone? And can Gizelle complete the challenge of her two best friends? Follow the story of Kenric the billionaire and his gold digger wife only in THE GOLD DIGGER by SELAKSA NOKTAH, exclusive on WebNovel. July, 25/2022

selaksanoktah · Urban
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83 Chs

Good News

"Who are you? What is your relationship with my son? Why are you silent when you know my son is about to rape you?" scorned Valencia to make the woman in the corner of the room feel cornered.

She swallowed her saliva. "I'm Gizelle, a bartender at Lieblings Bar. My relationship with Mr. Kenric is only employees and customers, Madam. But last night Mr. Kenric was drunk and he unknowingly brought me to this hotel. I couldn't do much because at that time I was drunk and --"

"Enough, no need to go on," he cut in quickly and turned to look at Kenric on the bed, wearing boxers without a kick. Well, he was in a hurry because he was surprised by his mother's presence.

"Marry her, Ken."


"You dare shout at me like that, Chris?!"

The man stuttered. Kill! His mouth is indeed very difficult to control. It's stupid!

"Sorry, Madam. I didn't mean to shout, I was just surprised," said Chris, looking down.

"What the hell, Mom?! I was asked to marry him? Mom... really!"

"This is an order, Kenric! Mom doesn't want to hear a rebuttal!"

"No! I can't marry this crazy woman, Mom. She may lie and make up stories to get into our family just for the money. Isn't that possible, Chris?"

Tch! Ask the assistant's opinion to strengthen the argument, huh?! What kind of man is he?

Chris swallowed hard. Does he also have to follow the boss game? Come on, actually he also doesn't like Kenric's attitude, who likes to play bitch from the past until now.

"Could be yes, could be no, Sir."

Ah- shit! How dare this one barbaric not take his side. Inward Kenric's was angry.

"You think badly of me. I know I'm just a bar worker, but targeting a masher's treasure at the expense of virginity is not my soul. I keep my chastity only for my future husband, but last night with a jerk you took all of it, Sir," said Gizelle with tears in her eyes.

"Now I've nothing left. My only pride, the one thing I've always guarded, has been forcibly snatched away by a man like you, Sir," she sobbed.

What the hell, bitch?! Wasn't this crazy bartender always teasing him? Doesn't this woman remember her tacky behavior that teased Kenric a few days ago?!

Oh- her mouth is so slippery. Mad woman!

Valencia stepped closer to Gizelle who was bowed with bent legs. She touched the shoulders that went up and down.

"Hey, come on, don't be sad. I'm going to make sure my son is responsible for what he did to you."

Suddenly Gizelle widened her eyes. Is this real? Did she manage to captivate the big Madam? Owner of REAGANZ CORPORATE? The mother of that conglomerate arrogant man?

Oh- gosh. Don't wake Gizelle if this is a dream, God!

By the way, she was still gaping in disbelief, not knowing what to say with the news she got today. It turned out to be this easy.

"What's this drama again, Mom?! She's a crazy woman who--"

Shit! Help Gizelle count how many rich men have called her a crazy woman these days.

"Mom already told you that this was an order, not a request! You have no hand in deciding whether to refuse or accept. This is the consequence of what you did to this innocent girl. Instead of having a meeting with a Korean company this morning, you were busy doing lewd acts in your hotel room. You're really barbaric!"

Damn! He completely forgot that this morning there was an inaugural meeting with a Korean electronics company to discuss a cooperation contract.

No wonder this old woman was looking for him with Chris. Oh- must be because they tracked his cellphone location until he was caught like this.

Haha, damn it!

"Chris, call my husband to come home immediately and discuss this matter. Ask Helena to handle all office work while Kenric is not around," she ordered which was then agreed by his son's assistant.

Valencia's hazel eyes turned to the shirtless son. "And you... give the girl your money so she can come home and buy clothes. Then you go home with Mommy!"


The constant rhythmic sound of footsteps that sounded tense walked out of the room. Leaving two people with thoughts raging with each other.

Gizelle wiped her mouth which left a thick, sweet melt from the fruit salad she had just eaten. The bartender leaned her back on the long sofa, staring out the window at the reddish-yellow sky with a slight shimmer there.

Plumes of white clouds seemed to be a projection for some of today's incidents.

She couldn't hide her smile as she remembered the incident of the morning. When the mother of her target catches her and Kenric in the hotel.

Really- this was beyond Gizelle's plans. But it turns out that the universe has other plans that are better than her plans.

The night she found Kenric drunk at the bar and naked, a devious idea suddenly pops into her head. She ordered a taxi to take her and Kenric to the nearest hotel. Before that, she asked the driver to help her dress the man.

Come on, how could she take a man to a hotel naked?

After arriving at the hotel room, she asked the taxi driver to undress Kenric again. Keep thinking straight, friend. Gizelle forbade her eyes to see the man's virginity assets. Although she is quite tempted by Kenric's checkered stomach, but Gizelle still maintains her sanity by maintaining a safe distance.

Yes, the beautiful bartender engineered the whole thing. She also stripped off her clothes and curled up in the same blanket as Kenric who was naked first.

What a perverted brain man!

Apparently, Kenric was so drunk and had to have sex with bitches that he didn't wake up during the trip from the bar to the hotel. But that's okay, it's an advantage. Because the plan went smoothly even very smoothly due to the arrival of Kenric's mother outside the scenario.