
The gods sent me to save them

Anarana Grantor. A fifteen year old girl whose one dream is to use power for the good of the people. spending her life rising in fame and influence, her life's dreams are put to a stop by a crushing news. She has been diagnosed with a deadly brain cancer. fearing for the lives of the people whom she cared so much for, her emotions were strong enough to attract the attentions of the gods. as they had been searching for a savior of the people in the world of Antalorius for some time, they felt that they had finally found this individual. The gods gave her a second chance, for which she would be ever grateful. In her new life in Antalorius Anarana claws her way to the top with a secret so powerful, even the heavens helped to keep it.

puppywanter502 · Fantasy
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This is the end

I glance at the clock for what must be the fifth time that hour. "Ugh" I groan audibly, looking away from the clock and back to my book. I was currently in the waiting room in one of the best hospitals in the country waiting for the results from a test that will make or break my life. And of course they had to take forever.

The reason why I'm here in the first place was because I was showing signs of having a brain tumor in my head. being the incredibly famous fifteen year old I was, I was able to easily use some of my fortune to put into going to get an MRI. Now all I needed was negative results which meant I could continue in pursuing my life's goal. gain power so that I can help out people who need helping.

I have been chasing after this goal since the tender age of 5. All I remember was helping this one beggar in the streets, and the pure joy on their face made me want to keep doing it for the rest of my life. since then I had done everything I could to gain power so that I could help these people. Now being fifteen I had made some pretty big leaps toward my end goal as I was now a famous model.

Sighing again I look back up at the clock. it had been around an hour since they told me to go and wait for the results and I was getting somewhat restless. What if I did have a brain tumor? What if it was cancer, and it only got worse from there? Doubts and worries started to fill my mind. I got so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't even notice when the doctor called my name until they tapped me on the shoulder. "Miss Anarana, your test results have come in. please follow me to a more private setting." the nurse said with a trained calming smile stuck on her face. I got up and followed her leading footsteps to a empty room for patients.

"So?" I asked, silently praying to the gods for good news. the nurse only looked at me, her already small smile disappearing as she closed her eyes and shook her head. Fear. Uncontrollable fear. that is what I felt right now. I collapsed onto the bed in the room thinking to myself before tearing up. "all those people. my dreams, their dreams." I muttered to no one in particular at hearing this news. No words could be described for the intensity of the fear I held in my heart for the people I cared for and wanted to help so much. All those stuck without a home, their family sick in the streets. tears came to my eyes. I didn't care about my own life, no, I cared about the lives of those people. If only I could've helped them sooner, then it might not feel like I was abandoning them with my death. As the salty liquid flowed freely down my face I thought of all those smiling faces who had been so happy to see me, te receive my help. Now I couldn't do what I had promised to so many.


Only a few weeks after the news got out I found myself in the most weak state I've ever been in. I had refused treatment even though my parents begged me to do it. At most treatment would have wasted my money while allowing me to live a little longer in thus miserable state. Instead what I did with my money was a decision which shocked the people who called themselves my fan base. I donated all of my money to charity, while leaving a few thousand dollars to my parents of course.

I could feel myself getting weaker as the days passed by. Smiling I realized the importance of today's date. Today was my birthday. I had made it to 16 before the tumor could completely kill me. I was allowed some cake and I was thankful for my last meal. As nobody but me knew that today would mark not only the beginning yet also the end of my life, I fell into a slumber which nothing could wake me up from. The final sleep of life, or as it is most often called; dying.

I opened my eyes to a bright white light. Confused I looked around me. I wasn't in the hospital room anymore, however instead I found myself in a field that went on forever, the only color seen was a white so bright it was almost blinding. Here I sat remembering my life, and regret came over me. The regret that I couldn't be there anymore to continue my work. As I was sitting there and tears were coming to my eyes, I heard a loud booming voice shake the white world in which I was the only color.

"CHILD, DO NOT CRY. US HERE IN THE HEAVENS HAVE HEARD OF YOUR DREAM AND WE HAVE A MISSION FOR YOU. IN A DIFFERENT UNIVERSE THE PEOPLE ARE RULED ONLY BY POWER HUNGRY TYRANTS WHO HAVE NOT A CARE FOR THEM. YOU WILL GO THERE TO RISE TO THE TOP SAVING THESE PEOPLE WITH THE POWER THAT YOU FIND THERE." The loud and deep voice, thay scared even the most courageous of men. Anarana found herself shaking while listening to this command. before she could open her mouth to ask questions a second gentler voice said "Do not worry child. The gods are on your side" and with those two sentences her surroundings plunged into darkness.