
The Gods Of All People: Starting From The Establishment Of The Reincar

Traveling through the era of the gods of the whole people, everyone can support followers, ignite the fire of the gods, and achieve the status of gods. Li Fan did not take the usual path, he is still a traditional deity no matter what age. "How much fighting power can a guy who has lost himself for a while and only knows fanatical belief in gods have?" He incarnated the great Lord God and created the reincarnation space. Those who continue to invest in trials will burst out with great potential on the edge of life and death. [The first level of gene lock: 100% control of the body, incarnate a peerless genius, learn any martial arts, and reach the peak of human skills] [The first level of spiritual lock: the spiritual soul comprehends the world, can't be seen with a glance, has a far-reaching strategy, and reaches the peak of human intelligence] There are also [will lock], [dream lock] and so on.... When others are still working hard to expand their kingdom of God step by step. Li Fan has brought a large number of reincarnations and started to invade the heavens and worlds. In front of him, countless powerful gods were all overshadowed. "I am the Lord God, and I shall be the Lord of the Gods!" "Which one of you has an opinion?" ps: Non-traditional unlimited stream setting

Fernrir_Zero999 · Fantasy
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230 Chs

Chapter 226 The Environment That Can Satisfy Any Extraordinary System, There Is Also A Gap Between Geniuses

As a cultivator in the Qi training period,Facing mortals who have no supernatural power,What will be the result?About as hard as a diamond,Come across plain eggs.just a little tap,The opponent immediately fell to pieces,Some even turned into blood mist,Not even a morsel of body tissue could be found.In the opponent's army of millions,Zhao Youyu was completely insane.often with a wave of hands,The opponent is dozens of flying out.And whether it is strength or speed.far surpass each other,Simply having a large number of people does not give you an advantage,It is even more convenient for her to deal with these enemies.What's more terrifying is not,Zhao Youyu killed indiscriminately like a god descending from the earth.It's because her cultivation didn't stop at "703",As long as you pass the Qi training period and reach the threshold,A trace of spiritual energy was absorbed in the body.Reiki can naturally work automatically,Even if you can't sit down and concentrate on practicing,The cultivation base of his body is increasing all the time.Just this increased efficiency,Maybe only one or two percent of sitting down and meditating.But with tens of thousands of times the speed of practice,This automatically increased cultivation base,It is also extremely exaggerated.The first army of millions to approach her,When Zhao Youyu slaughtered almost 100,000 people.The breath all over the body soared again,Breakthrough from the gas refining stage to the foundation building stage!Immortal cultivators who have entered the foundation building period,At this moment, a wide range of spells can already be used.Just spit out a mouthful of fire,Can easily kill hundreds of people on the other side.Fire mingled with violent wind,Zhao Youyu's killing efficiency has increased by more than 10 times!This first batch of millions of troops,barely touched her side,Almost dead already.Under such endless slaughter,The first few minutes were still cloudy,It looks like an extremely shocking and magnificent army of millions.Now there are only a few tens of thousands of people scattered,Most of these people were slightly affected by the previous magic attack,Not really getting hit.But even so, most of them lost their fighting power,Lying on the ground looked like life would be worse than death.It is worth mentioning that,Because everything here is virtual.Whether it's the cosmic void as background,Or this endless,The ultimate gold version of the battle platform without any cover.They are all simulated by the college system.So here we can ignore the many restrictions of the outside world,For example, it can unconditionally satisfy any supernatural power system,All power systems can be used or cultivated here.For example, in the real world,Immortal cultivation requires aura.No matter how talented you are,Without aura, it is tantamount to fetching water from a bamboo basket in vain.But on the simulated combat platform,By default, it has any extraordinary power resource,Not only does it have aura,Even immortal energy can be brought out for you.So before Zhao Youyu,You can practice directly while sitting down.The same is true for other supernatural power systems,Because this is a simulated virtual space,Anything can be satisfied.Just like Li Fan's current opponent,The tens of billions of life individuals created by the messy ink,They also all go their separate power systems.Just when Zhao Youyu was making a killing,Except for the first batch of millions of troops rushing to entangle her.The strength of other creatures on the opposite side also increased rapidly,The accelerated state of practice ten thousand times,Not only is Zhao Youyu exclusive!Others can enjoy it too!It's just that they may not be taking the route of cultivating immortals,It's fantasy martial arts, bloodline atavism and so on.In short, maybe Mo Luanhua herself is not clear,My tens of billions of sparks of life,How many heavens and myriad races are included.The extraordinary power system that he walked is naturally full of strange things,But their increased strength is real.In the accelerated state of ten thousand times practice,Everyone is equivalent to a peerless genius.But between geniuses, there is a gap.When everyone's practice speed is magnified to ten thousand times,This difference is more obvious.Some people are not talented,Even if you practice directly at ten thousand times the speed.also reached its limit early,This is where talent comes in,There was no way to take a step forward.After Zhao Youyu slaughtered the millions of troops,Before she could rest for a few seconds.In an instant, another group of larger troops than before surrounded them.This group is the life fire with the worst talent,The creatures that were born.They took advantage of the time when Zhao Youyu was entangled,After increasing the strength to the first level of extraordinary,I found that I couldn't make any progress.immediately assembled,Surrounded towards Zhao Youyu.This batch of the most innately talented sparks of life,There are millions of them!All of them are first-order extraordinary!Each one is a true extraordinary life!Although the number of people is only several times that of before,But the momentum gathered,Hundreds of times more than before!An army of nearly 10 million is approaching Zhao Youyu,Seen from above,There are dense black spots all over the mountains and plains.As if for a golden battle platform,It's like a black blanket.It's frightening just to look at it.This is only 0.1% of the opponent's number!And the remaining 99.9%,At this moment, we are seizing every possible time to improve our own strength.It has been said before,Tens of billions of sparks of life,Almost every one has top-notch talent.So now only 0.1% of extremely poor talents are eliminated,As long as there is no bottleneck,Those who can continue to improve their strength.At the moment, everyone is still focusing on improving their own strength.Zhao Youyu's situation is actually very bad,Because of the other party, they sent people to pester her continuously.And I can't concentrate on cultivation at all!Even if it is a passive with unlimited breakthroughs,It's also hard to say how much he played.I saw her facing the invincible army of tens of millions in front of her,This is a troop composed entirely of extraordinary first-orders,The strength of almost every creature,They are almost the same as the current Zhao Youyu!.