
The Gods Of All People: Starting From The Establishment Of The Reincar

Traveling through the era of the gods of the whole people, everyone can support followers, ignite the fire of the gods, and achieve the status of gods. Li Fan did not take the usual path, he is still a traditional deity no matter what age. "How much fighting power can a guy who has lost himself for a while and only knows fanatical belief in gods have?" He incarnated the great Lord God and created the reincarnation space. Those who continue to invest in trials will burst out with great potential on the edge of life and death. [The first level of gene lock: 100% control of the body, incarnate a peerless genius, learn any martial arts, and reach the peak of human skills] [The first level of spiritual lock: the spiritual soul comprehends the world, can't be seen with a glance, has a far-reaching strategy, and reaches the peak of human intelligence] There are also [will lock], [dream lock] and so on.... When others are still working hard to expand their kingdom of God step by step. Li Fan has brought a large number of reincarnations and started to invade the heavens and worlds. In front of him, countless powerful gods were all overshadowed. "I am the Lord God, and I shall be the Lord of the Gods!" "Which one of you has an opinion?" ps: Non-traditional unlimited stream setting

Fernrir_Zero999 · Fantasy
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230 Chs

Chapter 224 One Of The Iron Laws Is "All Beings Are Equal", This Time There Is A Gap Of "True" Billions Of Points! !

"So you used the mantra of the gods?"Li Fan suddenly understood the other party's thoughts.The mantra of the gods is also called the iron law of the gods.It means that the gods can control their own kingdom of God,The most basic law that cannot be violated.Because on the entire combat platform,They are all shrouded in the kingdom of God with ink.Therefore, the iron law of the gods set by the other party,As long as some conditions are met,Then it will also appear on the battle platform.But like the kind of people who are not from my kingdom of God,The iron law of direct spike kills.Obviously not possible,Because don't forget that only part of it belongs to the Mo Luanhua Divine Kingdom.The other part still has the original attribution,It belongs to the college system that constructs this virtual space.The judgment process is very complex and cumbersome,will be affected by many things.Mo Lianhua can only do her best,While allowing one's own side to have an absolute advantage as much as possible.It can also make this iron law come into effect.Otherwise, even if you blow out the big cowhide,Failure to take effect is tantamount to nonsense.Mo Luanhua said loudly."There are currently three iron laws of God."One iron rule: I pity all living beings, and I don't want to see the difference between heaven and earth.""So that all living beings are equal, and the difference between heaven and earth is reversed."After Mo Luanhua read this sentence,680 within the range covered by the singularity of the whole world,A golden light flashed.This shows that this iron law satisfies the condition,It can take effect here.But because,throughout the envelope,Only Zhao Youyu was alone.So only she is affected by this iron law,All beings are equal, depending on the location.The meaning is to make her as ordinary as all living beings,Let there be no difference between heaven and earth.I saw Zhao Youyu's golden level three cultivation base,In an instant, he regressed wildly.The second level of silver, the first level of extraordinary...Even down to order zero.is not the final point,After zero level, one is a complete mortal.There is no supernatural power.Zhao Youyu instantly transformed from a top Mahayana monk in the world of cultivating immortals,Regress to being an ordinary to the extreme mortal.That is to say, when she has not yet entered the space of the main god,That 28-year-old girl with an ordinary body."Good guy...that's ruthless!"Seeing this, Li Fan couldn't help feeling terrified.The other party is simply too good at planning,directly equalize all beings.Everyone returned to before they had contact with extraordinary (bafc) power,Become the most ordinary mortal.On the scene, only Li Fan's fighters still have cultivation,The opponent's are just some kindling of life,They haven't yet taken root.Naturally, it cannot be affected by the iron law of equality of all beings,After all, other people themselves are the most ordinary dust."The next step... should be to strengthen your own side?"Li Fan guessed in his heart.Sure enough, the second iron law confirmed his thoughts."The second iron rule: I pity the hardships of life, so I let them take advantage of them."This sentence is translated."I lament that life's development is very difficult,So let life skip the stage of development directly,Come to the final form in the later period. "It's like throwing down a bacterium,It can directly let him skip the stages from bacteria to unicellular, multicellular, etc.,Straight to the final form.A real life is born, a life with consciousness and action.It directly saves the hundreds of millions of years of life development.For this second iron law,Li Fan was not surprised.Everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart.The other party made a dead body with flowers at the beginning,A trick that carries countless sparks of life.Definitely laying the groundwork for the follow-up.Now the second iron law comes out,The countless sparks of life that were scattered with the wind before.All of them can directly skip the spark development stage,Become a complete living entity one after another.Of course, these living entities,Certainly not any supernatural powers.Just have pure physical strength.After all, the first iron law of "all beings are equal" is still in force.Only see the second iron law,Just been announced.throughout the region,Its drastic change happened in an instant.Countless sparks of life that were like dust before,Suddenly expanded.become one life after another,some in human form,Some are in beast form.There are also various plants.Although these individuals do not have any extraordinary aura,But from Li Fan's point of view,Each of them has almost the most extreme talent.His physical fitness is already at the top level of mortals,You can cross the barrier with a light step and achieve an extraordinary experience.These strange races of various forms,There are tens of billions of them in total.Li Fan was stunned.He knew that before burying flowers,There is a lot of dust swaying out.But didn't expect so many!!so many people,Just a mouthful of saliva,It is enough to drown Zhao Youyu to death!"Can you still play like this!?""How do you fight!! There must be too many people!"Li Fan couldn't sit still.First weaken your combat power to the limit,Be an ordinary person.Then change it on my own side,There are tens of billions of individual beings who also have no extraordinary power.Although the actual strength of the two sides is similar,But the number of people is a little bit more than you.No kidding! This is really a million dots!"It's just that these people... can't fight at all."Li Fan thinks that there should be no chance,After all, the reincarnation on my own side,Only Zhao Youyu was left as a single seedling.And the opponent has tens of billions!There is little difference in strength,But the difference in quantity is enough to be described as the difference between mud clouds.He planned to vote directly,But I didn't expect that Mo Lianhua hadn't started yet.Instead, he continued to read out the third iron law that he set."The third iron rule: I regret the slow progress of living beings, and the world will practice at ten thousand times faster.Maybe Mo Lianhua has obsessive-compulsive disorder,Maybe it was because he felt that it was not safe enough.So the third iron law adds a rule,Within this range, the cultivation speed of all living beings,will become ten thousand times its original size.After all, in Mo Luanhua's view,Although my number is tens of billions,But all are mortals,Without any supernatural powers,Probably not safe yet.So it has to be added that the speed of practice has been multiplied by ten thousand times,Only in this way can we firmly determine the opponent. .