
The Gods Of All People: Starting From The Establishment Of The Reincar

Traveling through the era of the gods of the whole people, everyone can support followers, ignite the fire of the gods, and achieve the status of gods. Li Fan did not take the usual path, he is still a traditional deity no matter what age. "How much fighting power can a guy who has lost himself for a while and only knows fanatical belief in gods have?" He incarnated the great Lord God and created the reincarnation space. Those who continue to invest in trials will burst out with great potential on the edge of life and death. [The first level of gene lock: 100% control of the body, incarnate a peerless genius, learn any martial arts, and reach the peak of human skills] [The first level of spiritual lock: the spiritual soul comprehends the world, can't be seen with a glance, has a far-reaching strategy, and reaches the peak of human intelligence] There are also [will lock], [dream lock] and so on.... When others are still working hard to expand their kingdom of God step by step. Li Fan has brought a large number of reincarnations and started to invade the heavens and worlds. In front of him, countless powerful gods were all overshadowed. "I am the Lord God, and I shall be the Lord of the Gods!" "Which one of you has an opinion?" ps: Non-traditional unlimited stream setting

Fernrir_Zero999 · Fantasy
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230 Chs

Chapter 196 This Is The Battle Of The Wise, The Future I Created Myself! Final Impotent Rage

This is our business??There is a big question mark on everyone's head.in their eyes,There is no problem with the attacks released by myself and others,clearly sent out towards the other party,No matter how they attacked, they were all their own people.Even the more than ten teammates who died this round,All of them were people who had suffered injuries in the previous round.Hit by both attacks,The second time was even more violent than the first time.Only at this level can the third-tier fighters,Completely killed in the hands of teammates.After a while of confusion,It's just terrified fear.If they have the feeling of fear.This seems to control everything,Acts like a god of creation.Obviously nothing was done, but things really happened again.The fighter who was attacked in the last round,This round, without exception,All "Nine Nine Zero" received a critical attack from their teammates again.As if everything was destined,They are doomed to take two rounds of damage,It is destined that the damage just reached the critical point of death.It seems that from the very beginning,Everything is preordained.Even if those people were accidentally injured by teammates,Already consciously taking precautions.But this defense,Seems to be part of the plan itself.To put it in a less polite way,That is, even the underpants were seen through!The brain of the mentally locked reincarnation person is running rapidly,In the state of 100 times accelerated thinking,It can be called a supercomputer with terrifying computing power.And because of the characteristics of the spirit lock,Can easily obtain a large amount of information around.Only in this way can we, based on what happens on the spot from time to time,Make the perfect adjustment.When the computing power reaches a certain level,That would be tantamount to predicting the future!!And this future is not just a mere prophecy,Can only look at the kind that cannot be changed.Instead, it can be used by the spirit lock reincarnation person himself,with your own actions,Create the future you want.Everything around is their help,It is the means and tools for them to realize the future.Seemingly walking in a leisurely manner,In fact, every step has been verified countless times,While avoiding attacks to the greatest extent,Let several forces converge to produce wonderful chemical reactions,And shot at the soldiers of the Kingdom of God surrounded by them.This is the battle of the wise,Who says wise men can only play tricks and tricks.When their thinking power is strong enough,every tiny movement,Under the expansion of the chain reaction,cause casualties to the opponent.These warriors of the Kingdom of God who fought against the spirit lock reincarnation,It didn't take long to see that something wasn't quite right.because of beating and beating,Their death rate is actually higher than other encirclement circles!Others are honored to die in the hands of each other,And my own side is full of bad luck and died in the hands of my own people.Not long after the battle started,Everyone's tired and out of breath,There are various wounds on the body.These are all attacks from teammates,And their siege targets,But still unscathed and relaxed.At this time, 5 seconds have passed since the official start.Basically every expert reincarnator,His hands were stained with blood.The average number of enemies killed is more than 30!Among them, the speed of the soul-locked reincarnation is even faster,The average number of kills is more than 40!Warriors of the kingdom of God,in every possible way,Exhausted all means.Not to mention wanting to defeat reincarnation,That is to say, if you want to slow down the speed of death on your own side,It is completely impossible.finally,It was like a few seconds of doomsday finally passed.Expert Reincarnation's "Body Acceleration State"With "mind acceleration state".exploded to the limit,Most people stopped.There are only a few like Zheng Chi,have special means of coping withIn order to continue to maintain a fighting stance.The reincarnation of Li Fan,It's like being beaten back to its original shape.Most of them are crumbling,Not even a solid stand.This is the sequelae of the big move,After using it once,The body naturally recovers for several hours.seeing such a scene,The warriors of the Kingdom of God, who were fighting against all odds, suddenly had all eyes on their eyes,They think their chance has come!Hastily gathered the remaining remnants of the defeated generals,Don't take advantage of the reincarnation's illness,!Dozens of encircling circles with infinite scenery before,Each one is surrounded by more than one hundred numbers of golden third-order 0.And now there are more than 30 left,The few can only organize a dozen or so active fighters.Despite the heavy losses on our side,But they believe that victory will eventually belong to their side.Because of the follow-up powerlessness of the reincarnators visible to the naked eye,It feels like just standing still and not falling down,I have already used all my strength.As for those reincarnations who are still alive and well,In their minds,Just hold on for a little longer,Soon there will be sequelae like these people.To muster up the remaining strength,Dozens of encirclements finally made their first appearance since the opening,It is also the only contraction attack.Seeing the reincarnated who have no resistance,The opponent will raise the butcher knife and die miserably.Li Fan is an old god,Not worried about the next development at all.Even the opponent who meets for the first time can guess,There will be great sequelae after the outbreak.How could the reincarnation be possible,Not prepared for the corresponding remedies?I saw these warriors of the Kingdom of God,Pressing the reincarnation step by step.Stepped into a trap that had already been laid out.Those despondent reincarnations,They used the hole cards they exchanged one after another.Some sacrificed a prop,In the light of life,The vitality of the body is instantly restored.Some stimulate the hidden blood,Blood boiled all over my body,1.3 Physical strength is replenished at an extremely fast speed.Some simply took out small pills,There are all kinds of brands,Why fairy beans, big red bottle,There are even weird things in my world,Those mosaic-like cubes of food.They have only one effect in unity,That is, it can instantly restore a large amount of health!Dozens of crumbling reincarnations were revived in an instant!On the other side of them, those opponents who feel that victory is at hand.A strange expression on his face at the moment.Who am I! Where am I! I'm f**kin shit!From confusion to shock, to the final impotent rage.It only took half a second.and then they're gone and then,The reincarnations who have recovered,Even if it's just to triple the basic attributes,Can also easily crush them. .