
The Gods Of All People: Starting From The Establishment Of The Reincar

Traveling through the era of the gods of the whole people, everyone can support followers, ignite the fire of the gods, and achieve the status of gods. Li Fan did not take the usual path, he is still a traditional deity no matter what age. "How much fighting power can a guy who has lost himself for a while and only knows fanatical belief in gods have?" He incarnated the great Lord God and created the reincarnation space. Those who continue to invest in trials will burst out with great potential on the edge of life and death. [The first level of gene lock: 100% control of the body, incarnate a peerless genius, learn any martial arts, and reach the peak of human skills] [The first level of spiritual lock: the spiritual soul comprehends the world, can't be seen with a glance, has a far-reaching strategy, and reaches the peak of human intelligence] There are also [will lock], [dream lock] and so on.... When others are still working hard to expand their kingdom of God step by step. Li Fan has brought a large number of reincarnations and started to invade the heavens and worlds. In front of him, countless powerful gods were all overshadowed. "I am the Lord God, and I shall be the Lord of the Gods!" "Which one of you has an opinion?" ps: Non-traditional unlimited stream setting

Fernrir_Zero999 · Fantasy
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230 Chs

Chapter 154 God, The Old Man Can't See Heresy, Want To Learn? I'll Teach You, Duo

"Being locked up in a room by a perverted murderer, what should I do?"The person who asked this question was obviously not prepared enough.If he carries 100kg of TNT with him,Or a small nuke in the backpack.Then everything in front of you will not be difficult.It just so happened that Zhao Youyu carried such a thing in his backpack.A tiny tactical nuclear bomb from the world of science fiction,It can completely raze buildings of hundreds of square meters to the ground.And also give a layer of electromagnetic protection cover,Just enough to completely offset the nuke damage.Even if you hold it in your hand and detonate it, it won't hurt you at all.In the main god space, only 1500 reincarnation points are needed to exchange.Zhao Youyu detonated the miniature nuclear bomb expressionlessly,only heard,boom!After the huge explosion sounded.The airtight iron house was instantly washed up into the sky.Side by side with Baiyun.In a confined space, such a violent explosion is produced.The ultimate power is much greater than imagined.Zhao Youyu stood at the center of the explosion,The surface of the body is shining with a faint blue electromagnetic shield.she was unharmed,And the one who likes to play with blood,A perverted murderer who plays tricks on others.I just hid in a small room in the same building,With the fragments of the house, it flew into the sky.Zhao Youyu compared to the other three spirit lock reincarnation,Pay more attention to practicality.It doesn't matter whether it's an explosion or a trick.Whichever side is more convenient, she chooses the side.Without the slightest pretense of a wise man,Is a utilitarian through and through.Of course she can blow up the perverted murderer,There is another reason.That means the opponent is really a perverted murderer,Instead of possessing the sixth-level strength of the world master,For the reincarnators, it can be called the strangeness of unsolvable existence.Zhao Youyu is one of the four,The only person who didn't encounter any weirdness.In fact, this is also in line with the table world and the dark world,The characteristics of the intersection.The more it looks like a safe place,But it hides a great horror.The more superficially abnormal,On the contrary, it is more normal.After Zhao Youyu moved the surrounding area to flat ground,Immediately, several dodges disappeared in place.The special task this time is to compare who survived longer,Of course she won't stay where she is anymore, attracting attention.Looking back at silence,At this moment he has noticed,Something is wrong with this busy street.Many pedestrians who should not appear in the present,Appeared abruptly on the street."hateful...""How to break the game!"Gu Ji's thoughts surged.Even if you know that the 363 in front of you is not right,There seemed to be nothing he could do.dare not make an easy attempt,Because every attempt is a gamble with your life!Gu Ji opened his eyes to the maximum,There are even a lot of blood streaks.He tried his best to find what these people had in common,Regardless of appearance or age,Or other small gestures.finally,With his tireless efforts.I really found the common ground of the crowd all over the street!What appearance, what age are all illusions!It is all used to confuse people!The most important thing in common lies in their feet.their footsteps!Every time, he stepped on the middle of the brick on the ground precisely.No one's feet step on the gap between the floor tiles!That's a bit really perverted.The street where Gu Ji lives,The floor tiles used are not large in size.only the size of a textbook,But it's such a small floor tile.No one stepped on the edge,All are precisely stepped on the center position,It's as if everyone has obsessive-compulsive disorder.I got a disease that would kill me if I stepped on a crack.If several such,It can be explained by coincidence.But Gu Ji took a look,Hundreds of people are like this on the whole street.That's not it, a coincidence can explain it!"This is where the game broke!"Gu Ji took a deep breath.Since these abnormal people,Place each foot on the center of the tile.Then he does the opposite!Every foot is stepping on the gap between the floor tiles!Even more exaggerated,It wasn't the gap between the two bricks that Gu Ji was going to walk.Instead, four floor tiles are put together, with a gap in the middle!!He stepped forward tremblingly,Step on the middle of the four bricks.call~safe and sound!"That's it!"He takes one step at a time.each foot,They are all in the gap where the four floor tiles are put together.figure jumping,But in just ten steps,Then leave this busy street.When Gu Ji made his last kick,When stepping out.Suddenly everything around me changed,full of life,sunny street,disappear completely.Suddenly from the bustling city center,Come to the wilds of the suburbs.There are not many houses around,Full of the feeling of death and desolation.he looked back,The place you just walked out of.It is a rustic building,The old appearance seems to have a history of hundreds of years.faintly visible (bfai),There are only three words left on the door plate corroded by rust.XX.....The funeral home!!!Gu Ji's forehead burst into cold sweat instantly.He just walked out of the funeral parlor!In such a sunny place,There are so many pedestrians on the road.It turned out to be a funeral home!!!"It's dangerous... Fortunately, I'm cautious enough.""Otherwise, the beginning will be planted in it..."With Gu Ji and Zhao Youyu getting out of trouble one after another,The other two reincarnations,Also walked out from the original place.Xiao Jin fled the monastery in a panic,Behind him was the roar of some kind of terrifying creature.She was confused just now,Inspired a life-saving prop on his body.The name happens to be related to God,it's called."The Gaze of God"The effect is that when fatal damage is received,If you catch the eye of God.have the opportunity to be gazed upon by God,Gain invincibility for up to 3 seconds.And she just contradicted the priest inside,Starting from the strange rules of killing,"God's Gaze" triggers directly.It's nothing to come here,It's just a prop worth 30,000 reincarnation points.Even invincible time,Not really invincible either.Multi-shot attacks that exceed the strength of the maximum level.That is to say, it can at most be under the attack of the fifth level of the universe,Invincible for 3 seconds.Facing the weirdness with the sixth-level strength of the world lord,Xiaojin can only be killed in seconds.But this time, her lucky sight helped her again.In the vast number of protective props on the body,The prop "God's Gaze" was activated.And remember, what I said earlier about teaching?to the hanging cross,The doctored Bible, the first sentence is written."God is dead..."So the final result is obvious,God the old man is not dead.Because of the trigger of the item "God's Gaze",His old man cast a casual glance at the world.So it was discovered thatThis heretical church.all the decorations in the church,Just highlight an anti-God.How to make God uncomfortable,It's laid out like that.But I didn't expect that one day,God his old man,Would really go here.facing heresy,God obviously has no mercy.no big moves,just to gaze briefly,Changed to a real gaze.By the horror of God,Just stare.Let this church fall apart completely,Even the sixth-order weirdness with the strongest combat power in the medium-sized world,It was also instantly melted.With a terrific roar,The weirdness entrenched in the church was completely purified.under the divine gaze,It returns to the arms of God.God his old man,My favorite is to purify heresy.around other spooky,shrunk in the deepest part of his cards,shivering.No one dares to putThis harmless little girl,Pull into your own turf.Different from Xiao Jin's blunder,Kane lives like a fish in water at this school.Originally, the killing rules of the weird school were,Must live in accordance with the assigned status.Otherwise, it will be eaten alive by the countless weirdness inside.Kane was assigned the role of the new teacher,No matter how students behave,He must follow the teacher's duty,attend class on time every day,Helping students with their homework,In this way, the killing mechanism will not be triggered.But this weird school,How could it be possible to make the role played easier.like kane before,It was deliberately arranged by the weird people to discover,The murder plan of his students.and rendering everywhere,Everyone wants to harm his atmosphere.Like on his desk,There is a ceiling fan that spins at high speed,An old crumbling look.It seems that it will fall in the next second,Smash his head to pieces.Another example is when eating in the cafeteria,Often found in rice with well-hidden blades,If accidentally swallowed.The entire throat may be slit.ordinary people,If put in this environment.Go crazy in a few days,It feels like everyone is going to hurt him.Naturally, they cannot fulfill their duties as teachers,Then trigger the killing mechanism.Swallowed alive by the weirdness.Kane, on the other hand, remained calm,These tricks are too childish in his eyes.simple scare,There is no way to make him unbalanced.Kane was rather interested,Give other knowledge to the students in the weird school.no formal classes every day,teach something all day long,Anatomy class, virus particle, mutation course...All in all, very esoteric, very hardcore stuff.The rules of the weird school, agree to also bind the weird.face kanePlaying the teacher's lecture,eerily played by the students,You must also listen carefully.This just drives the weirdos crazy,Tell them to kill,but let them learn,That was really fatal.After a few days, all the weirdos were tortured enough.Open and close your eyes every day,It's all kinds of chemical formulas flying around,knowledge of countless theorems,filled their brains,Of course if they have brains.In short, the weirdos really can't stand it.So one day,When Kane was in high spirits,Come to school again and prepare for the daily class.What greeted him was an empty space,previous school,Completely disappeared.The weird school even has people,carrying the whole school,Running all night!just forRun away from the pervert Kane!!When Li Fan saw this, it was an eye-opener.These four candidates for reincarnation,One and two are alive.Few are good at it,I'm all embarrassed, claiming to take the road of spiritual lock.At the same time he also wanted to know,Who will survive till the end,Be the only survivor.time flies by,in a short time,The four reincarnations are already in the intersection zone,Lived for more than half a month.Among them, Gu Ji and Zhao Youyu,Always be careful.Dangerous places, or places that look dangerous.These two are not going at all.Always hide in the surest place,A corner away from the crowd.Eating and drinking depend entirely on the supplies stored in the space equipment,Absolutely not wandering around outside.It can be said that it is to kill the dead,Used to the extreme.In stark contrast to the two,It is Xiaojin and Kane.Xiao Jin has the idea of ​​dying,Maybe it was reminded by the members of his own team.She is still conscious,I want to stay as far away from dangerous places as possible.But her eyesight is really not good,first,I chose an ordinary family hotel.want to live in it,But this is actually a black heart hotel.The proprietress and owner of the family hotel,Every night at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, it will turn into a monster with a pig's head and a human body,Holding a huge butcher's knife.Kill the guests staying in the hotel.This weird killing mechanism is,Just verbally express any dissatisfaction with the hotel.It will be massacred by the pig-headed monster crazily.On the night Xiaojin checked in,In front of the boss lady,The toilets in the Tucao hotel were not cleaned.Naturally the night she checked in,It triggers the killing mechanism.Two three-meter-high pig-headed monsters,Almost filled the entire narrow corridor.But because Xiao Jin went outside,Shop for toilet cleaners and toilet brushes.To clean the toilet thoroughly,So very lucky to escape the catastrophe.when she came back,Downstairs I saw myself in the room,There are two scary pig-headed monsters.Naturally, he ran away without looking back,Never dared to stay in a hotel again.Xiaojin who fell into the street,I am going to simply go to the Internet cafe and stay for one night.She chooses the largest Internet cafe nearby,Decorated magnificently,There is also a beautiful welcome lady at the door.If it is not clearly written "XX Internet Cafe" on the house numberI'm afraid anyone will think this is a hotel,rather than an internet cafe.Xiaojin walked in timidly,She found that everything around her was normal.There are many Internet addicted teenagers and Internet addicted girls.Fighting on a computer that looks very high-end at first glance.Xiaojin chooses the most secure lobby booth to take a seat.Turn on the computer and suddenly don't know what to do.So I opened the webpage blankly,I watched Peppa Pig all night.Even with the most top-end host,Sitting on the most luxurious gaming chair,In the hand is the extremely silky keyboard and mouse peripherals.She also has no idea of ​​playing games at all,Perhaps it is the growth experience of a good girl since childhood,Let Xiaojin not click to play the game,This skill point.She once again relied on the luck against the sky,Miss the weird killing mechanism,So he survived in the Internet cafes full of weirdness.The strange killing mechanism of Internet cafes,Very simple.That is, as long as you play any game,The protagonist of the controlled game dies, or the game fails.triggers the kill rule,The person who plays the game, the game character who will be manipulated,Killed in the same manner.And Xiaojin never opened any games,Just simply watching cartoons.Of course, the killing mechanism was not triggered.the next morning,When she woke up in a daze,But he found himself in a ruin that had been burned by fire.faintly visible around,It used to look like an Internet cafe.At this time, an old newspaper suddenly floated over,It is recorded that ten years ago,Once because several minors deliberately set fire,leading to the city's largest Internet cafe,Burned news.Hundreds of people were killed.The cover of the newspaper is when the Internet cafe opens to welcome customers,splendid decoration,A high-end computer flashing various RGB lights.Even the pretty welcome lady above looks familiar,It was the welcoming lady that Xiaojin had seen before!!.