
The Gods Of All People: Starting From The Establishment Of The Reincar

Traveling through the era of the gods of the whole people, everyone can support followers, ignite the fire of the gods, and achieve the status of gods. Li Fan did not take the usual path, he is still a traditional deity no matter what age. "How much fighting power can a guy who has lost himself for a while and only knows fanatical belief in gods have?" He incarnated the great Lord God and created the reincarnation space. Those who continue to invest in trials will burst out with great potential on the edge of life and death. [The first level of gene lock: 100% control of the body, incarnate a peerless genius, learn any martial arts, and reach the peak of human skills] [The first level of spiritual lock: the spiritual soul comprehends the world, can't be seen with a glance, has a far-reaching strategy, and reaches the peak of human intelligence] There are also [will lock], [dream lock] and so on.... When others are still working hard to expand their kingdom of God step by step. Li Fan has brought a large number of reincarnations and started to invade the heavens and worlds. In front of him, countless powerful gods were all overshadowed. "I am the Lord God, and I shall be the Lord of the Gods!" "Which one of you has an opinion?" ps: Non-traditional unlimited stream setting

Fernrir_Zero999 · Fantasy
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Chapter 136 Completion Rate 100%, Candidates For Opening The Second Level Of The Spirit Lock, The Careful Thoughts Of The Geniuses

Regardless of the result, as long as the mercenary wins a battle, they must pay at least 100 origin points.An average small world only earns a few hundred thousand yuan.Only a small part of the small world can obtain more than 200,000 or more than 300,000 origin points.With so many mercenaries added together, the cost of hiring is more than 100,000 origin points.If the expected profit cannot be achieved in the end, there will be a pure loss of tens of thousands of original points.However, it takes people's money to eliminate disasters for others.Li Fan accepted the agreement of the Mercenary Association, so he can't have any thoughts on other people's trophies.He sends the squad out with only one goal.That is the anchor point for killing the third level of gold.Complete the tasks assigned by the Mercenary Association.After just taking a look at it from a distance, Li Fan didn't pay attention any more.His gaze continued to follow Zheng Chi's team.The bus pulled Zheng Chi and them across the world barrier.Come to a certain world line and enter one of the space-time nodes.As soon as Zheng Chi's team entered, Li Fan sensed the goal of his first mission.The third level of gold that the standard was born from.This third-tier golden combat power is very weak, and it is simply the anchor point created by the world consciousness in order to maintain the continuity of the world line.Compared with those creatures who came from self-cultivation, this kind can be said to be the weakest at the same level.However, the sad thing is that these gave birth to the third level of gold.Generally, they dominate an era alone, thinking that they are favored by the luck of heaven and earth, and have invincible strength in the world.Compared with many seniors who are also in the third rank of gold, they think that they are not bad at all, and even much stronger.Normally speaking, these people are indeed invincible in the world, and only when they are dying of old age will there be a brand new third-tier gold.But if there is such an invasion.Their dream of overlord will be shattered in an instant.Facing outsiders who are also at the third level of gold, you will find that you are so "eight or seven" weak, and it is just wishful thinking to stand shoulder to shoulder with your predecessors.If it weren't for the world consciousness to give them a little trouble.Crazy piles of talent piles up with understanding, and often sends a large number of natural materials and earthly treasures to them.Such people have no hope of advancing to the third level of gold at all.In the first mercenary mission of the reincarnation, he encountered such a soft persimmon.Li Fan felt that he was not lucky.It was a deliberate arrangement by the terminal of the Mercenary Association.Like him, a rookie with zero records.You should usually face this kind of soft persimmon in the weakest tier.One gives confidence.To prevent being violently beaten by natives as soon as you become a mercenary.When playing more confrontational games, manufacturers also like to put some simple man-machines in the newcomer game.Just to give newcomers more gaming experience.There is still one.The main reason is that I can't figure out the strength of Li Fan's fighters.After all, they are Sanwu trumpets, so they can only be assigned tasks according to the minimum standard.When Zheng Chi's team opened their eyes.They found themselves in a very different world-style royal city.The voice of the Lord God came from the ear.[The current task is, expert task][Main task: kill Odd Roland (Sword God)][Difficulty: A-][Reward: 20000 reincarnation points][Explanation: Odd is the current emperor of the Roland dynasty. Apart from possessing the strength of a sword god, he is surrounded by many B-level masters. Be careful of the Ten Doctor Zhang God-level Forbidden Curse Scroll that he inherited from his mother... .Everyone in Zheng Chi's team participated in the expert mission for the first time, and they were surprised by the high reward.Just by completing the main task, you can get 20,000 reincarnation points.This is equivalent to a bottle of genetic essence!It is a transformation that can completely transform a person, from an ordinary person to an elite reincarnation person who unlocks the gene lock.Zheng Chi looked at the royal city where he and the others were located, and instantly realized that he and the others should be in the capital of the Roland Dynasty."Kill the emperor......""It doesn't feel particularly difficult."Zheng Chi thought easily.He was also at the third level of gold, even though there was still a distance of more than ten kilometers, he instantly locked onto the guy who was hiding in his ugly palace.He can perceive the other party, especially weak.Just like a premature baby, there is a full 40% gap with the ordinary third-order gold.It was weaker than the golden armored puppet he had killed in 51 seconds.At this moment, he had locked onto the breath of the other party, but the emperor named Roland didn't notice it at all, and didn't know that he had been targeted by a dangerous beast.Zheng Chi's team is about to start their first expert mission.Li Fan also watched them from a distance.His perspective is clearer than that of Zheng Chi.First of all, King Odd, in this small world,At the level of the sword god, that is, the third level of gold.Why did the world consciousness choose him among so many people, and he was born into the third level of gold.Still thanks to his prominent family background.His father was the last emperor of the Roland Kingdom, and he had reached the peak of both influence and strength.What was left to him was an incomparably powerful Roland Kingdom.And his mother came from a prominent family of sword gods and law gods.There have been several law gods and thousands of sword gods.With such excellent family conditions, Odd was naturally selected by the world consciousness as the target of birth.But he never felt that way. He thought it was his "unique talent" and "unique talent" that moved the gods.Under the blessing of the gods, he easily became the sword god.When the world consciousness, which is the god he understands, reminds him that there will be a demon invasion.Odd didn't seem to care.He even uttered wild words.If the demons choose to invade the world during his reign, it will be the worst choice made by this group of demons, and he will personally lead the army to crush them.And then... there is no more.Zheng Chi's team planned a big explosion.After leading away a large number of B-level experts who protected him, there were only two or three big cats and kittens around him.Then Zheng Chi took the initiative to personally teach this emperor who knows nothing about the sky and the earth.Beat the other side all over the floor looking for teeth.The arrogance that has been cultivated over the years has been completely destroyed.Emperor Aode was dumbfounded on the spot.He never thought he would be so weak.When facing the same level.I felt that even if the opponent gave up one hand and two feet, stood still and fought him with one hand, he couldn't beat the opponent.His heart was greatly shocked, and he even forgot to use the dozen or so god-level forbidden curse cards hidden in his body.He was easily killed by Zheng Chi, and the dozen scrolls of forbidden spells on his body became the spoils of reincarnation.It took less than 24 hours for Zheng Chi's team to complete the mission.The dusty bus drove over again.This time, it is to send them back to Li Fan's divine kingdom.The mercenary terminal also changed on the screen.The dispatch icons of the five members of Zheng Chi changed from "mission in progress" to "mission completed"Mercenary records also change."The number of tasks completed is 1, and the task success rate is 100%"Li Fan also set several other teams with expert reincarnators as dispatch teams.And told Baiyin, as long as a new expert reincarnation is born.Just add the team he is in.Mandatory missions have also been changed to "expert missions".Baiyin nodded and said obediently."Baiyin got it, master."Then Li Fan broke away, and his consciousness returned to Earth.Go to bed and go to sleep.Nothing to say all night.The next day, I woke up to the sound of birds chirping.Li Fan found a special detail.free-range birds around the High Academy,Even the kind of birds that sound better.It won't make you feel bad and torture your ears.On the contrary, you will feel happy after hearing it.It can only be said that it is worthy of the Supreme Academy,The limit has been achieved in this kind of detail.Li Fan and Li Shixian finished their breakfast as usual.According to the plan, Li Fan took two free basic courses, which were not mainly courses for learning general knowledge.On the way to the classroom, he took the time to take a look at the situation in the Kingdom of God.Last night, under the acceleration of a thousand times of time.Expert reincarnation ushered in a wave of small outbreaks.A total of 10 new expert reincarnations who unlocked the second level of gene locks were born.All of these people have also registered on the mercenary terminal.The number of Li Fan's current expert reincarnation has exceeded 20.Although there are only about five or six reincarnations who have really strengthened to the third level of gold.But each of these 20 expert reincarnators has the combat power of the third-level gold, and when fighting the real third-level gold, they will not lose the wind.Still have a slight advantage.The main reason is the advantage of "physical acceleration state".It can attack at 10 times the speed in a few seconds.Ordinary third-tier gold players can't resist this trick.Li Fan looked at the mercenary task completion rate again."The number of tasks completed is 67, and the probability of task completion is 100%"Only then did he nod in satisfaction.None of the reincarnations was lazy, and each of them completed three mercenary missions on average, and the completion rate was always maintained at 100%.Li Fan's mercenary level at this time is finally no longer the previous "unrated".Instead it became."Golden Mercenary""The number of tasks completed is more than 50, and the probability of task completion is more than 90%""Every time you win a battle, you will get 200 origin points"The income of the task is doubled, which means that the mercenary terminal has recognized the strength of the Kingdom of God.The only pity is that there are already twenty second-order gene locks.But the second level of the spirit lock has not responded for a long time.Gu Ji, Xiao Jin, Kane.Oh, and there is also the latest Zhao Youyu.In the main god's space, these four spirit locks are currently at the first level.I don't know who is the most hopeful to break through first.Gu Ji and Kane, these two are talented players.Spiritual talents are top-notch,As high as Zheng Chi's talent in gene locks.In terms of probability, these two should be the highest.But this thing is not all about talent, luck also accounts for a large part.For example, a person like Xiao Jin who is so lucky may accidentally break through the second level of the spirit lock one day...As for Zhao Youyu, she belongs to the kind of person who can make up for one's weakness with diligence.Li Fan has seen that her spiritual talent is not very high, and her ability to unlock the spiritual lock depends entirely on her extremely self-discipline and her willingness to be ruthless in her cultivation attitude.Only then did he stumble and pry open the door of the spiritual lock.It seems impossible for such a person to unlock the second level of the spirit lock.But no one can say for sure, in caseGod was moved by her persistence.As far as sincerity is concerned, gold and stone are open, and suddenly the stupid bird will fly first.Except for the expert reincarnation, there is a small outbreak.The number of elite reincarnators in the main god's space is gradually increasing.Especially the "Tianjiao Project" launched a few days ago.The arrogances who came from various small worlds,As soon as he arrived in the main god's space, he showed a lot of brilliant performances.Today, the Tianjiao troops have gradually broken through to the elite reincarnators.The indistinct and original reincarnated people have the potential to fight against courtesy.But Li Fan does not plan to add new Tianjiao, but plans to increase 4,000 Tianjiao every day, just a fixed increase.In the space of the main god, it should still be mainly those who live in the kingdom of God and who were born in reincarnation.Reincarnation obtained through other channels.Whether it's a summoning order or an order from the Lord God.They all just need a certain amount to maintain the diversity of the main god spacePlay their catfish effect, used to keep the vitality of the group.It's not that these people with foreign hukou are not talented enough.On the contrary, these foreign reincarnations often show stronger potential than the native reincarnations.For example, the Tianjiao specially poached from other small worlds.Regardless of the quality of all aspects, or the speed of progress.Always better than ordinary people who entered the reincarnation space at the same time.It should be 1~2 grades stronger.Usually, the Tianjiao are compared with senior reincarnators who entered the main god's space about 2 rounds earlier than themselves.But there's a big problem here.That is, these Tianjiao always have no sense of belonging to the main god space.Always keep the world in mind.Even if those worlds have been destroyed, or it will cost a lot to go back.Most of these alien reincarnations are unwilling to give up their hometown.I always thought that one day I would be able to return to my hometown with glory and prosperity.Among them, "Yan Sandao" was named, and this guy wanted to pluck the wool of the Lord God and resurrect his family.Then find a way to bring your family and get out of here.Like Kane, purely for the pursuit of a wider world.Those who voluntarily enter the space of the main god are, after all, a minority among the minority.These foreign reincarnations mostly use the main god space as a springboard.They think they still have a chance to break away from the main god, and some people even have a whimsical idea.Thinking that one day, he will turn his back on the guest and kick the big ball of light down.Sit on the seat of the Lord God by yourself.Although it is impossible for these people to betray forever.But have this thought.It was an uncomfortable thing for Li Fan.He is not the real Lord God,That big ball of light that pays attention to absolute fairness and justice.He asked Baiyin to mark all these thoughtful people.Every time a task is performed, they are all dumped into the most difficult batch of tasks.Anyway, dead is dead. 5.1If he is lucky enough to complete the task and survive, then Li Fan will not lose.The hardest bone was gnawed down by this group of outsiders.The original reincarnation of the Kingdom of God, to solve the task of moderate difficulty.Anyway, Li Fan treated them as wage earners and squeezed them to death.The squeeze was successful, and the hidden school made a lot of money.Thanks to the wage earners who work overtime every day, the boss finally drove the big Benz.If the squeeze fails, if you accidentally burp, the boss will not lose money.Just go outside and walk around, and you can bring back a bunch of new piglets.If it weren't for the consideration of the main god's space.More diverse sources of reincarnation are needed to maintain the overall activity of the reincarnation group.Li Fan is not sure now, he has already closed all the comrades of the summoning order and the main god order.In the early stage, it was due to the tight population and the shortage of talents.Therefore, no one is rejected, anyone is welcome.But now it has a complete world line, with a population of 100 billion, all of whom can be transformed into reincarnations.Not to mention that there is still a modern urban society where the future is unpredictable and the main god is deeply involved. The number of talents born in it has recently soared.In addition, Li Fan turned on the "increase of original background", and spent 30 college points every day, that is, 300,000 original points.After just one day, the four basic attributes of the residents in the Kingdom of God have risen a little on average.Nowadays, the average attribute of adult males is around 11 points.From a comprehensive point of view, Li Fan is not lacking in both the quantity and quality of the population.And in the observable stage in the future, neither the quantity nor the quality will continue to increase.He naturally has new ideas, when cultivating reincarnation.Not only to look at the potential, but also to consider whether it is sincere loyalty.There are criticisms about the main god space, and reincarnation hides opinions.All were marked with cannon fodder.When cannon fodder is needed, it is the time for them to contribute to the space of the Lord God.