
The Gods Of All People: Starting From The Establishment Of The Reincar

Traveling through the era of the gods of the whole people, everyone can support followers, ignite the fire of the gods, and achieve the status of gods. Li Fan did not take the usual path, he is still a traditional deity no matter what age. "How much fighting power can a guy who has lost himself for a while and only knows fanatical belief in gods have?" He incarnated the great Lord God and created the reincarnation space. Those who continue to invest in trials will burst out with great potential on the edge of life and death. [The first level of gene lock: 100% control of the body, incarnate a peerless genius, learn any martial arts, and reach the peak of human skills] [The first level of spiritual lock: the spiritual soul comprehends the world, can't be seen with a glance, has a far-reaching strategy, and reaches the peak of human intelligence] There are also [will lock], [dream lock] and so on.... When others are still working hard to expand their kingdom of God step by step. Li Fan has brought a large number of reincarnations and started to invade the heavens and worlds. In front of him, countless powerful gods were all overshadowed. "I am the Lord God, and I shall be the Lord of the Gods!" "Which one of you has an opinion?" ps: Non-traditional unlimited stream setting

Fernrir_Zero999 · Fantasy
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230 Chs

Chapter 131 Personal Mileage Mission, Extremely Luxurious Cafeteria, Baiyin's Grievance

"It's really too difficult, isn't it?""How about lowering the difficulty a little? In fact, in the early days, there was no need to fight like this."Seeing Li Fan's constipated face, the old man said kindly.Li Fan didn't know how to answer.Too easy?Isn't it digging a hole for yourself, and when the time comes, if you don't complete your personal mileage, you will lose face.too hard to sayIt seems that it is not necessary, and it will not be hidden to such an extent.After some psychological struggle, Li Fan decided to go with the flow.Not to mention easy, not to say sleepy.Just do it."Professor Yuanchu, no need!""I think it's okay to be compact...I... like to be challenging.The old man's eyes lit up at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty."Good boy! I saw the right person!""Don't worry, although everyone's personal mileage task assessment is different, the evaluation of the real dragon's potential is a little more difficult than the potential below, but the rewards of the academy points are definitely enough."By the way, you should know how to use the academy point by now, right?"Li Fan nodded."That's good, that's it.""It's getting late, your personal mileage task has been sent to you, and you can check it with the terminal."Remember to come to class tomorrow, there happens to be a big class of mine, I will try my best to talk about some basic things, you'd better listen carefully..."The old man at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty said in a rambling manner, and after he finished speaking, he took his leave and left.Li Fan and Li Shixian saw off the old man at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty to the door.Watching the other party teleport away, he returned home.Back home, Li Shixian continued to practice in the Kingdom of God.She can also use the Thousand Times World Acceleration function activated by Li Fan. Combined with the genetic essence, it feels like she will be able to advance to the fourth level of the planet in a few days.Li Fan clicked on the terminal of the academy, and searched for information on the lectures mentioned by the old man at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.It turns out that the big class is different from the courses of other lecturers.There is no need to pay "530" to pay college points, and regular students can participate for free.There will be one or two times a week, and it will be held by 5 permanent professors in turn, all of whom are of the highest god level.The content of the lectures also depends on their mood. Sometimes it may be the experience of breaking through to the highest level, and sometimes it may be the earliest experience at the level of gods.Every big class is full, and no one will be absent.Li Fan looked at the start time of tomorrow's big class. It started on time at 2:00 pm and lasted for half an hour. The lecturer was the old man of Yuanchu.After writing down this time point, he looked at the personal mileage option again.At this time, his personal mileage mission assessment was finally refreshed.Personal mileage is like a to-do list. According to the timeline, it gives what should be achieved at each time node.Then there is the achievement reward next to it, calculated by how much time is left, the more time left, the more rewards you will get, and the less time left, the less rewards will be.Li Fan followed the first item of the personal mileage task assessment.It was what the old man at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty said just now, requiring him to have the strength to completely kill the golden third-order living body in the Kingdom of God after seven days.There are still a little more than seven days left in the current remaining time.If Li Fan completes it now, he can get 100 academy points, but if it is delayed until seven days later, it may only be 10 academy points.If the time is exceeded, there will be no reward.Then fourteen days later, he was required to be able to kill two golden third-order life forms.Completed 14 days ahead of schedule, the reward will be 200 academy points.Looking at it all the way, basically the goal of the mission is to achieve some strength and how much combat power to have.In the last half a year, he saw the fourth-order life form of the birth planet in the Kingdom of God, and he himself advanced to the mission mileage of the true god level.If Li Fan completes half a year ahead of schedule, he will get a full 10,000 academy points.Li Fan calculated it, and found that if he used his full strength now, he could directly advance the entire mission mileage to one and a half months later.Among them, the college point income will reach a terrifying 1500 points, which is more than half of his monthly fixed income."Should I advance my personal mileage mission now?"Li Fan was lost in thought.The earlier you complete the project ahead of time, the higher the income, and the longer the delay, the greater the income may be greatly reduced.But now he doesn't seem to find a place that needs to consume college points, and his remaining college points are enough to squander for a while.The most important thing is that the old man at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty had just left, and the personal mileage customized for him by others personally, and he had advanced to the progress of one and a half months later, which seemed a bit embarrassing.Even if the old man at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty didn't take it seriously, other gods below the highest level would probably feel that he was not decent enough.So Li Fan after careful consideration."Let's put it down for now, wait for a while, when the limelight passes...""Whenever you need a lot of academy points, it's not impossible to increase the speed.Li Fan made such a decision.Taking advantage of the early time, he studied various elementary courses to see if there were any courses he neededBecause these are the most basic things for free, anyway, if you don't learn for nothing, you can broaden your horizons after learning.Li Fan also took the time to look at it, which is suitable for Li Shixian's training courses.It didn't take much effort to find it quickly.In advanced courses, it is a crash course.100 Academy Points per round.There is only one class per month, and one lasts for the entire month.You can't join in halfway, and the next shift will be paid in two weeks.The effect of the cultivation base promotion class varies from person to person, and some people can upgrade from the third level of gold to the ninth level of saint in one go.However, some people can only reach the sixth level of world masters.You can jump up to six major levels, and you can only jump up to three sky levels in a round of normal points.Li Fan wrote down the time of the next round of classes and set it in the memo of the college terminal to prevent himself from forgetting.Then went back to the bedroom to sleep.I didn't say anything all night, and it was already the next morning when I woke up.The environment of the Supreme Academy is obviously much better than the environment of his old community. In the early morning, you can hear the crisp calls of various birds, and the air in the air is also much fresher.After Li Fan ate the breakfast made by Li Shixian.I started my first day of class at the Supreme Academy.In his first class in the morning, he chose to explain the power of the transgressors about the sea of ​​void.It is more focused on introducing those quasi-hegemonic forces that are only weaker than the gods of the earth.The quasi-hegemony-level power, representing its interior, has at least two digits of the highest level.There are eight in total, but Li Fan is most impressed by the most powerful "Alliance of Immortals" and the slightly weaker "Palace of Gods".In the League of Ten Thousand Immortals, there are over-the-limiters who tend to practice in the East, fantasy.The temple of the gods is biased toward the western line of belief in becoming a god. The belief in the gods in it spreads to the heavens, and the main god of light that the old man chased and killed in the early Yuan Dynasty came from it.In the early days of the gods of the earth, many people actually followed their way to develop the kingdom of God, but later, as the vision of the gods of the earth became higher and higher, they gradually blazed their own path.To develop the Kingdom of God with faith, at most it will be used in the early stage, and it will be switched to other routes later.Of course, there are several other quasi-hegemonic forces, such as the "Land of Science and Technology" that uses technology to create gods, or the "City of Natural Selection" where non-human creatures gather...etc.After finishing this elementary course.Li Fan has a basic impression of the major forces in the Sea of ​​Void, and finally his eyes are darkened, and he doesn't know anything except the gods of the earth.After the first class, the time has come to 10 o'clock in the morning.Li Fan was not in a hurry to go home, he also booked another course.It is also a free course for beginners.The main content of this class is also to popularize common sense.Li Fan was born in an ordinary family, and he rarely had the opportunity to get in touch with these secrets in the past, so he focused on filling in his own knowledge.At the end of the class, I feel that the harvest in just one morning is not much more than the harvest in the original No. 7 middle school, day and week.The main reason is that every lecturer in it is very good.They know how to pass on knowledge without being boring or boring.Moreover, his own knowledge reserves are also extremely rich, and many things are readily available, and he can talk about them continuously, so there is almost no time to stop in the whole class.Where the teacher talks, the students can remember.In these two elementary courses, there were not too many people attending the lectures.There are no more than 10 students in each class, and they all look relatively young, at most two or three years older than Ji Fan.These people are all formal students from the previous sessions, even if they have all broken through to the level of true gods, a few of them have even reached the level of gods.But the thirst for knowledge is still not lacking at all.It's a pity that the official students of the Supreme Academy seem to be relatively indifferent.After two classes, Li Fan didn't meet a single friend he could talk to. Fortunately, he is used to this attitude. On the contrary, if an enthusiastic guy comes suddenly, it may cause him a headache.At noon, Li Fan went to the cafeteria to have a look.I found the eating place of the Supreme Academy, which is said to have chapters on the picture.In fact, it is a large restaurant with luxurious decoration.It is more than 20 floors high, like a building.Each floor represents a style of food, dishes are on the 3rd floor, Cantonese food is on the 7th floor, junk food such as burgers and fried chicken is on the 11th floor...A full 20-story high-rise building is equivalent to having more than 20 food styles.There is nothing to say about the craftsmanship of the chefs inside. They are all the chefs with the most peak culinary skills on the planet. No one knows how to cook food better than them.It is worth mentioning that these chefs are not all gods of the earth.A large part of them came from the void world sea, and the Supreme Academy did not know how to fish them out of the original world.Bring these masters who are regarded as the most peak culinary skills in various worlds to the earth to serve the teachers and students of the Supreme Academy.Because there are so many delicacies, even if Li Fan has both hands full of food, he is only on the 1st to 5th floors [each packed some things.He had already told Li Shixian not to cook in advance, and he had a taste of the school cafeteria at noon.Back home, Li Shixian really didn't cook.Sitting on the sofa, swinging two bare feet.Waiting in every possible way for my brother to come back...Hearing Li Fan's door opening, she immediately jumped up.The two little feet don't even wear slippers.pat~pat~Hurry up to the door and open it for my brother.I saw that Li Fan's hands were full of various food boxes.Li Shixian said in surprise."Brother...Where did you go?""Didn't you say that you are eating in the cafeteria, why does it feel like going to a luxury hotel!?"canteenThe food here is not only delicious, but also very beautifully packaged. If you don't know it, you might think it's from a five-star hotel.But in terms of the status of the Supreme Academy, the cafeteria in the Supreme Academy seems to be higher than that of a five-star hotel.Li Fan gave a wry smile."I didn't expect that the cafeteria that kept saying it would look like that...Then he described the appearance of the cafeteria to Li Shixian.....That's it. ""Don't look at so many things, in fact, I just wandered around on the 1st to 5th floors, and took out some things casually.Li Shixian's eyes widened after hearing this."Brother...the things in the cafeteria must be very expensive!""Or we'll still eat at home in the future!"Li Fan walked into the house and took out the food boxes one by one.The dishes inside are not only delicious in color, fragrance and taste, but each plate is extremely delicate, and even the bottom is carved with a miniature magic circle to maintain a constant temperature inside.This seems very luxurious on the earth where all laws are forbidden.Facing Li Shixian's proposal, Li Fan said indifferently."It's okay...you can cook if you want, and if you don't want to cook, we can eat in the cafeteria.""Even though there are so many of these things, there are only two colleges."Even if you eat in the cafeteria for every meal, it won't cost you many college points."Li Shixian was very surprised when he saw all kinds of things on the table."So much!! It's only 2 college points!?""The Supreme Academy is too arrogant..."The Supreme Academy has gathered the most talented students from all over the planet, and the amount of resources it has tilted is extremely exaggerated. Many things that the outside world cannot enjoy with the source point.In the Supreme Academy, it can be easily owned by only spending one or two Academy Points.That's why Li Shixian sighed.Then the siblings enjoyed the food together.As expected of all the top masters from this world, each of the delicacies produced has condensed their whole life's painstaking efforts.Completely achieve the most extreme and perfect taste.Li Fan and Li Shixian ate nearly 30 dishes, and there was nothing left.After lunch, it's time for a lunch break.Li Fan took the time to look at the development of the main god space in the Kingdom of God.Under the acceleration of thousands of times of time, the speed of the main god's space develops at 10 times the previous speed.Just one night, plus one morning.It's like a week in the past.In the current reincarnation space, the number of elite reincarnation has exceeded 3000!And the number of expert-level reincarnations who have unlocked the second level of gene locks has reached 50!!The strength of Li Fan's Kingdom of God has grown explosively. 1.0The size of the main god's space has also been expanded and expanded in Baiyin's operation items.The Kingdom of God, which was considered empty before, is now a bit crowded.The entire Samsara Square has become extremely large, and the total area is already comparable to the size of a small city, but it is even a bit crowded for the Samsara people who keep pouring in.Li Fan came in his avatar, and Baidu also appeared in a maid outfit.After seeing her master, she was a little teary.It seems that he has suffered a great grievance.Li Fan is a bit strange."What's wrong? Did you get bullied by someone?"Baiyin said resentfully."Being bullied by a master who hasn't come to the Kingdom of God for a long time..."Li Fan slapped his head before he realized it.After time accelerated a thousand times.Li Fan only spent a day and a half outside, while Baiyin silently took care of the kingdom of God, helping the master develop the main god space.A head has spent almost a few years.No wonder Baiyin has a resentful expression on his face.But even so, she did her duty faithfully.Do your part completely.No matter how lonely she is, she will never disturb Li Fan.In the past few years, the thought of being abandoned by the master will definitely arise, but Baiyin endured it and managed the Kingdom of God in an orderly manner.Li Fan felt a little guilty and apologized."That's really my problem...."For the huge time flow gap between the two sides, Li Fan has no solution. He thought that Baiyin's body was just a program, and he should have a strong resistance to this aspect.But after merging with Athena's kingdom of God, she has more people's affection, and Baiyin's resistance to this aspect has dropped a lot.It was indeed something that Li Fan did not expect.The two were silent for a while...Baiyin smiled brightly."Master, don't worry about my affairs, Baiyin just lost his temper for a while...""Baiyin will always stand behind the master and help the master, so the master is not wrong, hungry"