
The Gods Of Alkebulan

Long ago, the land of Alkebulan was ruled by the mighty Gods. Mortals lived at the mercy of these divine beings, who decided their fate and wielded the power of the elements. When angered, the Gods would shake the heavens and earth with their mighty power, leaving mortals trembling in fear. But then came the discovery of the Supreme Power of Jok - a force that allowed mortals to harness the power of the Gods and connect with their own Ori, or inner spirit. With this newfound power, humans began to thrive and rise to levels of strength and ability that rivaled even the Gods themselves. They took control of their own fate, harnessing the spark of destiny embedded within their very essence. But such power was not for everyone. Only the truly talented and skilled could go against the natural order of the heavens and claim their own fate. It was a rare gift, but for those who possessed it, the possibilities were endless. **Disclaimer:** The concepts, names, and themes presented in this book, are entirely fictional and created for entertainment purposes. They do not represent real deities, belief systems, or cultural practices. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or real events is purely coincidental. This content is a product of creative imagination and does not reflect any existing religious, cultural, or historical beliefs. Readers are encouraged to enjoy these imaginative elements within the context of fictional storytelling and to respect the rich diversity of real-world cultures and traditions. Please note that the information provided here is for entertainment and creative purposes only and should not be considered factual or authoritative in any way. Alex Matarirano 2023 All Rights Reserved

Matrino2 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The Three Tests (2)

The Dean's smile remained, his satisfaction evident in his eyes as he looked at Tenzi.

"The final test is simple, as I said before. Elemental Affinity is what gives Spirit Ascenders an edge over Body Ascenders."

A frown of confusion graced Tenzi's face as he voiced the question on my mind.

"Why can't Body Ascenders unlock their Elemental Affinity?" he inquired, seeking clarity.

I leaned, equally intrigued, awaiting the Dean's explanation. So were the other students next to me.

The Dean's gaze trained on Tenzi, his expression patient as he addressed the question.

"The reason is simple. Elemental Mastery requires Spiritual Energy, and Body Ascenders cultivate Vital Energy, which doesn't grant them control over the elements."

Curiosity piqued, I waited for the next revelation, eager to understand the complexities of elemental affinity.

"Now, let's see your element. Since you have unlocked your Astral Body, you are qualified to take the test," The Dean announced, gesturing for Tenzi to proceed.

Tenzi nodded, preparing to lift his hand, but the Dean intervened. With a wave of his hand, a transparent dome materialized, covering both Tenzi and The Dean.

Confusion rippled through the audience, except for the seasoned teachers and parents, who recognized the significance of the Dean's actions.

"Awakening your element is a volatile experience," the Dean explained, his voice carrying the weight of caution.

"There might be a phenomenon, and you might not be able to control it. This could potentially cause harm to your peers and the audience."

The room fell into a hushed silence, the tension palpable. Whispers of apprehension swept through the students, their eyes wide with anticipation.

The atmosphere in the hall crackled with anticipation as Tenzi approached the mirror for the third time.

This time, there were no ripples or visible reactions, leaving the spectators, including me, on the edge of our seats.

I glanced at The Dean, expecting some kind of reaction, only to find him calmly observing the unfolding events.

"The students this year look promising compared to last year, don't they?" remarked a middle-aged yet charming woman, her eyes gleaming with interest as she stood beside the line of students.

"Yes they truly are, Freya, are you finally picking a disciple?" teased a younger woman, chuckling as she observed the stage along with us.

"We'll see if he's suitable. The Dean might choose him," Freya sighed, her striking heart-shaped face capturing the attention of male teachers and students alike, myself included.

Suddenly, a thunderous sound echoed through the hall, shaking everyone to their core. Tenzi's aura materialized into reality taking on a purple chilling colour, the weather outside changing dramatically.

I gasped as I witnessed the sky transforming, and it became evident that everything was under Tenzi's control.

His body crackled with lightning as it flowed and spread with astounding speed, striking against the barrier erected by The Dean.

"I feel powerful, as if with a thought, I can bring forth storms filled with—ugh,"

Tenzi fell to his knees, panting heavily, his body drained of energy, and his head throbbing painfully.

The Dean quickly stepped in front of him, placing a gentle hand on his forehead. A soothing blue light spread across his body, relieving him of exhaustion and pain.

The weather outside changed, and the storm clouds vanished as if they had never been there. The sun returned, shining brightly as if to mock the sudden change.

"You have awakened the Storm Element, but since you currently lack the energy reserves to sustain such a large output of power, your body is experiencing an Astral Energy Drain,"

Explained The Dean, his smile warm and encouraging, patting Tenzi's head gently.

"Fret not, though. You will soon master the power within you. Welcome to the Academy, boy."

Excitement buzzed through the crowd, and I was captivated by the wonders of the Jorin Path and its potential benefits. Tenzi's body trembled with excitement, and he stood up, bowing to The Dean with deep gratitude etched on his face.

"I, Tenzi Ruvagi, am honored to be a student of Alkebulan Spirit Academy," he declared, his voice resonating with determination.

"Your attitude is commendable. Maintain the same spirit as you progress through your cultivation," The Dean praised, his words carrying the weight of experience and wisdom.

The hall erupted into applause and cheers, celebrating Tenzi's achievement. I felt a surge of determination, my hands clenching into fists as my battle intent intensified.

My eyes were fixed on the stage where Tenzi was and soon left as he approached the middle-aged man who had cheered him on.

Presumably, his father, I thought, observing the warmth in their embrace. Teachers and other parents joined in the congratulations, their smiles and nods acknowledging Tenzi's success.

The atmosphere was charged with excitement and pride, setting the tone for the challenges and triumphs that awaited us in the Academy.

As Tenzi stood with his father, a subtle tension hung in the air, palpable even before Kazi's approach. Kazi, breaking the line, forced a smile that thinly veiled his antagonistic intentions.

"Quite the performance, Tenzi," Kazi sneered, his words laced with sarcasm. "Let's see if you can maintain this level of power."

Tenzi's response was as cold as ice, his gaze chilling. "And who are you?" he retorted, his voice cutting through the tension.

"The person who will beat you," Kazi shot back before Tenzi could utter another word. With a venomous glare, he returned to his spot behind me, a lingering challenge in his eyes.

Tenzi shook his head, refocusing on his father, who chuckled at the youthful display of rivalry. "Kids have a lot of energy these days," he remarked, his tone light despite the undercurrent of competition.

I met Kazi's gaze and shook my head, my determination unwavering. Two months from now, or perhaps even sooner, I vowed to confront his arrogance head-on, fueled by the newfound understanding of Jorin Cultivation's power.

The tests continued, revealing the challenges faced by the students. Many hesitated to attempt the Body Ascension Test after passing the Spirit Ascension Test.

The arduous journey of ascending through the layers and stages in both paths was evident to the students.

Tenzi's exceptional feat highlighted the gap in their abilities as he broken through into both paths on the the spot.

The rests just confirmed their ability but they had to practice to breakthrough and that takes time.

Those who failed the Spirit Ascension were directed to the Mercenary Guild, a path that awaited those unable to harness Astral Energy. Since they lost their chance to learn at the Academy.

When my turn arrived, I drew a deep breath, steadying my nerves before advancing onto the stage. A brief glance back at my parents revealed their encouraging gaze, urging me forward.

"Show them the indomitable spirit of the Mustafa Royal Clan," my father's powerful voice resonated in the hall, his words echoing the legacy I carried.

Beside him, my mother nodded in silent support, her confidence a guiding beacon.

Emboldened by their faith, I embraced the challenge, stepping forward with newfound resolve. The hall fell silent, acknowledging my lineage and the heritage I represented.

With determination burning in my veins, I ventured into the tests, determined to prove the unwavering strength of the Mustafa Royal Clan.

The Dean stood there with a regal bearing, his eyes fixated on me with a curious intensity.

"Young Prince, I hope you understand, background serves no purpose here," he said, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

"I do, nor do I need it. I will prove to you why!" I responded, my words filled with conviction and confidence.

My gaze shifted to the floating mirror. From a distance, it appeared ordinary, but up close, I could sense the pulsating magic emanating from its surface.

It reflected nothing but darkness and it seemed to draw me in, compelling me to take a step forward and with confidence I did, placing my hand upon it.

Suddenly, all sound vanished, leaving an eerie silence in its wake. My eyes closed involuntarily as I felt a surge of power enveloping me. In that moment, I glimpsed the astonishment etched on The Dean's face.

"By the Order of Heaven, are those Divine Marks of Laws?" The Dean's voice reverberated through the hall, laced with a mixture of awe, excitement, and deep reverence. It was a moment of profound significance, the kind that had not graced the academy in generations.

Every student, whether they had completed the tests or not, felt an invisible force pressing down on them, urging them to kneel in the presence of something incomprehensibly powerful.

Kazi clenched his teeth, refusing to succumb to the overwhelming pressure, his determination shining through his defiant gaze. He stood tall, a lone figure of resistance amidst the collective sense of submission.

Meanwhile, Tenzi, who had just been celebrated for his achievements, stared wide-eyed at the marks on my body, his earlier steely determination now replaced by sheer astonishment. His lips parted, but no words came out, as if he, too, was grasping for an explanation in the face of this extraordinary revelation.

The air in the hall crackled with an inexplicable energy, and an aura of anticipation hung thick as The Dean's words reverberated. Every eye in the room was on me, Antaeus Mustafa, I who stood before the mirror, my hand connected to an ancient force.

The mirror seemed to come alive under my touch, its surface rippling with ethereal energy. Deep within my consciousness, I felt a connection, a resonance with something profound and ancient. Images flickered in my mind's eye — symbols, intricate designs, and celestial hieroglyphic patterns that seemed to dance with cosmic wisdom.

The Dean's expression wavered between disbelief and profound realization. "This is unprecedented," he murmured, his voice barely audible but carrying the weight of the moment.

As if in response to the Dean's astonishment, the mirror glowed with an otherworldly light. The darkness within it shifted, revealing intricate patterns of golden radiance. The room filled with a soft, harmonious hum, resonating with the very essence of the universe.

I hope you like this chapter ! I love cliff hangers dont you !? hehe. I'm playing, I hate cliff hangers so lets hurry to the next chapter and dont forget to add to libray and vote for me cause what ? creation is hard and I need motivation, Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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