
The Gods Of Alkebulan

Long ago, the land of Alkebulan was ruled by the mighty Gods. Mortals lived at the mercy of these divine beings, who decided their fate and wielded the power of the elements. When angered, the Gods would shake the heavens and earth with their mighty power, leaving mortals trembling in fear. But then came the discovery of the Supreme Power of Jok - a force that allowed mortals to harness the power of the Gods and connect with their own Ori, or inner spirit. With this newfound power, humans began to thrive and rise to levels of strength and ability that rivaled even the Gods themselves. They took control of their own fate, harnessing the spark of destiny embedded within their very essence. But such power was not for everyone. Only the truly talented and skilled could go against the natural order of the heavens and claim their own fate. It was a rare gift, but for those who possessed it, the possibilities were endless. **Disclaimer:** The concepts, names, and themes presented in this book, are entirely fictional and created for entertainment purposes. They do not represent real deities, belief systems, or cultural practices. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or real events is purely coincidental. This content is a product of creative imagination and does not reflect any existing religious, cultural, or historical beliefs. Readers are encouraged to enjoy these imaginative elements within the context of fictional storytelling and to respect the rich diversity of real-world cultures and traditions. Please note that the information provided here is for entertainment and creative purposes only and should not be considered factual or authoritative in any way. Alex Matarirano 2023 All Rights Reserved

Matrino2 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Nailah's Test

**Nailah's POV**

"Are you ready, Nailah?" The Dean's somber voice reached my ears, but my impatience bubbled beneath the surface, threatening to spill over. I glared at the mirror, my eyes reflecting my wild and unruly disposition. The anticipation of the tests clashed with my restless energy, creating a storm of emotions within me.

The room seemed to hold its breath, the atmosphere heavy with anticipation. The mirror's surface rippled for a moment, the silence stretching taut. My hands trembled slightly, my entire being eager to unleash the untamed energy within me.

Finally, just as doubt threatened to consume me, the mirror flickered to life. Whirlwinds of energy swirled around me, and I felt my soul flicker outside my body, suspending in the air. A rush of Astral Energy flowed through me, and I felt powerful, invigorated by the newfound strength coursing through my veins.

But the surge of power was too intoxicating. In my eagerness to explore my capabilities, I attempted to step into the Mortal Astral Body Layer 2, craving more power, more knowledge.

"Stop! That's enough, child," The Dean's voice cut through the exhilaration, his words a sharp reminder of restraint.

"You have to first build your foundation. Master your current power first. Haste makes waste, clear?" The Dean warned me with a stern voice, his eyes holding the weight of experience.

"Clear," I replied, my voice resolute, though my impatience still simmered beneath the surface. The wild fire within me yearned to be unleashed, but I understood the importance of discipline and control.

"The path to mastery is not a race but a deliberate journey, and though your young spirit urges you to rush ahead," The Dean advised.

"You may proceed with the second test,"

With a frustrated sigh, I moved on to face the second test, the lessons from the first one echoing in my mind.

This time, I took a few precious seconds to calm myself, my small hands trembling slightly as I regarded the mirror with a fiery gaze of confidence. With a deep breath, I steadied my resolve and, with a quick, determined motion of my hand, I laid my palm on the mirror's surface.

I didn't have to wait for long. Almost instantly, I sensed a tempest of energy, rushing with lawlessness as if my body was its warpath. The sensation was overwhelming, a chaotic dance of power that threatened to consume me whole.

Then came the pain. Oh, the pain. It ripped across every fiber, muscle, vein, and limb with no intention of stopping. The agony was so intense that I forgot to scream at first, my body contorting involuntarily under the assault.

"ARGGGGGHHH!" The scream finally tore from my throat, echoing across the hall. Every ounce of pain I felt found its release in that primal sound, a testament to the sheer intensity of the experience.

In that moment of agony, I imagined how my mother would be looking at me, but soon, even that thought was drowned out by the relentless pain that refused to give me a moment's respite.

Then, as fast as it came, the pain left, vanishing like a ghost in the night. What replaced it was an energy so potent, so vibrant, that it brought me back to life. It surged through my veins, revitalizing every part of me as if I had been reborn.

In that moment, I understood the true cost of power. The pain was the toll I had to pay, and though it was excruciating, the reward was worth every second of suffering.

With newfound determination, I prepared myself for the next challenge, knowing that each trial brought me closer to mastering the untamed energy within me.

I felt a deep sigh escape my body as I dropped to my knees, my small frame trembling with both exhaustion and exhilaration. Gasping for breath, I looked up, my eyes meeting, The Dean's piercing gaze, hoping to see his acknowledgment and approval.

His expression remained inscrutable, a mask of stoicism that revealed nothing of his thoughts. Yet, in the depths of his eyes, I sensed a glimmer of appreciation, a recognition of the strength I had displayed in the face of overwhelming challenges.

A sense of pride welled up within me, knowing that I had endured the trials and emerged stronger. With newfound confidence, I pushed myself back onto my feet, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

The Dean's acknowledgment was a validation of my abilities, a silent assurance that I was on the right path.

Determined, I squared my shoulders and prepared for the final test, my resolve unshakable.

"Good, you have done well. Now for the last test, your Elemental Affinity"

I approached the final test with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The Dean's commanding presence loomed over me, his fiery gaze urging me onward as he gestured with his hands, enveloping us in a protective barrier.

My curiosity piqued, I stepped forward and faced the enigmatic Aetheric Elementum. Its surface shimmered with hidden wisdom, promising to unveil the essence that lay dormant within me.

With a deep breath, I pressed my palms against the mirror's cool surface, initiating the test that would reveal my Elemental Affinity.

For a moment, everything was still, as if the mirror itself contemplated the depths of my being. Then, a subtle heat seeped through my skin, starting as a gentle warmth and gradually intensifying.

My skin flushed red, reacting to the elemental power awakening within me. I withdrew my hand, but the transformation persisted, engulfing me in a torrent of scorching air.

The very atmosphere crackled with anticipation, and the podium beneath my feet began to melt under the sheer intensity of the heat. Panic surged within me as I watched in awe and terror.

Uncontrollable black flames materialized, coiling around me like serpents hungry for power. They wound their way up my body, encasing me in their ebony embrace until I was suspended in mid-air, bewildered by the otherworldly phenomenon.

"What is this?" I exclaimed, my voice laced with fear and wonder, unable to comprehend the magnitude of the power that now coursed through my veins.

"No need to panic, child," the Dean's voice resonated with ancient wisdom, his eyes reflecting both pride and astonishment.

"By the gods, you seem to have awakened the Hell Class Element: Inferna."

Inferna, the embodiment of consuming flames, had chosen me. The realization washed over me, mingling exhilaration with the weight of responsibility.

I was no longer just a student; I was a wielder of an elemental force, not just any force. A hell class element.

As the black flames continued to dance around me, I took a deep breath, embracing the fiery essence that now defined me. In the heart of that blazing storm, I found determination, courage, and the fierce spirit of Inferna itself.

"Withdraw your flames child, lest you damage this podium anymore that you should"

Heeding the Dean's stern command, I focused my willpower, commanding the roiling black flames to recede. With a deliberate motion, I pulled back the elemental force that had engulfed me, coaxing the fiery tendrils to retreat.

The flames, once wild and untamed, obeyed my newfound mastery, shrinking and coiling until they were no more than flickering embers.

The room exhaled collectively as the intense heat dissipated, leaving behind a sense of awe and respect. I stood amidst the fading remnants of Inferna's power, my eyes alight with a newfound confidence.

The Dean's voice, laden with acknowledgment, cut through the crackling tension in the room. His eyes, keen and discerning, bore into my very soul, assessing not just my elemental mastery but also my resolve.

"Young one," he spoke, his tone measured yet filled with a deep understanding of the moment's significance, "you have displayed a remarkable balance of power and control—a rare gift indeed. Do you wish to become my disciple?"

The weight of his words hung in the air, and without hesitation, I sank to my knees, my head bowing in reverence.

"Disciple acknowledges Master," I declared, my voice unwavering, my commitment absolute.

In that solemn instant, I embraced not just the flames of Inferna but also the profound responsibility that came with being the disciple of the esteemed Dean.

Little did I know, this choice would mark the beginning of a transformative journey, one that would shape my destiny and the fate of the Alkebulan's realm.

As the barrier dissipated, I stepped away from the podium, my heart ablaze with newfound purpose. The other students looked at me with a mixture of awe and curiosity, their whispers filling the air. I had become more than just a student; I was a wielder of a Hell Class Element: Inferna, a force to be reckoned with.

Amidst the whispers of awe and amazement from the onlookers, I walked down the podium, my heart ablaze with newfound purpose. The challenges ahead were daunting, but I was no longer afraid. Inferna, the consuming flames, had chosen me.

With every step, I could feel the eyes of my peers on me, their shock and acknowledgment of my elemental affinity.

"Nailah ! I cant believe you awakened such an element !," a beautiful girl with dark short hair and bright purple eyes screamed as she ran and gave me a big hug. "Kazi, Tenzi and Antaeus will never be your match"

I embraced my fellow student's enthusiastic hug, feeling the warmth of her support and friendship. Her words resonated with a mixture of awe and camaraderie, echoing the sentiments of many around us.

"Thank you, Leona," I replied, my voice tinged with gratitude. Her faith in me bolstered my confidence, reinforcing the friendship that had begun to weave its threads among us.

Leona stepped back, her purple eyes alight with excitement. "I've always believed in you, Nailah. But this… Inferna? It's extraordinary!"

The mention of the Hell Class Element sparked a renewed sense of wonder among our peers. Whispers rippled through the crowd, carrying the weight of the revelation. The magnitude of my awakening had left an indelible impression on everyone present.

A tall, wiry boy named Marcus approached, his eyes wide with amazement. "Inferna… That's unheard of among first-year students. You're destined for greatness, Nailah!"

The words of encouragement from my peers filled me with a sense of purpose. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, I knew I was not alone. Together, we were forging a path into the unknown, each step infused with the magic of possibility.

Kazi, Tenzi, and Antaeus, the prominent figures among our classmates, observed the scene with mixed expressions. Kazi's eyes narrowed with a competitive glint, a silent acknowledgment of the rivalry that had begun to brew between us.

Tenzi wore a thoughtful expression, his eyes assessing me with a keen intelligence. Antaeus, the stoic and enigmatic figure of our class, observed the unfolding events with a calm demeanor, his thoughts hidden behind a mask of mystery.

As the whispers of astonishment continued, I felt a surge of determination. Inferna had chosen me, and I would honor its power with unwavering dedication. The challenges of the Academy were no longer daunting; they were opportunities to prove the potential of the Hell Class Element.

With newfound confidence, I faced the future, ready to embrace the trials and triumphs that awaited. The path of a Hell Class Element wielder was not easy, but I was determined to walk it with courage and resilience.

The Dean's gaze lingered on me, his eyes reflecting a mix of approval and expectation. In that moment, I understood the significance of my awakening. I was not just a student; I was a symbol of possibility, a testament to the extraordinary feats achievable through determination and the embrace of one's true potential.

As I stood among my peers, I felt a sense of unity among us, a shared understanding that we were all part of something greater than ourselves. The bonds of friendship strengthened, weaving a tapestry of support that would sustain us through the challenges to come.

Inferna's flames had ignited not just within me but within all those who witnessed my awakening. The magical realm would never be the same again, for a new era had begun—one defined by the unyielding spirit of those who dared to awaken the extraordinary.

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