
The Gods and Families of the World Are All Slimes

Novel Summary: Carry a slime and beat the endless realm. 【Primitive Slime】+【Iron Ore】×4=Steel Slime [Steel Slime]+[Corpse of Gangback Beast]×4=Slime of Gangback Beast [Slimes of Gangback Beast] + [Great Ape of King Kong]×4=[Slimes of Monkey King] ??? [Tentacle Slime]+……=[Succubus Slime with Whip] … In the era of the gods of the whole people, Zhang Yifan brought a synthetic interface to indicate that even if all his family members are slimes, he can achieve invincibility. ??? I don’t own anything this is not my novel. I’m just bringing it from MTLNOVEL Short Title: TGFWAAS Alternate Title: 全球神只眷族都是史莱姆 Author: It's always cool to lie down and win Genre: sci-fi Tags [Edit] : Business Management, Cheats, Evil Gods, Fusión, God Protagonist, Harem, Kingdom Building, Transmigration, link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/the-gods-and-families-of-the-world-are-all-slimes/

Fenrirzero9999 · Sci-fi
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122 Chs

The Gods and Families of the World Are All Slimes Chapter 63: Slime House


Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.


  [You consume a million faith points and summon a private phantom of the gods]

   If a demigod swallows plane fragments, he only needs to summon the private gods.

   It's just that Zhang Yifan is not a demigod yet, and he cannot move in the private realm.

   can only summon the phantom of the private gods' realm.

   Although one million belief points is not a small amount, it is not a thing to him at all.

  The phantom of the private gods' domain tightly wrapped around this small plane fragment like an octopus and began to swallow it.

   The fragments of the plane began to be slowly digested by the phantom of the private god's domain, and gradually became smaller.

   In the distance, a lot of lands began to appear on the edge of his private realm of God.

   quickly completed the devouring of plane fragments, and his private god's realm expanded by a full dozen square kilometers, which is quite a rich land.

   A smile appeared on Zhang Yifan's face.

   works well!

   In the case of Aquastar, if you want to obtain this effect, you must waste a five-star Gods domain expansion card and a chance to load the card.

   And here, it only takes a few points of faith to do it.

   And this kind of swallowing is unlimited, as long as the area of ​​the private god's domain does not reach the limit that can be accommodated.

   As long as the private god's realm is restored to stability, it can continue to be swallowed.

   tasted the sweetness, he continued to drive the plane flying boat soaring in the void, looking for a suitable devouring target.

   Soon he found a new plane fragment, the area of ​​this plane fragment was much larger than the previous one.

   is almost 100 square kilometers, and hundreds of thousands of indigenous creatures live here.

  The fourth order is the main one, and there are also some fifth orders.

   are all half-orcs.

   These half-orcs are a hybrid of humans and orcs.

   But these half-orcs are living targets to Zhang Yifan's army of slimes.

  The other units didn't make a move, just a few rounds of volleys from the spiked slime completely emptied the entire plane.

   continued to devour, swallowing the plane into a part of the private god's realm, and he led the team back to the concentration camp at the outermost periphery of the tomb of the plane.

   There are two points in his current divinity, and the upper limit of the area of ​​the gods that his private gods can have is only 500 square kilometers.

   Now he has almost reached this limit.

  The top priority is to find a way to improve his divinity, and he can also start selling the slime booth.

   Although the arms purchase of the Flame Legion can bring him great benefits, after all, it can only consume steel slimes.

   He has other types of slimes that need to be sold.

   Whether it is used to transform the divine body or cultivate the various divine cards of the divine realm, it is not cheap.

  He needs to open up more sources of funds.

   After all, the Zhang Family in Water Dragon City is just a small family, and there is no way to help him too much.

   Hard-working children can only rely on themselves.

   Fortunately, apart from hard work, I still hang on the wall.

   It's good to be self-reliant, let me be a self-improving Zhang Yifan.


   Soon, such a piece of news circulated in the divine creature concentration camp at the tomb of plane B451 on the battlefield of plane No. 42 in the 3rd area of ​​the Dragon Dynasty.

   In the core area of ​​the shop area, a shop selling slimes suddenly appeared.

  What is the selling value of such a weak, incompetent creature like a slime?

   The owner of this shop is afraid of being a fool!

   In places like the tomb of the plane, **** races like slimes are of no use other than providing food for the native creatures.

  Buying this kind of **** race is only a waste of money.

   Many people went to this booth with the mentality of watching the excitement.



   It smells so good!

   Flash slime that can be used to provide a stable light source,

   Clean water slime that can provide a water source, bubble slime that can float,

   can provide lubricating liquid lubricating slime,

  The psychic slime can greatly improve the psychic environment,

   Clean slime that can eat stains and achieve a cleaning effect,

   can hug and sleep at night, hug bear slime, soft, fragrant, and with soul sublimation effect...

   This stall owner is afraid of being a business wizard, where did he find so many weird types of slimes?

   Soon they rushed into the shop and made a big purchase.

   These functional slimes really opened their eyes.

  Purchase some and place them in God's Domain, which can greatly improve the environment of God's Domain and enhance the family's sense of belonging.

   can also make one's mood happy and happy.

   The tomb of the plane lacks entertainment measures, and they are almost sick.

   The appearance of these things has filled the gap in this regard.

   On the contrary, few people care about the main battle race slimes placed in the shops.

   Except for the Iron Slime and Healing Slime involved in the purchase list of the Flame Legion, the battle slime Zhang Yifan of other arms has been put on the shelves.

   It's just that few people buy it.

  Even if someone buys them, they only buy some Tier 2 and Tier 3 slimes. No one asks the price at all for Tier 4 spiked slimes and the gang back slimes.

   Use slime as a battle race?

   Do you have any brains?

   Zhang Yifan is not in a hurry.

   Sooner or later, these people will break the barrier to buy these slimes.

   I said by Zhang Yifan!

   A lot of credits went into his pocket, and he made a lot of money.

   But it's a bit troublesome to purchase the **** body.

   He went around the entire market and didn't see any gods for sale.

   This situation is also normal.

   Although there are demigods hidden in the tombs of the plane, few people can find them.

   Even if you find these demigods, you may not be able to kill them successfully.

  Even if they lose the blessing of the power of the plane and do not have the ability to use the power of the gods, the demigods are still demigods, and it takes very strong strength to kill them.

   Many people died in the process of encircling the demigods.

   For these alien demigods who have fallen into the tomb of the plane, the divine creatures from Aquastar are the best nourishment.

   Many powerful demigods will deliberately expose their tracks to the outside world and lure people to slaughter the gods.

  Even if the slaughter of the gods succeeds, the bodies of these demigods are scarce resources.

   The vast majority are divided up on the spot to transform the divinity.

  Even if someone wanted to sell God's body, they would not choose this place~www.mtlnovel.com~ but let him buy a second-hand super-grade plane flying boat.

   A super-grade surface flying boat produced by an 80% new small factory, various performances are still in the past.

   The seller is a middle-aged divine creature about to leave the tomb of the plane.

   asked him for 120 million credits, and the price is fairly moderate.

  He asked Athena Gomboo Saori and the brave Gombuo to lead a plane-flying boat to the tomb of the plane.

   On the one hand, he is looking for traces of the demigods, and on the other hand, he has occupied some planes as pastures for grazing slimes.

   He intends to industrialize the sale of these slimes, and a large number of slimes must be cultivated.

  Even without the special attributes of a private god's realm, under the blessing of his priesthood and the Creator's divine power, these slimes can quickly multiply on these planes.

  He wants to quickly upgrade his divine power level of these slime race creators in this way.

   Small profits but quick turnover, and even things can be given away for nothing. Who cares about those clever businessmen?

   The only thing that can be seen is money, and what is invisible is the benefit.

   played a lot of free games, he understood such a truth.

  In this world, free things are the most expensive.

   Especially for Africans like him.

   Log in to get 998.


   From the commercial world, he can teach these kids what sales are.

   He stayed in the kingdom of God while trying to create a new slime race, he learned magic arts based on the teaching materials he brought.

   Leaving school this time, he deliberately brought the textbooks for the next two years of high school.

   is going to use this time to make up for his weak link in magic.

   Hardworking and studious have always been his fine qualities.