
The Gods and Families of the World Are All Slimes

Novel Summary: Carry a slime and beat the endless realm. 【Primitive Slime】+【Iron Ore】×4=Steel Slime [Steel Slime]+[Corpse of Gangback Beast]×4=Slime of Gangback Beast [Slimes of Gangback Beast] + [Great Ape of King Kong]×4=[Slimes of Monkey King] ??? [Tentacle Slime]+……=[Succubus Slime with Whip] … In the era of the gods of the whole people, Zhang Yifan brought a synthetic interface to indicate that even if all his family members are slimes, he can achieve invincibility. ??? I don’t own anything this is not my novel. I’m just bringing it from MTLNOVEL Short Title: TGFWAAS Alternate Title: 全球神只眷族都是史莱姆 Author: It's always cool to lie down and win Genre: sci-fi Tags [Edit] : Business Management, Cheats, Evil Gods, Fusión, God Protagonist, Harem, Kingdom Building, Transmigration, link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/the-gods-and-families-of-the-world-are-all-slimes/

Fenrirzero9999 · Sci-fi
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122 Chs

The Gods and Families of the World Are All Slimes Chapter 104: Oriental Spirit

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


   After everyone else left, Zhang Yifan's grandmother also walked out of the room, and intimately helped them close the door.

  A husband and wife for many years, of course she can see that Zhang Shanbai has something to do with Zhang Yifan.

   Zhang Shanbai strode to Zhang Yifan, without speaking, just staring at him like this.

   Zhang Yifan's goosebumps are all up with that look.

   "Master... Grandpa? What's the matter?"

   "How many divinities are there now? Is it over fifty?"

   Zhang Shanbai spoke quickly.


   "How many divine points are there, is there sixty points?"

   The voice became higher.

   "It's bad... almost..."

   is also more than forty points more divine than sixty points.

  It's not too bad.


   Zhang Shan's face was full of white and red light, and he was particularly happy.

  "Remember, accumulate as much divinity as possible, don't try to condense the priesthood lightly before the number of divinities reaches 100 points.

   If you want to go further, you will desperately accumulate divinity.

   Until the body can't bear the feeling of exploding, then condense the divinity into a priesthood.

   The most important thing is that you should never try to condense the priesthood before you have accumulated a hundred points of divinity, or you will regret it. "

   Zhang Shanbai said solemnly.

   "Yes, grandson got it..."

   It is definitely impossible for him to condense the priesthood below 100 points of divinity, that is, the number of divinities he currently possesses has reached 108 points.

   has already exceeded this goal,

   If he wants to do this, he has to give up a few points first.

  "Remember, accumulate as much divinity as possible, the more the better.

   I am not joking with you. Even if you become a demigod slowly, you should accumulate as much divinity as possible.

  It is related to whether you can become the main **** and king..."

   Zhang Shanbai's expression is particularly serious.


   Zhang Yifan nodded.

  Although he hadn't read this content from the book, he believed that Zhang Shanbai would not lie to him.

  If you think about it, you know that the more divine nature you accumulate, the stronger your foundation will be.

   Ten thousand-foot tall buildings rise on the ground, without a solid foundation, how can it be possible to support the existence of the **** king?

   "How much divinity can a demigod accumulate before?"

   Zhang Yifan asked curiously, he wanted to know the gap between himself and the real strong.

  "In the history of Aqua Blue Star, the demigod who accumulated the most divinity before was the Constructed God King. Before becoming a demigod, he accumulated 199 divinities.

The number   199 is called the limit value of the Aquastar human being. "

   "199? So little?"

   Zhang Yifan was surprised.

   Although he only has 108 divine points, according to this increasing trend, there is no difficulty in raising it to 200 points.

   "199, less? Later you will know how difficult it is to achieve this condition."

   Zhang Shanbai glanced at this arrogant grandson with no anger.

   Young people just don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick.

   It is definitely not a simple matter to accumulate 199 points of divinity.

   That requires a strong talent and the ability to endure pain.

   The accumulation of divine nature is close to the limit, and every increase is a painful torture.

   Before he became a demigod, he only accumulated 105 points of divinity, and he couldn't bear the explosive power of divinity full of soul and broke through in a hurry.

   because of this,

   Being able to become the main **** is already his limit, and the **** king has no chance to reach it.

   Zhang Shanbai sighed.

   Everyone said that he is the most talented of the second-generation members of the Zhang Family in Water Dragon City.

   In fact, he knows that he is not.

  He is one of the most useless members of the second generation.

   At that time, his second brother and third sister had accumulated more than 130 points of divinity before the demigod.

   Even the eldest brother and the fourth brother of the twins accumulated 120 divinities before becoming demigods.


   The 130-point divine second brother and third sister accidentally fell in the process of being promoted to weak divine power.

   The eldest brother and the fourth brother also lost control of their divinity.

   He is the only coward who, because of his poor talent, dare not use the method of priesthood fusion when he is promoted to a deity, but he becomes a deity in peace.

   is really ironic!

   Zhang Shanbai looked sad.

   Seeing his grandpa with a complicated expression, Zhang Yifan felt a little baffling.

   Did I say something wrong?


   More than 199 points of divinity are completely without difficulty.

   I feel that it can be easily achieved without any effort!

   By the way, what does the limit value of Aquastar mean?

   Can the deities of other gods achieve higher values?

how is this possible?

  Didn't all the media say that the water blue star **** system is invincible in the endless gods?

   Doesn't it mean that our **** cultivation talent far exceeds those of other world gods?

   Zhang Yifan quickly raised his question.

   Zhang Shanbai did not answer his question head-on, but just asked a question back:

   "Yifan, do you think our Aqua Star God system is strong?"

   "Of course it is powerful, our water blue star **** system is invincible in the endless divine realm..."

   Zhang Shanbai smiled and shook his head:

  "These are all chicken soup for the media, just listen to it, don't believe it.

   These are all nonsense by those ignorant guys, totally unfounded.

   Although our water blue star **** system is very strong, the endless gods are vast and vast. I don't know how many **** systems exist, and I don't know how many unknown powerful forces there are.

   Even in the **** system we already know~www.mtlnovel.com~ the water blue star **** system is not the strongest.

  In these **** systems, we are only the fourth. "


   Zhang Yifan was taken aback, the ranking is so low?

   "That's right, the Oriental God System in the Oriental Gods Territory, the Titan God System in the Great Crystal Wall of the Star Tomb, the Dark God System close to the entrance of the Infinite Abyss...

   They are all gods ranked higher than ours. "

   And these gods all have the existence above the **** king.

The reason why the    water blue star **** system can rank fourth is entirely dependent on the super combat power formed after the combination of the construction **** king and the construction fortress.

   If this is excluded, the ranking of the Aqua Star God System will drop a lot.

After all, the water blue star **** system has only been in contact with the endless gods for tens of thousands of years, although there is a unique private gods domain as a golden finger.

   But in terms of background, it is not on the same level as these ancient gods systems.

   Titan God System? Dark gods?

   The Oriental God System Zhang Yifan once heard that it is said to be a large-scale **** system entrenched in the distant Oriental God Realm.

   occupies the world of countless crystal wall planes and is extremely powerful.

   The ultra-long-distance teleportation array originated from the cultural exchange between the Oriental God System and the Aqua Star God System.

  I heard that it is a very peaceful spiritual system, and there is no desire for external expansion.

   There are Oriental gods appearing on many shows, and they look not much different from the appearance of the dragon dynasty of Aquastar.

   Their leader, Hongjun Ancestor, heard that he once drove away the ancestor of the Star Devouring Beast that could devour the world of the Crystal Wall.

   But what are these Titan Gods and Dark Gods?

  The ranking is actually higher than that of the Aqua Star God Spirit System?